whew! its been a long difficult week this past week. In fact it really sucked. I was so grateful to receive this package from my dear friend Natalea (kandeland) last night when I got home from work. It so lifted my spirits.
I know Ive talked about my friend Marilyn who had ALS before. she has been one of my best friends for about 20 years, and she passed away on sunday morning. I didnt find out til monday night and I was pretty devastated. but she was starting to suffer and now shes not... I just cant believe shes gone. Marilyn was truly one of the most generous, kind hearted people Ive ever known. She ALWAYS put others before herself. I will miss her so much. I hate that she got this horrible disease and had to leave us. But she is in a better place now and reunited with her husband that died 18 years ago and also with her Dad. I know she must be happy.

On top of marilyns death, it was a crappy week at work too. Remember I work with very naughty teenage boys. First of all let me say that most of them come from neglectful parents who havent instilled anything in them except anger and resentment. and so then when their anger and resentment and depressions cause them to act out and not go to school, and smoke pot and break the law, they end up in foster care... when its already too late to do much with them. I know where they are coming from and why they are the way they are.. but sometimes thats all just excuses.. and these boys are freaken naughty. Lets just say, with out going into details, that some times I just have to throw my hands up in the air and say, what the F*#$!! We never manage to fix any of them.. its just heart breaking. and the boys are BAD! I was very glad when Fridays work day came to a close.

I had a hard time focusing and dealing with daily life just by losing my friend.. but then add in work.. and trying to get my tutorials up, (dont get me wrong.. I loved doing them.. but I did struggle a bit with making time to get them done) and I also had to finish up an order of memory bears and santa stars for a girl who lost her father not too long ago.
But I did get everything done that I needed to.. pretty much anyways.. then add it, that yesterdays calling hours for marilyn and that it was Bethanys birthday and I didnt do anything special for her yet.. and tomorrow is torry pies birthday (which we've already celebrated) and this morning is my girlfriends funeral....
and are you ready for this??? we woke up to a broken furnance........ no heat.... and guess what? its freaken cold out and getting that way inside! and not for nothing.. there is no extra money hanging around.. so its going to come out of my christmas money... the icing on the cake.
soooooo, with all that said, you can see that its been a long crappy week.
Thankfully I got most of my christmas decorating done last weekend. my tree has been up all week, but I've been unable to find the time to decorate it. I will get it done today though..
Im thinking that I need to plan a little gathering for tomorrow to celebrate beth and torry pies birthdays. at least have them all over for cake and ice cream.. keeping it simple!
love yas all.. thanks for letting me rant a little..
Life is still good.. a little cold and a little sad and about to be alittle broker.. but life is good.
and thanks to Natalea, I have some really sweet tiny treasures to play with...
(when my hands warm up! LOL!)
have a happy day girlies and stay warm!!
oh.. and crap! I just realized that I have a group of women coming to make faux cupcakes on tuesday night...
but it'll be fun.
yes. it will be..