I've been wanting to get over here to put up a new post, but I've been sick.. AGAIN! feeling better today, which is good, because I have a Halloween tea party here this afternoon. I had contemplated cancelling it.. and truthfully, I probably should have, because I'm still not great. but I shall disinfect every surface that any of my ghoul friends might come in contact with before they get here. And all food will be made with a Mask on my face and hands scrubbed clean with disinfectant soup. Seriously. I don't want to share my germs! I hope once this is completely out of my system that I will not get sick again this year! No.. I don't get a flu shot. I'm afraid of them......

I haven't been doing anything too crafty this past week. I did pretty much nothing. last weekend we had my birthday dinner and every one came over for lasagna and cake. All my little grand pies.. several of which had runny noses... ( I think that's how I keep getting sick...!) Though in fairness to them for that day.. I already had it. Anyways.. that's just life in a big family.. we just share stuff! lol!
I don't have much voice.. when ever I get stuff... it almost always settles in my voice. I am prone to laryngitis. Some of my family members might appreciate that! lol! So, my guests today will have to do most of the talking and entertain me.
Soo.. do you think I should condense and just buy one big Halloween tree or keep putting 5 smaller ones out every year? Do you think I have too many? I think I'm nuts.. 5 Halloween trees?? really??? one on the mantel, one over the TV, one in the kitchen, one in my craft room and one on the porch.. Oh, whatever.. whats so nuts about that?? LOL!
Its ok, I know the truth girls.. I know that I'm a little over the top.. I know that I get a little obsessed about certain things... but in reality, I'm not hurting anyone and I'm happy.. right??? maybe I need some medicine! lol!
OK.. I need to go disinfect my house..
have a great weekend.