I finally finished the project we are going to do together at our Niagara retreat! In june, 7 of us will be heading to Niagara on the lake for our second annual weekend of crafting, relaxing and shopping! Oh.. and lets not forget eating!
Sandy Camarda, Maija Lepore, Natalea Kandefor, Amy Powers, Martha Brown and Jenny Caple and I will all be hanging out for a fun filled weekend. We had a great time last year and with two more joining us this year, its sure to be even better. Sandy does most (all) the behind the scenes work putting everything together.. she ROCKS I tell ya! (hugs to you Sandy!)

Anyhow, this is one of the projects we will be doing. Jenny Caple will be teaching us something fun too.. I dont know exactly what it'll be yet.. but I know it'll be something special!

Speaking of blogging buddies, I think most of you know who Cindy of thimbleprimstudio is. Cindy is one of the first girls that I really connected with "out here". She has been a sweet friend, inspiring, encouraging and very kind hearted. She is ever so talented and makes the sweetest dolls and other creations.

She remembers birthdays and holidays with wonderful cards and gifts. And I am lucky to own many of her sweet creations. If you dont know her, you should certainly pop over and introduce yourself. I want to just say Thank you to Cindy for being so thoughtful. As most of you know Ive had some stuff going on in my life the past couple weeks and Cindy sent me the sweetest and biggest cheerup care package ever!

I now have to share with you some very sad news and ask for your prayers.. A horrible thing happened today. One of the sweetest, friendliest and bubbliest girls I work with was killed in a car accident today on her way to pick up a client. she was in her thirtys and had two young children, 5 and 8 or 9 years old. I feel sooo sooo bad for those kids. Also, Nicole was one of the girls from work who took two of Frannies kittens. so, please keep her family in your prayers and also the people I work with, everyone of us will be struggling to do any work the next few days.
thanks for your prayers all.
and goodnight for now.
Viv, that is so sad about your co~worker...what a terrible tragedy...i will pray for her family and for all of you who worked with her...
How tragic! What terrible news about your co-worker! Thoughts and prayers are with her family.
What sweet items from friends. Have fun in Niagara Falls!! Sounds like a blast!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and coworker, Viv. I wish that I could be there to give you a hug.........
How awful Viv! Makes me want to go kiss my little chickens. My prayers are with you all.
Where do I begin.
First and foremost, I will definitely pray for the family of your co-worker and friend! Words cannot express the feelings they are experiencing right now. I am so sorry.
The retreat sounds like a great time for all..and a time to remember how important relationships and friends are.
And the "feel goo" package from Cindy...oh my! How wonderful!
Take Care, Carrie
Oh Viv, I am so very sorry for you and your working family. Lots of prayers and heartfelt hugs to you snd the family. Hope you are feeling much better too! Take care of you! Hugs, Teri
VIv am sorry to hear about your friend. It is one of those things we just cannot understand -
Will certainly pray for you and friends and esp her family .
Blessings Kathy - ♥
Hey Viv! Thanks for the sweet mention! I love your beach idea for next year! I am swooning over the bird and nest creation! It's amazing girl! I see I am not the only one going through hard times lately. You must update me. Also could you tell me where Cindy bought that fabric doll with the saying in the front!? As for the loss of your friend- it's gut wrenching! I feel so terrible for her family and friends. How devastating! Hang in there girly!
I am so sorry to hear about your work mate. Such a tragedy when young children lose a parent so young!
I wish I could sneak into your suitcase and go along to Niagara on the Lake. We went there once during the Shaw Festival, stayed at a lovely B&B. It was sooooo hot that we couldn't even walk around outside so every day we would be at one of the wineries by 10 am (the only cool place) and then back to the B&B by 1 pm for a long nap...LOL! I loved it there...beautiful gardens! What fun to go with a bunch of friends!
Take care!
Such sad news....thoughts and prayers to the family and you.
Hi Viv,
I came over to thank you for your prayers regarding my mom and I see that I can return the favor tongiht. I'm so sorry to hear about this young mother. We have had similar tragedies in our family and somehow God always makes up the difference. And thank heavens the old saying, "Time heals", is true. But in the meantime I will be praying especially for the the two little ones left behind. They will now have a very special Guardian Angel following them all the rest of their lives.
Take good care, Viv,
Mary Lou
I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your co-worker. Her poor family.
oh Viv! that's so horrible. I hate to hear it even more when there's young children left behind! Praying for her family..
That's so horrible :( Our prayers go out to their family.
Oh, I am so sorry that you lost your friend! My prayers are with her family. Your nest project is so very adorable!
how horrible....my prayers are with her family!!!
your sweet little nesting birdie is sooooooooo WONDERFUL!!! OH GOODNESS!!! and your get together...................WOW....
Viv, I have heard about Nicole from some other gals and I'm not completely sure that I know who she is... I feel that I should know her! No matter, it is a terrible tragedy and I am so saddened for her family, especially her two little ones (and they are so little!) Praying for them♥
OH, VIV! I'm so sorry about your friend. It's always horrible to learn of ANYONE'S passing so unexpectedly - especially someone young with children who will deeply miss their mommy. It tears my heart out. As for Cindy, I too have been the recipient of a cheer-up box from that sweetheart. Cindy is special! I don't get to email her as much as I'd like, but she's someone I think of daily when I am mentally listing the people who spread joy! She makes me want to be BETTER! And you? Viv, you are a deluxe doll! I wish I could be at your Niagra Falls gathering. Now THAT would be AMAZING joy! LOVE YOU!!!!
Oh, Vivian, I am so very sorry for your loss. I have prayed and will continue to pray for her family and all of you who worked with her.
I am sorry.
So sorry to hear about your co-worker, so sad. Thoughts and prayers for the family.
Your birds nest is beautiful and love all your goodies you got from your friend.
Oh Viv - I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a huge reminder that life is sweet and sometimes short. hugs, Julie
My heart goes out to all of you and is breaking for those sweet cjildren. You know I have and will pray for everyone....m....
So sorry to hear about Nicole. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and co workers. I'm sending lots of Hugs((())) to you.
The Retreat sounds like lots of fun.
Cindy is a sweetheart and what wonderful fun things she has sent you.
Love & Hugs
Vivian, I am so sad for you and your co-workers to have to have something like this touch your life. I also want to tell you how much I hope you enjoy your creative weekend - will be such a fun time for you all. Your little spoon contribution is so special! I do hope I get to see you this summer and take you on an Antique Mall outing. Still thinking of our meeting brings a smile to my heart. I don't go "out" for just anyone, but I will go anywhere for you! Off to bed, such an exhausting week. Elizabeth
You are very right...that little nest is so sweet and my heart flipped when I saw that gnome! You knew if would!
Walking on this earth is a journey isn't it Viv? The beautiful majesty of God all around us. He picks us up everytime as we fall down. I've been down a dark tunnel in my life. It seems every life has a story. The pain of the lost of Nicole is tragic but I know, with no doubt, God will walk hand and hand with all those who loved her. There are now tears in heaven but on this earth, many are shed.
I pray for healing as time goes on.
HI Viv---that Niagara girl's weekend sounds like so much fun!
I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend from work, how awful. I will be happy to offer up some prayers for her family.
Smiles, Karen
I am so sorry about your friend and I am really sorry about the things going on in your life, too. We are just none of us immune from that sort of thing, are we?
On a brighter note...I just LOVE your project. t is so cute. I wish I could learn needle-felting but I am not sure I would ever make anything as cute as that.
Big hugs to you,
I'm so sorry to hear about your coworker. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.
I am so sad to hear about your friend. My heart will be with the family tonight and they will most definitely be in my prayers.
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