Finally getting back to make a post! I dont know what I've been doing, but I havent had a minute to post a new entry.. Just a couple beach pictures from saturday! We had a good time. An old friend met us there, that I haven seen in probably 5 years! It was good to see her! Another one of my friends met us there too with her daughter and grandbaby. He LOVED the beach! a boy after my own heart! Well really who doesnt love the beach!?

I've been working on my etsy site.. I need a banner. I think I'm going to have to get someone to make one for me. And I need a name for my site too. I want "whimsical " to be in the name. but I am struggling to come up with something!! I guess I could just go with Vivs whimsy. then I'm always at the end of anything alphabetical! so something like "A Whimsical... something.."
who knows.. maybe it doesnt matter and I should stick to something what works. I could call it the name of my memory bear business which is "Always RememBear."
Opinions, thoughts or ideas anyone?

mmmmm... look at todays treat! stopped and bought peaches on my way home from work today. So for dinner we had burgers cooked on the grill, fresh summer squash and peaches! Well, really, we didnt have peaches with dinner.. Technically, I had peaches before dinner.. do you think I could have some more peaches now and call it a late dessert? Gosh, I love those things!

one more thing... if you love raggedy anns come join the faerie wysperer for a raggedy birthday party! Sounds like fun to me!
OKeedokie.. I'm pooped out.. and have to go look for banner ideas for my etsy!
Hi Viv, You popped into my follow along box. I miss the beach more than anything living in Ohio - only man made beaches here! Just a hello! E
My Vote is for Vivs Whimsy, I think that is just charming! Well cannot wait to see what you decide on. Why don't you hire or buy one of Dales AKA Sea Dream Studios Banners. I love her work!
Hugs, Diane
Hi Viv,
Thank you for your kind Kippurrs words. My heart is truly broken. It all came so suddenly.
I think you could do your own banner.Just work on a few different ideas, to see which one will fit into the space.
And I like Viv's Whimsy, but A Whimsical...sounds great as well. A Whimsical Shoppe @/w(?) Viv's Whimsy
xo Lydia
i just love your blog - and your art! i'll be watching for your etsy shop to open! i'm trying to get up the nerve to open one also, it kindof feels like bungie jumping to me right now...i'd go with viv's whimsy, it's fun to say. thanks for visiting me! i can't wait to tell duffy your cats eat peas :)
I love Viv's Whimsy!
More kitty pics please :)
hey Viv:) i am excited for you about your upcoming etsy shop...i like the name Viv's Whimsy!!!
Decide on a name and I'll make your banner for you (find out form someone what size it needs to be). You also need to let me know exactly what you want on it (them...for seasons, holidays, etc.). The first payment will be peaches and biscuits when I come over after church tonight. Please don't tell me that they're all gone! You know that I've been waiting alllllll summmmmmeeerrr for peaches and you didn't even tell me that they were there when I was over last night! :-p
If you want to be at the top of the alphabet, how about Absowhimsicalutely Viv? Yeah, it's a mouthful! LOL! I'm going to check out the Raggedy Ann bd party! And I'm SO excited to be part of your swap! LOVE YOU!
Hi! Looks like you had fun at the beach! Good luck with the etsy store by the way! I'm actually going to have two shops now, so that's why I didn't sign up for your Halloween swap. I was sorely tempted though! Thanks so much for asking me! xoxo Laurie :)
Whimsy Pie
Vivs Whimsy
A Whimsical Affair
Glitter and Whimsy
just so you see what is already taken, shops with the name whimsy
and the name whimsical
and yes, Dale from Sea Dream Studio did my etsy banner too and I love it!
I LOVE all your beach pictures. And I can't wait for your Etsy shop. Viv's Whimsy IS cute! I scrolled down to see that you are working on Halloween too. Thank you for making feel a little less like a freak for doing the same. It's just that if we don't start now, it's gone in the snap of a finger.
Can't wait to see those clothespin dolls completed. : )
Glad you had fun at the beach :) I have been too busy to blog as well lately! I say you keep the title of your etsy similar to your blog- so people recognize you.
Those peaches look yummy! I've got to check out that Raggedy Anne party!
P.S I got your flickr comment! I'm so excited to see how everything turned out!
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