Monday, February 23, 2009
i think its my favorite one ever!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
vivi had a little lamb...

♥Do you ever just get obsessed with your ideas to make something? Do you wake up in the night with a new idea, or planning out what kind of materials you might use on something?
♥Do you dream you are working on a project? (thanks susan I forgot that one!)
♥Do your ideas get "backed up" when other new ideas pop up? And then do you go nuts trying to figure out which to do first?
♥Do you go to work and find yourself staring off into space while you make a mental list of what you need to buy at joanns, or michaels.. or where ever you get your supplies, and try to figure out how you can escape from work to go get the stuff?
♥Do you put aside housework,laundry, cooking.. and other necessary things so you can work on a project that just has to get released from your brain???
♥When you look at other peoples creations, do you sometimes get so filled with inspiration do you think you might burst??
♥Would you sometimes rather stay home and create something then go out to eat or to the movies.. or shopping.. or anything else?
♥Do you ever get so wrapped up in creating something that you forget to eat!? (Ha! that doesnt happen to me.. I eat while I work!!.. just thought it would be funny to throw that one in.. plus I do know that some of you little skinny minnies probably do forget to eat while your in a creative frenzy!! I wish I would forget to eat!)
♥Will you drive an hour just to get one little thing you need like the right color floss, or just the right piece of paper, embellishment or fabric?
♥Does your family ever feel a little neglected because of your art, ummm... and computer time??
♥yup.. this is my life girls.. but I wouldnt change a thing! well maybe to have a bigger craft room and more supplies.. and for joanns and micheals to be closer than an hour away!!!

Today... its laundry, cleaning, clothing inventory for florida, cooking.. and a very quick trip to walmart for a sewing machine light bulb! (do you think they have them there?
Have a sweet day!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
visions of easter danced in my head!

Do you like the little easter egg friends I made? I've had visions of easter eggs in my head for a couple weeks! I guess I skipped right over st pattys day. I guess I'm just not into st patricks day.. I really dont even have any great decorations for that holiday. I have a leprechan that I made a few years ago.. that might be all!!! so when I put away my valentines and my snowmen.. easter is coming out! I have the cutest little easter decorations! I'm always so excieted to get them all out and see them again.. its like seeing old friends!!

Well, its late and I'm pooped out. . both couches are taken in the living room! my youngest who moved out this summer, has moved back home. I wanted him too so I'm glad hes here.. but hes sleeping in my spot!!!!!!!!!
Oh.. a quick egg hunt swap update:
one girl had to drop out, so we're at 37 girls. And I've recieved two boxes already. Cindy O's were the first to come and then Mahalas.. and Ive got to tell you ... whoever gets their eggs is going to LOVE them! dont forget to send your return postage money with your eggs girls. And... next week brings us to the end of the month.. so youre going to need to get them in the mail within the next 8 to 10 days! no later then that... please be on time with this swap. OK... I'm sooo tired.. I've got to get off this computer! GOODNIGHT!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
come to violets teaparty!!

Violet wanted to make sure there were decorations, so we had the party right under her favorite valentines tree. but, she wanted to decorate it more, so I let her throw some red garland and beads on to spruce it up a bit!

And I just got such a kick out of little jasper.. just like his name sake, he would not stay off the table! violet told him he was using bad manners, and she would put him down and he would jump right back up.. probably about 20 times! just like his name sake.. (who i must add I miss terribly!) Anyways, the friends finally took a vote and all agreed that they actually liked having sweet and persistent Jasper in the middle of the table!

but look, here she is saying "pleasee mom... pleaseeeee.. just think how much more fun it could have been !!" eiy yie yie!! How am I ever going to resist that sweet face! (and to think I have friends that don't like violets sweet face!)

so anyways, that was the valentines teaparty ! lots of guests and giggles! and even though violet is wanting a new blythe friend she does love the friends she has and she had a very good time!
Friday, February 13, 2009
an early easter tweet!

Thank God its Friday and a three day weekend! Its been a long week. I usually like my job enough that I would tell you I will stay there forever and retire from there.. I like the bad boys I work with. But wednesday, I actually looked in the want ads... I dont like to give details of my job here, but let me just say, there are some days when I have to deal with very ignorant, miserable people out there who like to spit nasty venom at people (one inparticular) because they dont want to do the job that they choose to do! I'd love to go into detail, but I cant. I've already said more then I should. I am so thankful that God blessed me with a cheerful heart and the ability to bounce back from anger quickly! I just come home and make something cute!

I'm having a valentines teaparty this weekend.. so be sure to come back to see the pictures! I'm excited about it I think it'll be fun!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
good morning all you Glories!

Friday, February 6, 2009