Yesterday for black friday.. where do you think I was?? out shopping of course?? My daughter and my sons girlfriend and I left at 7:00 am and didnt get home until 10:00 last night! We had a great day though. I was able to get a lot of the gifts I needed to get, Jennifer bought a lot of decorations and things she needed for her apartment. We did get pretty tired out I have to admit. We shopped until about 2:00 then we had a delicious lunch at Red Robbin, then we shopped some more! then we caught the 5:45 showing of AUSTRALIA at tinsel town.
Oh my gosh! what a movie! it was soo good! I want to see it again. Hugh Jackman is so freaken hot! eiy yie yie!! yie yie!! I was surprised by the length of the movie.. just under 3 hours. and a little concerned in the beginning.. as it starts out a bit oddly.. but it picks up and you follow along and get sucked right in. I do have to say I cried a few times. but in the end.. well, I wont tell you.. but I will say, I have no doubt that this movie will win oscars.. the little boy... omg! go see it for yourself! (dont drink anything so you wont have to miss a minute to go to the freaken bathroom!! ha!!)
OK what else? the snowman swap! How is everyone doing?? are you ready to mail? its that time! but dont forget to send me pictures of your snowman creations! I have pictures of 3 and there are 24 of us! so email those pics chicks!! (ha! i just kill me sometimes!) I really cant wait to see what youve all been making! mine will go into tomorrows mail!
OH! I have a craft room now! I moved in. but its not anywheres near what I want it to be.. so it will be a work in progress.. and someday... maybe I'll show you pics ! Well, thats where I'm off too soon.. first I need to make a cup of tea and go over my christmas list and finances and decide where to go shopping later today... I think today will be tractor supply! hubby needs some barny boots!
I'll be back! huggs!