Saturday, August 30, 2008
I talked on the phone with two flickr friends, Natalea of "Kandeland" and Jenny of "Be cherry". we 're going to get together tomorrow afternoon. jenny's plane comes in around noon tomorrow and Natalea and another flickr girl, edible art (I dont know her yet) are already in the buffalo area. I'm an hour south of there. In any case , we're all meeting at the Cheese cake factory. I'm so looking forward to meeting the girls! I think my daughter Jennifer is coming also. I will be sure to take my camera with me!
Tonight Jen and I are going shopping as soon as she gets home from work. And in the morning I'm going to the BEACH with my little beach buddies for a few hours, til its time to come home and get ready to meet the girls!
Monday.. no plans as of yet. probably veg around at home and work on projects!
hey halloween ball doll swappers!! How are we doing? Any glitches? no problems?? I'm assuming not. I havent started my dolls yet.. but I do have many ideas rolling around in my head and I've been collecting lots of halloweenie supplies! Maybe Monday I'll get started. I'm trying to finish up some other swappy things and doing something for my pay it forward girls! Ok.. I'm off for now.. sorry no pics today.. but stay tuned for pictures tomorrow night! I wouldnt be surprised if we all have our cameras out snapping away!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
vacation in a box and apron swapping!
I just have so much to show on this entry.. Im starting this at 7:30 in the morning and I know I wont be able to finish it till I come home from work tonight!! damn work gets in the way of my fun all the time!!! OH well.. I'm sure most everyone I know feels that way about going to work.. I actually have a good job that I really like .. but I also really like staying home puttering, cleaning, cooking and most of all...creating things!

wonderful pink and glittered starfish!! Love them!
I think if you click on this spoon you can see the detail on a larger scale! its is so pretty. I have it sitting above my kitchen sink so I can look at it!Thanks again so much to Ele! I loved my vacation in a box! I had been to the beach the day the package came and actually was in my bathing suit when I opened the gifts! how perfect was that!!
Here is a picture of the things I sent her.. I too, tried to send her to the beach! I made her a sweet little desk top sandbox to play in, with a minature chair and umbrella and a little rake to play in the sand . I have one similiar at work that I play in while i'm on the phone! I sent her a beachy pinkeep.. (Which Ive had posted here already a few posts ago), seashells, a beachy charm bracelet, some beach themed cards, teabag holders, a little mermaid ornament, fish candy and saltwater taffy! I think she loved her vacation in a box as much as I loved mine! we were perfect partners! Thank you kai for hosting such a fun swap!!
OK.. next on the agenda.. the VINTAGE apron swap hosted by the marvelous MICA!( of garboodles!) and again I had the best partner ever. My partner was Lydia of "lydia oh lydia art"! She is a sweetie.. I LOVE my apron and she also made me sweet dish towels to match and then a sweet little bonus gift, she made these precious tags and magnets with pictures that she altered off my flickr site.. I ADORE them and lydia too!! Thank you soo much LYdia!
look at these sweet towels!!
And do click on these and see them in the large setting! they are so funny!
Now, I know Lydia is too nice to complain, but I have a confession to make about the package that I sent her.. it is no where as wonderful as the one she sent me. first of all, I missed the boat when the swap said VINTAGE.. ummm I thought I was doing vintage,, but my brain was warped.. My daughter says I went country.. oh blah! shes right I did.. and not only that, its a good thing I make small bears and tiny things.. I dont do too well at machine sewing .. and I didnt use a pattern.. I just made up the apron... ehhh!!! ( I should have gotten a pattern!) well, all I can say, is I'm sending something special to lydia as soon as I can! She deserves something very sweet! I do have to say that I had fun making it.. just didnt really know what the heck I was doing! Heres a little peek at her package.
I should probably stick to dolls and bears and puddy tats!

I'm freezing.. im closing the door and putting slippers on! when Jen gets home we're going to buffalo stamps ( about an hour away!) to look at the new halloween papers!! oh yes.. we love to waste very expensive gas! Although, is it a waste if were enjoying ourselves? of course not! it just depends on how you look at it! For now.. I need to go cook some fried chicken!! or not.. he just said he wants hotdogs... (Yes! easier!)
see yas later!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
good morning girls..

good morning girls.. Yeah!! its the weekend.. you wont believe this.. but I just turned down going to the beach for the day!! my daughter bethany called and wanted to go, but I just really dont want to spend the whole day there.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Well its been a while, but I'm finally uploading and posting the pictures that I have from the awesome pinkeep swap! This was a fun swap and everyone of the girls told me how much they enjoyed it! thank you so much for "playing" girls. I just love seeing what everyone comes up with. Everyone was SO absolutely creative! I had two partners, and they made the sweetest pieces! I know they made them special for me! And I appreciate it soo much.. When my daughter moves out, her room will become my craft studio and then I will have a place to display my sweet pinkeeps! thanks to my partners for the other sweet things they sent me as well!
So on with the show!
This first pinkeep was made for me by the awesome Sherry! I adore it!!

Now look at this gorgeous piece made by the fabulous Sandy! Sandy you and I need to do a swap I think! this is adorable! Sandys piece went to Cindy. how lucky was she??
This very awesome pinkeep was made by Kathy for her partner Carol. I have to tell you, I adore this pinkeep. I'm just amazed at the things you girls came up with! And I have to say, everyone is into pinkeeps right now.. they are all over flickr and blogland! (now all of ours are too!)
This very sweet flower pinkeep was made by Carol for Kathy! I love it! ( I love them all really!) and notice the little strawberry piece with it! I'm so glad you joined Carol!!

Her piece went to the very lucky Catie ann. I love the colors in this one!
Girls thanks so much for joining the swap! I seem to have a very faithful little group! I'm glad that you all enjoy the swaps! There are a couple more that I havent recieved pics of, but as soon as I do, I'll post them!
If you guys have any ideas for a swap you want me to host, let me know. I'm thinking we should do something for christmas! last year was the snowman ornament swap.. give me some ideas... I have a couple of my own, but Id love to hear your thoughts!
OK.. i've got some projects to work on.. I'm not making dinner tonight, I really havent felt very good the last couple days.. If I do get hungry later, I'll have a bowl of ice cream, or popcorn.. or maybe even both!!! sounds like a good dinner to me. see I can get away with it now, because Ihave no children that I am totally responsible for feeding! and because my hubby isnt home tonight!
Jen and i had talked about going to see the musical beauty and the beast at ARTPARK tonight, but I really dont feel good enough to go so I shall stay home and work on a project!!
Hope you enjoyed seeing the pinkeeps! have a sweet night!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sunday morning church bells ringing!

we took books and just vegged out. the lake was choppy and full of huge waves that we played in for a long time. my knees got sore and tired from jumping up and twirling around when the big waves came (which is what Bethany and I do in the waves.. Jump and twirl!! I just love the lake and crave to be there.. everyday!! I need a cottage on the lake .. Id be sooo happy there all the time! my husband says I would eventually find something to complain about about it! hmph! what does he know.. He says the days that it smells like dead fish I would be miserable. (OK, he is probably right about that... but I wont admit it to him!) So anyways.... maybe one of my kids will get rich and buy me my sweet little cottage on the lake someday!

well, thats it for now..I need to go make another cup of tea and then its back to my needle punching on the porch!

(by the way.. Jasper is still not well... :( Im very worried about him. I guess since I have tomorrow off, I should take him back to the vets.. )
next post will be all the pictures of the pinkeeps!