Monday, February 25, 2013


still not well.... havent eaten since lunch time on sat, except for a half piece of dry toast last night and another half this morning. I have probably slept (uncomfortably) more in one weekend then I do in a whole week.... was hoping to go to work today, but every time I stand up I get really dizzy and nauseous again. just had a night mare (morning mare) that I lost torry pie in the grocery store and woke up totally panicked! I probably should eat something...but absolutely nothing sounds good.. and I have a whopping headache that just wont go away. made a cup of tea thinking caffeine might help... but I will have to drink it in order for that to work... hoping to feel better today... please god!
Oh, and to top it all off, I was feeding buffy and went to pet the little monster and she bit the crap out of my finger... freaken nasty bird!


Musings from Kim K. said...

You seriously need to get some liquid in you. You sound dehydrated. Take care of yourself.

Theresa said...

Oh dear, try drinking ginger ale. That always helps me:). Praying that you feel better soon. Hugs

Shirley Hatfield said...

Oh, you poor thing! It's bad enough to be sick...but to have nightmares as well! I hate those kinds of dreams about the grands...I sometimes dream I forget to feed them, or change the baby. I'm really out of the "mommy mode."

Unknown said...

Crackers and gingerale! Hope you are on the mend soon. Take care!

Lisa said...

Oh Viv. Hope you are feeling better soon.

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

I hope you feel better soon. My daughter received a note from school about a terrible stomach bug, apparently five teachers and several students caught it. Thinking about you.

Perfectly Printed said...

Hope you are feeling better...I agree with Kim...sounds like you need to hydrate.....little sips.

Hugs Chris

vintage grey said...

Hope you feel better soon! xo Heather

Jenny said...

This sounds horrible! Try to drink little sips of water when you can.

Or have someone bring you some pedialyte!

Jenny said...

This sounds horrible! Try to drink little sips of water when you can.

Or have someone bring you some pedialyte!

Unknown said...

Oh Viv! I'm so sorry you are sick! But in other news, Omg! Your banner filled with your creations! Omg again! I have a million favorites! Be well friend! E

Fran said...

Sorry to hear you are still sick. Maybe you should go see the doctor.
Prayer sent for you to get better.