I just had to show you what I found at Target! (I know, we all love target dont we girls!?)
LOOK at the felted easter eggs. arent they perfect? I bought one bag. I'm going back later to get another bag. I could have easily made my own, but it was awesome to find them there aready done!

cute Huh? I was so excited to find them. and they fit perfectly into my shelves, just like they were made to go there.

OK.. I really need to get off the computer.. there seriously is something wrong with me. why on earth I spend over an hour in the morning taking and uploading pics and then posting them here, when I really should be doing something constructive like getting ready for work!

oh! and heehee.. since I'm in repeat mode.. heres the bunnie cupcakes with a few little plastic jello beans thrown in, brightens it right up.
I know.. Im insane right? No one but my bloggy buds gets it!
have a great day
LOOK at the felted easter eggs. arent they perfect? I bought one bag. I'm going back later to get another bag. I could have easily made my own, but it was awesome to find them there aready done!

cute Huh? I was so excited to find them. and they fit perfectly into my shelves, just like they were made to go there.

OK.. I really need to get off the computer.. there seriously is something wrong with me. why on earth I spend over an hour in the morning taking and uploading pics and then posting them here, when I really should be doing something constructive like getting ready for work!

oh! and heehee.. since I'm in repeat mode.. heres the bunnie cupcakes with a few little plastic jello beans thrown in, brightens it right up.
I know.. Im insane right? No one but my bloggy buds gets it!
have a great day
Yes you are right. Totally brings your eye to the bottom and back up. Perfect. Oh I cannot believe you found those at Target. I was just there and didn't see a single one. Lucky duck they were just waiting for you. Smiles...Renee
I saw those last week and immediately thought of you. They are perfect with your special Easter collection.
YAY!!!! I'm getting some of those felted eggs if our Target has them! CUTE! (And I don't know how to felt so that's the ONLY way I'm getting them. LOL!) Have to agree that the jbeans add a little extra pizazz to those darling cupcakes! And the reason you spend time taking pictures & posting them, my sweet lil' friend, is because we spoiled bloggy-reading brats LOVE & EXPECT them! BWAHAHAHA!
I spend my mornings loooking at all your SO CUTE decorations!! lol I love that Lamb pin cushion!! I see something different everytime I look at your pictures!! I don't needle felt.. So it sounds like Target is where I will be today or tomorrow!! lol Thanks for sharing with us Viv!
Especially loving those cupcakes with the cute little bunny toppers. Sooooo cute!
Look at all those cuties on the shelf! And the felt eggs are awesome...
Well that got my attention - that cute shelf is worth looking again and I always love your creations. Hmmm I'm suddenly craving jelly beans, too!
I adore all your collection. Looks like I might be heading to Target !
OH, I just love these little cute stuff! Your collection is GREAT!
Smile :))
OOOOO! I will have to run over to Target. It's left just down the road from our house. If I wanted to I could walk BUT don't want to cross the busy highway. Don't want to get flatten like a pancake. LOL!
Love those felted eggs. Well, I have to go after supper. I have to. I hope our Target still has some. Luv & Hugs Fran
I forgot to tell you how cute your new blog look is. Love it! And you Easter display is awesome. I could just go on and on about those cupcakes too. How in the world do you do so much (and have a job)and do it all so perfectly too? You're my inspiration and also the cause of my own disappointment. LOL.
Hugs…Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute
Such a perfect display!
Love this!
I need to unpack some furniture so I have a place to put my Easter decorations!
I'm inspired!
Shoot I wish I read your Target post before I went to Buffalo. Thankfully they are opening a Target here soon. Have a good one!
Sandy xox
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