I have so much to do today.. I really need to do some cleaning. I ve not lifted a finger barely all week.. so things like, vacuuming, dusting, emptying trash bins, putting a ton of craft supplies away.. cleaning mirrors, changing bedding.. and POSSIBLY putting easter away (oh..just breaks my heart!) are all first on my agenda.
then this afternoon, I need to cut out a couple new bears for bear orders, and one that Ive been wanting to make for myself.
plus I want to start my miniature for the swap! Which I will make two of, cause I know when I get it finished, I wont want to part with it! I most likely will not start that today.. but its in my brain and will be haunting me til I get to it!
speaking of haunting! OMG! Just remembered my dream from last night. I dreamed that someone was giving me a tour of their huge home, and they took me around back and down these stairs to where they used to have a day care. the door hadnt been opened it years and was all covered in moss and mold and dirt. she opened it to show me the inside and it was dark and dusty and their sitting on the steps I saw this (my dream was in black and white.. how wierd!) little boy ghost! he had been closed in there or something. She didnt see him, but I told her he was there and that we had to help him! ok. from there my dream shifted to some where else, like a meeting with other people and we were talking about how we were going to get this kid back to his parents.. and we decided to have him run for this bus that would take him to them, (it was like a ghost bus) so the bus came and the boy, who had a name, but I dont remember what it was now, had to run and run to catch it, and in my dream I was crying and yelling for him to "run run hurry you have to catch that bus..." I was so emotional about it! he finally caught it! but when the bus was gone and the meeting was over, there was someone else, another ghost person, that got off the bus when the boy got on! At this point in my dream I knew I was dreaming... and I told myself to wake up, I wasnt going through this again!! How wierd wierd wierd!! I never dream about ghosts!!!
Went to a wedding shower at a bar in town yesterday..for my little neighbor girl who grew up with my girls. A little strange in the bar.. but whatever!.. anyways, a school bus pulled up and (this is true I swear!) It was like the little car at the circus where clowns keep getting out forever, except..bikers just kept pouring out of the bus and into the bar! The bus was totally packed with them.. there were on a bar run.. the bus was taking them from town to town to visit and drink at all these bars! Ours was the first! It made it a little difficult to hear what was going on at the shower... and the poor girl was opening all her gifts and Ha!! there were a few leaning on the pool table watching.. she was opening her sweet little nighties and they were showing their approval! It was a bit funny.. (Maybe that school bus, was where the bus in my dream came from!)
Anyways for the shower, we all had themes, I had christmas, so I bought her some beautiful bride, groom and church ornaments and I made her a heart shaped wreath with a boy and girl elf (she wanted me to make her something!) I did take a picture.. I thought it was kind of bland, but she loved it. I'll post the pic.

After that shower, I ran with daughter Jen to Greece to try to find birthday presents for two of my girlfriends, which I was unsuccessful at! And then last night went to a friends to hang out for girls game night. we had a good time and I didnt get home until a little after midnight..
Well my, arent I just a chatty cathy today!!
I suppose I should probably get busy! I forgot I also have to go to my daughter Beths apartment today to help her hang some lanterns and stuff, and I still need to find some birthday gifts!