Saturday, October 15, 2016

halloween trees

I've been wanting to get over here to put up a new post, but I've been sick.. AGAIN!  feeling better today, which is good, because I have a Halloween tea party here this afternoon.  I had contemplated cancelling it.. and truthfully, I probably should have, because I'm still not great.   but I shall disinfect every surface that any of my ghoul friends might come in contact with before they get here.  And all food will be made with a Mask on my face and hands scrubbed clean with disinfectant soup.  Seriously.  I don't want to share my germs!  I hope once this is completely out of my system that I will not get sick again this year!  No.. I don't get a flu shot.  I'm afraid of them......

I haven't been doing anything too crafty this past week.  I did pretty much nothing.   last weekend we had my birthday dinner and every one came over for  lasagna and cake.  All my little grand pies.. several of which had runny noses...  ( I think that's how I keep getting sick...!)  Though in fairness to them for that day.. I already had it.   Anyways..  that's just life in a big family..  we just share stuff!  lol!

I don't have much voice.. when ever I get stuff...   it almost always settles in my voice.  I am prone to laryngitis.  Some of my family members might appreciate that!  lol!  So, my guests today will have to do most of the talking and entertain me.  

Soo.. do you think I should condense and just buy one big Halloween tree or keep putting 5 smaller ones out every year?    Do you think I have too many?  I think I'm nuts..  5 Halloween trees??  really???   one on the mantel, one over the TV, one in the kitchen, one in my craft room and one on the porch..    Oh, whatever.. whats so nuts about that??  LOL! 

Its ok, I know the truth girls..  I know that I'm a little over the top.. I know that I get a little obsessed about certain things...    but in reality, I'm not hurting anyone and I'm happy..  right???   maybe I need some medicine! lol!
OK.. I need to go disinfect my house..  
have a great weekend. 


Lynn said...

All of the trees are fun and I'm LOVIN' your new header! From one obsessive mind to another-enjoy your party today:@)

Theresa said...

Even sick, you still have more creative energy than I do:). Feel better my friend and enjoy your day. Hugs

Cindy said...

I love all of your trees and the ornies are wonderful! Happy belated birthday and I hope you feel all better soon! Have a great time at your tea party!

Patti said...

Even while you feel poorly you have decorated 5 trees! You are amazing! Nothing stops you! I like the little trees. I think I would like to walk about your house and see all the trees. I do love your vintage cuteness!

Susie said...

Viv, I like your sense of humor. My cousin loved Halloween and went all out every year. You things are cute not creepy. I bet the kids like you having 5 trees. Hope you get well soon. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Unknown said...

Love all of the trees Viv!!! I have one little sparkly orange one with white lights I got as I was leaving my favorite thrift shop in Wisconsin...just got a box of Halloween Shiney Brights for stinkin' cute! I lvoe your house every holiday, because I just cannot do this kind of decorating anymore....

Stephanie said...

If you're nuts, I guess we all are, in some fashion or another. Steph

Barbara said...

Glad you're a bit better. ..I don't get the shot either...

Margaret said...

I hope you feel better! I had a bad cold this week but it only lasted for three days..I hope yours goes away soon! I love the multiple trees...I also love one big tree but I think in your house having a tree in all those different spaces looks awesome!Keep on doing what you do cause you do it so well!

NanaDiana said...

Aww..Viv- I am so sorry you have been sick. I was determined to FIND you today. I have started blogging a bit again and wanted to catch up with all my old blogging buddies. I have always loved your blog--maybe because you ARE a little over the top. That is one thing I love about you. Five trees? No problem...if you get to 10 we will reassess. I am that way with Christmas.

Hope you have a wonderful party and come out of it feeling not overly tired, or any sicker. xo Diana

Marlynne said...

As Long as you are able Go For It! It Gives You And Others
Such Pleasure!

bj said...

I've never had a halloween tree...yours are adorable. You have more energy than i the time i got them all up, it would be time for Christmas decorations..whew..

Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

Viv, I love all your trees. How can I say just one, when these are all so cute and you can have them all over the house, lol. Sorry you are sick again, you better start some vitamins and stuff. Hope your tea went well and you were feeling well enough to enjoy it.

We are all over the top about something. If it makes you happy, gives you pleasure, doesn't hurt anybody.....go for it! :)

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

gosh I hop you feel better!! No one wants to be sick, so I won't even say I hope you had your mask on while you were typing this, lol.

You can Never Ever have too many Halloween Trees Maybe you should just ADD a big tree. Some of those ornaments on the first tree are too die for. I usually go hunting for day after sales for Halloween. Most people do that at Christmas but Halloween Hunting is so much more fun!!
Sending germ free hugs
xx, Carol

Musings from Kim K. said...

I think having 5 Halloween trees is perfectly normal! You know I love that you are over-the-top and appreciate all things Halloween! It's overwhelming to put away come November 1st, but I can't help myself either.

I hope your tea party was loads of fun and I'm sorry you've been under the weather lately. Halloween hugs!

Stephanie Faris said...

I love this. And you could leave them up after Halloween and just turn them into Christmas trees!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Love your 5 trees, Viv! Glad you are feeling better.

Rosemary said...

your trees are amazing! I love halloween too