Tuesday, May 31, 2011
to the most creative girls in the world..

Monday, May 30, 2011
Happy Memorial Day
(torry pie taken last night! my little pumpkin!!)
Have a LOVELY day all you wonderful fabulous bloggy pals!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
rain.... insane!!!
I signed up for Amy Powers birthday treasury box swap, and I got the fabulous Marlene Haveron for my partner. I was so excited and was burstign with ideas and I ended up having her box done with in days of knowing she was my parnter! Now Im just dying to send it to her and to post pictures of it! It really did turn out cute and I think shes going to love it. In the pic above, Frannie was checking it all out.. probably looking for pipecleaners.. her favorite craft supply!! lol(these became a sweet little garland for my office at work)
I'm so glad its the weekend. Just wish it wasnt RAINING!! I think Ive gone RAIN INSANE!! lol..ha! I've discovered a new mental diagnoses!regardless of the lovely weather that mother nature seems to want to share with us, I will be heading out shortly to do a little shopping. need to pick up some supplies to make those flowers I showed you last post. and I want to grab a few things for the shower. and.. some flowers... to plant when it stops raining.. some day.... no, really I think tomorrow and monday its supposed to be nice out.. and hot! I'll take it.. then you'll hear me complaining that princesses dont like to sweat!
well, I guess I'll be buzzing along now! need to make a few quick stops in blogland before I disappear for the day!
Have a great day all you wonderful bloggy girls♥
Thursday, May 26, 2011
weekend plans

(not my picture posted on flickr by katydids)
Are these tooo freaken cute or what? Im getting the supplies and going to start making some of them this weekend for Jens shower. This site ritdye blog has the directions how to make them.
Jens shower is in 2 weeks, on the 11th. I feel very scattered and not as organized about it as I think I should be. but I'll get it together. I will. yes I will.. yes I will!
Im so thankful that tomorrow is friday and that its a three day weekend. I really need to clean my room this weekend too.. I 've been saying that every weekend. It seems that I manage to get the other rooms done.. but not mine! I also want to plant some more flowers.... so really thats my plans for the weekend.
a little supply shopping.. making these flowers.. cleaning my room, a little gardening and having the whole family over for a memorial day picnic!
Im exhausted.... I'm off to read a few blogs and then off to beddy bye!
night all!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
just thinking about swaps

Monday, May 23, 2011
♥pink peddled love♥

Sunday, May 22, 2011
a lovely weekend!

It cant get any better then spending time with TOrry Pie! Isnt he freaken adorable!?

I just cant get enough of him! I love him to pieces.. but you already know that, because I tell you that all the time! he is such a little doll. and teething like mad.. cant keep his fingers out of his mouth!

so lets see what did I do this weekend. Yesterday I worked on invitations for jennifers bridal shower and also went to a bridal shower for a girl I work with. I also made a crown and took it over to my step granddaughter! Im not sure I told you, but Jennifers husband came with two sweet children! theyve been staying with Jen and tony on the weekends and I finally met them last weekend.. Carson is in 5th grade and is very handsome. Hes the quiet one, then theres 4 year old Ella and lets just say shes in charge! she is adorable and I thought she needed a princess crown so i made her one. I needed a princess friend, so I'm thinking her and I will be good friends!

This morning Jens sister in laws and Bethany came over to work on plans for Jennifers bridal shower. I think we have that all in order and it will take place on June 11th. its going to be a big shower. They have planned to say their vows again with a minister and have a reception on aug 28th at the beach! ummmm... over 200 people invited to their "little party." PRAY IT DOESNT RAIN !!!!

we had company all day today. starting with this morning. Jens husband also came over and worked around my pitiful garden! (he says he stalks my blog... so Thank you Tony Trupo!)
I picked lots of little bouquets for around the house.

I love this time of year when the lilacs and lilly of the valleys are all in bloom.. they smell soooo good!! they wont last long though, due to all this freaken rain... forcast reads 10 more days of rain! Im not kidding.. just doesnt seem fair when some of you are in desparete need of rain.

In the crafty department, I made this cupcake lights this morning. they are really cute. the pics dont do them justice. I did make somethings this past week for swaps that I am dying to show you but I cant yet.. maybe next week after theyve been mailed and received.

oh.. and I also managed to do a bunch of cleaning this weekend.. but still have so much more to do. My bedroom is a disaster and our windows need to be cleaned... badly...
Friday, May 20, 2011
thankfully... friday!

Monday, May 16, 2011
hungry creative spirits!

Saturday, May 14, 2011
quick question!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
friday night... time for a tall cold one!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
lets make cupcakes!! (tutorial)

So, here is the "recipe" :
you need cute cupcake papers of course
plaster of paris
2~1/2 inch styrofoam balls, cut in half
paper clay
lightweight spackling
paint to color your "frosting"
You will also need a cake decorating kit. I have just a cheap little wiltons kit. I bought a few disposable bags ( bet you could use lunch size baggies with the same results!) and i used the star tip to frost with.
day one
I mixed 3 cups of plaster of paris with 1 ~ 1/2 cups of cold water, and then filled 7 cupcake liners (in cupcake tin) about 3/4's full. These will have to sit 24 hours before you can use them. (I popped them out of the tins the next morning and let them sit for the day.)
Then I cut the styrofoam balls in half and covered the rounded tops with a thin layer of paperclay. Thats all you can do the first day.
day two
paint the rounded cupcake toppers choc brown.
when they are dry, glue them onto of the plaster bottoms. I used fabri tac glue cause thats what I use for everything since I discovered it!
Then I mixed about a 1/2 cup of lightweight spackle with a few drops of what ever color paint you want to use. fill the baggie and have at it! the 1/2 cup of spackle will frost at least two cupcakes. I made "frosting" several times so I could use different colors.
as soon as one is frosted you can add your "sprinkles".
You should use tiny seed beads and glitters..
I did not. I used real sprinkles, but Im assuming that in time I will have to toss them and make more with tiny beads and glitters. I just didnt have any that i wanted to use at the time, so I used the real thing!
(a little edit here.... dont use real sugar sprinkles, they stay wet too long while the frosting drys and they swell.. )
anyways!! thats that! then youre done. I dont know how long the spackle takes to dry. mine were still soft this morning. Thats it girls.. now you can make your own.. but really, there are lots of other recipes out there if you want to try something different. I love how mine turned out though!
happy day!
Monday, May 9, 2011
care for a cupcake anyone?

Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mothers Day!!

All of my children will be around today at some point today. They're cooking something up for dinner. not sure if they are literally cooking or if we will all go out. It doesnt matter to me which we do, as long as I get to see all their precious little faces. I Love my children with all my heart. They are my life. I pray that I will never let them down and that they will always adore me as I adore them. I am sooo glad that they all live nearby. I cant imagine them being far away!

(just deleted something that I had written here if things seem choppy or out of context all of a sudden. I had written something that I suppose I shouldnt share with the world.)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
saturday morning!

Friday, May 6, 2011
cooking with Torry!

and after watching this video, can you imagine that my son Robby whos gonna have the baby, told me that he doesnt think I'll be allowed to talk to his baby!! I should have asked him how he thinks I talked and played with him when he was a baby?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
in honor of may day and some special news!