Sign ups are now through april 5th. Please sign up at my email vivianneroni@yahoo.com. You need to include your name,email address, home address, blog address, or flickr site. Or if you dont have a site, you need to provide me with a picture of something you've made! Please dont sign up unless your serious about it. I dont want anyone being let down! I do have to say that my last swap, the doll swap was 100%!!! Yay ladies! everyone that started, finished. This makes me sooo happy!
Ok.. so sign ups start now, and I think we will have a mail out date of May 10th! so that will give everyone from now til then to get their creative juices flowing to design , create and mail!!
Miniatures are where my heart is! I love tiny dolls, bears, toys, teasets.. anything little.. cant get enough of them.. so this swap really excites me!!!
Ok.. I will be checking my mail... ALOT! looking for lots of wonderful creative doll and bear makers wanting to make something tiny!
Heres a few pictures of some of my tiny things.. the first one is my ballerina elephant! She is one of my all time favorite creations..
This one is a shelf my husband built for me with some of my tiny friends.. I didnt make all of these.. but alot of them..
This is my first monkey.. ♪♪ the monkey he got drunk♪♪ do you know that song?
This is one of the first tiny bears I every made.. I think it was about 10 years ago..
This is from one day a few months ago when I dug out my old doll houses and got some of my friends together for a tiny tea party!!
OK! Now race off to sign up for the swap!!! Hugs to you all!!
OK Viv,
Count me in, I love miniatures. My bears start at 1" and 6" is a big one for me.
I'm really enjoying this swap thing!
lori ventimiglia
I love that monkey!
lori v
Yeh! This will be fun!! Count me in!
Really have to start learning on how to make some dolls and such. Missing out on some great swaps.
Love the monkey.
Viv, your miniatures are so very sweet...your swaps make me wish i were better friends with my sewing machine:)
Hi Viv,
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice note!
Your swap sounds like so much fun - only wish I had the time to join in....maybe the next one!
Viv, Sign me up I have a small bear I did not to long ago i can swap.
I'm so glad to find you - thanks for stopping by!
How absolutely precious... I dont know if I could get my fat little sausage fingers to create anything so sweet and delicate but I adore all of your lovelies!
I'm in! I love swaps.
ok, this is me officially signing up!
I´m so excited about that swap. I love all small things.
Please count me in too.
Oh I forgot to tell you: Your miniatures are wonderful. I also have a lot of small Tea sets and doll house furnitures.
i think i'm going to go for it. love it already.
i think i'm going to go for it. love it already.
OH MY GOODNESS, Look at that shelf of wonderful eye candy and whimsey. I love the monkey and pretty much everything on the shelf!
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