Good morning all you sunshiney bloggy pals! yay! happy saturday!
Im so glad its the weekend. not so nice outside... cold and dreary... but thats ok.. I've got plans and the weather wont matter. as soon as my hubby fixes the hole in my exhaust I'm taking tiffany and princess pie out shopping for an easter outfit. Jennifers coming too. not sure if bethany and torry are coming or not. If they do, they will have to meet us there. as I dont have enough room in my car for two car seats and four peeps. I wish I did though!
I'm actually going to look for a new car this weekend. Should be interesting.
I havent seen torry pie since last weekend and I do need a torry fix today!

so shopping today, fun shopping and grocery shopping.. (NOT fun). Not in any hurry, will probably be gone all day. Theres also a doll show an hour away, that I usually like to go to. but I guess I'm passing on it this time since its in the opposite direction then I'm going in.
Tomorrow I'm meeting with Vanessa's aunt to plan her baby shower. Vanessa is wanting to do baby jacobs nursery in a Dr. Suess theme. I need to get some fabric and stuff today so I can get busy making some things. Her shower is april 22. He will be here before we know it.
Anyways.. then Im not sure about tomorrow afternoon, one of my besties had her 50th birthday this week, so I thought I'd take her out. not sure if that'll work for this weekend or not.
to thats it for today girls!
see yas later!