what a fun weekend! we had a great time. we left on friday around 2:30 and got to Kellys in Ohio around 7:30. We picked up my friend Jan (in the green) and Jennifer drove my car. I had everything checked off my list and was ready to go. Except for one minor detail... We had been driving for about an hour on the thruway when I looked over at the dash board, and saw that we were running on fumes! I had forgotten to fill the tank! like.. really, I know. duh! I had been talking about filling it and just totally forgot! Anyways, poor Jennifer.. I felt the blood drain from my face and I said.. ."get off.. we have to get off now.. (she didnt even know what I was talking about! lol!) "I forgot to get gas.... " You can imagine the look only a daughter can give you when you do something like that! lol! Luckily for us, when I realized it we were right near an exit and the exit was right near a gas station. so we were really really really lucky, cause Im pretty sure we would have run out of gas on that thru way... and that would have not been good... thank you God for watching over us and making me look at the fuel gage at just that moment! any later and we would have missed the exit. not to mention we were 4 lanes over and she had to cross over all 4 lanes to the exit..
dum de dum de dum de dum...!
It was so good to see Kelly. She is so awesome and I just enjoy her company so much. She has a gorgeous house and she is a wonderful hostess. I like her husband too, hes a really nice guy.
We got there and then waited for Miss Marlene to get there from New JErsey! This crazy girl drove like 10 hours to get to us. she got a teeny tiny bit lost when she got close to kellys so we went and found her and went to dinner. Every one had a drink and good food and we sat and chit chatted for a couple hours.
The next morning we all got up and ready to go to the Country Living Fair
Kelly had yummy berries and goodies for us for breakfast and everyone was ready and raring to go! Jennifer did my hair with some pink hair chalk so I could be purty with pink hair! I wish I could have pink hair all the time. such fun!
Hello! see! pink!
Anyways, we had a great time at the fair. I failed to take pictures there.. just a couple of the girls. I kind of hesitate to take any of the artist booths and goods because most of them dont really like you too and I dont really blame them.
we did take the standard.. "I went to the country living fair" pic by the pumpkin pile.
well, some of us did. there ended up being 9 of us, so pretty hard to keep up with everyone. we pretty much just wandered around trying to touch base every so often.
One of the highlights of being there was that sweet Debby Messner came to the fair to hang out with me! (us..lol.. you know me.. its always about me.. lol!)
What a treat! almost twinzies with our white hair.. we should have put some pink in hers too! She spent the afternoon with us having lunch and walking around the fair. speaking of lunch!
oh my goodness. we waiting in line for quite a while to get this... It was a corn cake topped with mac n cheese, topped with coleslaw, topped with bbq chicken meatballs topped with corn stuff.... and then the texas sheet cake! It was delishous! And, I have to admit.. I pretty much at all of that! OINK OINK!
So anyways, we wandered around looking at all the great stuff.. SO MUCH STUFF to see! and so hard to decide just where to spend your money!
Marlene found a boyfriend there! teehee!
ONe of the best tents is the EARTH ANGELS tent. Just them all by them selves good be almost enough of a show for me. and that is where I spent most of my money. It was one of the first tents we visited and it was the last tent I visited.
Ive been friends with Valerie Weberpal on line for quite a few years now and was so happy to meet her in person! I love her quirky creations and I was so happy to buy one of her pumpkin dolls.
So then there was the ride back to Kellys after the fair. Kelly actually lives about 2 hours from where the fair is held. We got a flat tire! LOL! so we took a road side break and had a little car party while we waited for the triple A guy. Im sure he thought we were a bunch of kooks.. especially when Marlene asked him if his father was single! LOL!
Poor Jen had stuff going on on sunday and we were originally supposed to leave at 6:00 cause she had to direct choir at her church.. but there was no way we could drive home on a donut, so she had to make a bunch of calls to rearrange and cover herself, because we were going to have to find a place to buy tires in the morning... and of course that was a sunday!
But we made the best of it.. (easy to do when youre with good friends!) and sunday morning after we found a place to get tires and dropped the car off, we went shopping and out to lunch!
The ride home was uneventful and we got home about 7:30. Marlene had left about 9:30 am and she made it back to NY about 8:30.
so thats pretty much the weekend in a nutshell! Lots of fun.. lots of laughs... lots of eye candy and new treasures! I havent had a chance to put my stuff away yet or to take pics of the stuff, but I will and I will be sure to post pics to show you!
heres a little peek at the things I made for Marlene and Kelly last week that I took with me. cute stuffies!
Have a great week girlie pies!