Tuesday, March 31, 2009
easter basket giveaway!

Monday, March 30, 2009
Here comes bibs the cotton tail!

Saturday, March 28, 2009
doll show day and then total sadness

Listen to me going on and on about such totally unimportant things. A Horrible Horrible thing happen last night and all day long Ive been getting twinges of this horrible sick pain and nauseousness thinking about what members of my husbands family are going through right now. Tonys cousin and her husband are living a parents worst nightmare. Their 17 year old son was killed in a DWI accident after 2:00 this morning in Rochester. I can not fathom the absolute retched agonizing pain they are feeling. Or the pain of the parents of the 18 year old girl that he was with that was drunk driving and has been charged. there was also a 21 year old in the car. the other two had minor injuries, but Joey was ejected from the car when the girl hit a tree and flipped it. I just am soooo sick about it. YOu know we worry about our kids and pray for them and talk to them and lecture them and try to teach them, but it only takes one stupid mistake. this could happen to any of us. Joey was graduating this year. Please keep his family in your prayers.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
sick of being sick!

OK.. got to run, back to my couch and blankie... american idol is on.. motown night! yeehaw!
Monday, March 23, 2009
going postal!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
little bonnie bunny.. whoops! I forgot to make her a tail!

Can I tell you how much I love that martha stewart ribbon? I love it. its so fine and silky and perfect for tiny things because its not stiff and it falls nicely!

In other news.... Happy Spring.. Yippee!! I'm off to a wedding today. and then I think Im running into rochester this after noon.. I cant remember what I wanted right now though! I should get some groceries too.
My plans with natalea and Jenny for tomorrow are off until next saturday now.. which is probably just as well, as I have a cold.. and I wouldnt be at my best for those two very high energy girls!!
Plus that way I can stay home sunday and get ALL 70 of those eggs swapped, wrapped, packed and ready for the mail. Good job girls ! OH and.. for the 35 of you that are left in the egg hunt.. Im doing a little drawing. I have three things that I'm giving away to the winners.. also.. we ended up being a couple eggs short, so I'll be whipping up a few to fill in the blanks they will be in the mix as well! thank you to all of you for meeting my deadline.. (with the exception of the wacky post office in SC! poor Aprils package was postmarked the 3rd of march and only got here yesterday!!! 17 days later. but its here! and on time for the swapping.. yeah! and also. Thank you to so many of you who made special eggs for me and to Elizabeth who made a sweet little tribute college for me of my beloved Jasper! I cant promise that I will have them all photographed because I have them spread all over my house now.. dont forget that you will need to post your pictures of eggs made and eggs recieved.. but not until APRIL 5th. thats when we will do our egg hunt. I know Im suppose to be sending a picture to one of you ( i havent forgotten!) .. I will be taking pictures of all the the eggs tomorrow so, if you forgot to take pictures of the eggs you made, be sure to let me know. I think thats all for today.. I need to do something constructive in the house and then get ready for the wedding.
have a happy saturday!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
hippity hoppity easter's on its way!

Almosts Friday.. it really has been a long week at work.. and I have a little cold.. which makes it go all the slower! I'm hoping as we dealt with two huge problems yesterday that today will be calmer!
I'm looking forward to the weekend.. too blogger flickr friends and I are getting together to play on Sunday! Natalea of kandeland, and Jenny be cherry! cant wait! I'm sure well have a great time!
I need to get ready for work.. have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
friday ???
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
a few more florida pictures..

And speaking of Cute! Look at my cute daddy and little brother! I love this picture. I hadnt seen my dad in 13 years.. wow! other then being a little grayer and a little short of breath at times, he hasnt changed a bit. Arent they funny!?

This is my sweet step mother. We didnt always get a long when I was growing up.. in fact we gave her a run for her money, but she stuck it out and she loves us regardless! and I love her too. She was so happy to see us all together that she cried.

ARe you sick of my family pics yet? This is my mommy and little sister Valerie. Ive seen Val a few times over the years, but had never met her husband either. I can tell that he is perfect for her and that he loves her! What more could you want!

This is my mom in the palm! haha! (sorry I couldnt help it!)

me and my little sissy Valerie!

thats all for now folks.. hope I didnt bore anyone too much! Little Tonys here with his new girlfriend.. (my first time to meet her!) JEns here too.. and I assume Robert and bethany will show up.. so.. steaks on the grill, cheesy potatos.. asparagus, onion rings, mushrooms and peach pie! and.. its almost time to eat!
Friday, March 13, 2009
grandma in her crown

I want this in my back yard! I wish it wasnt so far away and that I wouldnt have to fly to get there!! Flying by the way was ok.. I still dont like it, but I have to say that all 4 of the plane rides were about as perfect and uneventful as possible! Thanks for the prayers!!