Yay!! Its June, and its starting out with beautiful weather. Supposed tobe very summery around here this week. I'm so excieted! Probably should dig out my fans and clean them up. I'm in air conditioning all day at work, but I dont like it at home because I dont like to have the house closed up and like to have my doors and windows open. I had a great weekend, even though I was on call and have about 10 hours overtime in. My daughter and I went to a creating keepsakes scrapbook convention and got a few sweet goodies there. We left a little earlier then we might have liked because of my being on call, but we had actually gone through everything, we just didnt go back through for a second run through to make sure we didnt miss anything! Here s pic's of some of the stuff I got.
I have to tell you there are the sweetest people out here in blogland, but if youre a blogger I think you already know that! I have to show you the sweetest things I got in the mail last week! This awesome little tiny bear is from Mariella from Italy! she and I were swap partners for the miniature swap. This may be the smallest little bear I own.. I'm just tickled over him and love him to bits!! thank you Mariella!
This adorable little piece of artwork is from my friend Jacque. She sent it just because she is a doll. I love it! I have another little piece she made me also just because she is so nice. I have both in my kitchen where I can see them everyday! Thank you Jacque!
Then Look at this wonderful bracelet that Barb made for me! For no reason other then that she is one of the sweetest girls in blogland! I ADORE my bracelet and have been wearing it since i recieved it! Look it says.. "viv on a whim!!" I love ya Barb!! thank you so much!

OK.. and so theres still more! Another sweet friend and IDOL, Jenny from the polkadot pixie, decided that she wanted me to have some of her adorable cards that she makes! they are soooo cute!! I dont know if I will be able to use them...thank you sooo much Jenny!
arent they cute???? Really thank you so much girls. I love all my goodies. JUne will be a busy month for me... lots of stuff going on!
this week promises to be interesting .. My husband is going back in the hospital on Wednesday morning to have his colostomy reversed. He should be there for 4 or 5 days. NO one really looks forward to being cut into, but he is really looking forward to being put back together and really looking forward to getting rid of that bag!! but he'll be pretty uncomfortable and hungry for a few days! He will probably come home on sunday or monday. I'm goign to see WICKED on Sunday afternoon with my girls and a couple friends. I saw it in toronto a couple years ago.. I cant wait to see it again.
Next weekend, my mother is coming up from Florida and Im going with her and one of my aunts to stay with another aunt at her cottage for 3 days. I'm looking forward to that. My aunts are fun. then...I come back monday night and leave Saturday morning on the 21st for a whole week of fun in the sun at Ocean city maryland with 5 girlfriends! WOOHOO!!
After I come back there isnt much planned,but I did schedule my vacation for 1 day a week, so I'll have long weekends all summer!
Ok.. so I really need to get ready for work.. but I wanted to show you too more pictures.. Here is a miniature doll made by Jen W from the miniature doll and bear swap.. How cuteshe is! this doll was sent to Catie ann. there are only 4 more dolls to see I think.. hopefully I'll get pictures of them! Great Job Jen!
these two pics that Jillian told me to use off of her blog.. these are the sweet pieces she recieved in the miniature swap from Debra Schoch. Arent they cute!? 
Lastly I shall leave you with a stand off.. Jasper and Marmalade.. which one will finish my cereal?? who do you think is the dominant kitty here? hee hee arent they cute!? Have a sweet day blogger friends!!