Happy Weekend!! Extra happy weekend for me... as Im off until the 30th!! woohoo.. now if I just had something fun planned.. but I dont. I had considered cancelling my vacation because I dont have anything planned, but then when I went to work yesterday, I thought, what am I crazy?? so who knows what I will do for the next 9 days.
I do plan on cleaning my house... my bedroom is a disaster and so is the porch and my craftroom.. so I'll be puttering and playing house. I got out all my seashells and beachy themed things the past couple days. And I put most of my patriotic things away. I dont have alot of of summery themed stuff, but it's still time consuming getting it all out and putting the other stuff away!
Ive been thinking about the big H word!!! HALLOWEEN!! Im thinking about hosting a halloween swap. just havent quite figured it out yet.. I was thinking about a witches hat and jackolantern swap. Maybe I would call it the witches hat and jack swap! Also thinking about a private halloween ornie swap. last night I went shopping with one of my besties and my daughter and we stopped into buffalo stamps where they have some great halloween papers out.. so of course I had to have them. Ive been drooling over them this morning!

So for today, I think I m going to head back out shopping this morning to joann fabrics, as I need some stuff that we didnt get last night. Then Im going to come home to clean up my bedroom! Tomorrow we are going to the "In Jacobs Corner" benefit. Sounds like its going to be a great day of music, food and fun. 7 well known Rochester bands, country and rock music are coming together to honor Jacob and raise money to pay expenses. The kids plan on making a donation to the ronald mcdonald house also. There are tons of baskets of goodies for the basket raffles and who knows what else. Pray for a great turn out please! These people have put their all into this event. I want it to be great.
So one more thing before I go.. I received a unexpected package in the mail the other day from our sweet Renee at vintage mending! she made this wonderful little pillow for me. I LOVE it. right now its on the porch swing. Not sure where its perfect spot is yet.. I'll be moving it around from place to place and will post a pic when it finds its perfect home!
thank you soooooo much Renee!
OK.. I have a bit of a sore throat and head ache.. so off to take some tylenol and head to the shower.
have a great weekend everyone! I'll post lots of pics of tomorrow event. wish you could all be there!
Hope the Jacob Benefit is a wonderful success, with good weather, lots of fun, family, friends, and supporters!
Enjoy your vacation - "staycation" or not, it's all good! Like your beach/summer vignettes.
Oh, and the pillow is darling. A very sweet memento!
Lucky you to have some extended time off. You have to go to the beach alot! Have a good time today and the rest of you stacation.
I will definitely be thinking of you and the benefit and wishing you a wonderful staycation. Your summery items are beautiful. Renee does such beautiful work. I also adore that little hooked rug sailboat bag with the teddy.
ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!!!! your beach display is AWESOME!!!!! enjoy that staycation -- sending tons of hugs to you and yours : )
Such a beautiful pillow from Renee. I knew something special was comoing your way, but I hadn't seen pictures.
Thinking of your family and the benefit. Wishing you a wonderful staycation. You deserve lots of time to just play and take care of yourself.
Count me in for the Halloween swap!! You know me. I can't get enough Halloween and I've got lots of ideas swirling in my head for this holiday. Hugs.
Hope you feel better! Enjoy your time away from work! Dream that you are at the beach, listen to som beach music and put some sand on the floor:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Can't wait to see pics!
My brain is on Halloween too (well, it's always on Halloween but this time more than usual!)
Woke up this morning covered in some kind of rash from head to toe. It almost looks like measles! Ughhhh!
Off to take some benedryl!!
Love ya Pod 3!!!
p.s. I want to see your Halloween papers!
If you do decide on a Halloween swap please keep me in mind. I've been kicking into Halloween mode this past week...lots of ideas coming around! Best of luck on the fund raiser...will be rooting for a great turnout! =D P.S. There are some fantastic papers at Archivers.
I hope it's the bestest event ever pretty lady.
Stay well, and don't wear yourself out.
Love ya
I hope you all have a wonderful turn out tomorrow at the benefit and it raises lots of money for the expenses! I would so love to do a Halloween swap with you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great vacation week too.
NICE long break from work!!! Sounds like you have some plans.
The benefit will be very sucessful!
Aww,very sweet of Renee to send you a pillow.
Halloween/pumpkin swap sounds very FUN!! I was at the local stamp store and just picked up some Halloween papers...it's in the air!
ENJOY your 9 days!
Enjoy your vacation from work! If you are like me any break from work is terrific! Have fun at the benefit, I'm sure you will have a great turn out!
The pillow is darling!,
Best to you all for Jacob's Benefit. Those dang buttons never would sit still for me. Sorry about that. I wanted to embroider there but I couldn't get it to look perfect and I loved the color of those buttons...I wanted you to know I was thinking of you and your sweet family. Smiles...Renee
I gasped at the cuteness of that pillow, and then wouldn't you know it was made by Renee! Of course!
I also love your hydrangeas and the hooked sailboat bag! Beachy things are so great!
I hope the Jacob Benefit is enjoyed by all! :)
This may be one of your best vacations yet! Think of all the money you'll save and stress you'll eliminate. Sounds like by the end of it, you're gonna be one decluttered, organized, refreshed mama!
Keep me in mind if you decide on a Halloween decoration swap. I haven't swapped in a while and next to Christmas, Halloween's my favorite to decorate and craft for.
Let us know how your staycation turns out!
YAY for being off till the 30th! Wish SO much you could come visit me!!! And I think it's awesome that people are gathering to raise $$ for the medical costs the young couple acquired with sweet Jacob. Viv, your house looks AMAZING! I swear I could go inside & happily wander around for HOURS oohing & ahhing over all your darling stuffies! Then I'd play with the kitties & annoy YOU! LOL! Hope your weekend is great & it only gets better all through the days till the 30th. Looooove you so much!
I love the hanky pillow! I hope you guys raise enough money! Who's performing? I wish we could hang out together on your vaca!!
Sandy xox
Enjoy your time off! Hope the benefit if a great success! Keep me in mind for your Halloween swap! My favorite holiday! I about flipped yesterday at Michaels when I saw them putting out the Halloween stuff! I couldn't help myself, I had to buy just a few things, And one of them was a paper mache witches hat!
I swear blogging ladies are the sweetest ladies on Earth! Beautiful pillow that Renee made!
Supply shopping tells me I know what you will be doing for the next 9 days. You'll be taking a Craftcation!The benefit sounds like it will be a great success. An emotional day, I can imagine. What a sweet pillow sent by Renee. I knew it was hers the moment I saw all the beautiful details. Enjoy your week! E
Enjoy your vacation and have fun creating new creations. Love the pillow. Love all the pictures you posted. Great success for Jacob's Benefit.
Halloween swap sounds like fun.
Luv & Hugs
Enjoy your time off!! Sometimes the best vacation is just staying home and doing things you'd want to do!! :) :) LOVE your pillow!! Renee makes some amazing things! xo Holly
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