♪♪How I love fridays.. oh yes I do.. they make me happy, dodododooo♪♪
hmmm.. just a little carried away there for a minute... but its friday.. and that happens to me sometimes!
Now I have a three day weekend.. and it starts out tomorrow at the
YOu know I love the beach! Bethany and I are going and my dear friend Sandy and her daughter, grandson and son.
I ran to the city after work today to barnes and nobles to see if they had the new artful blogger.. they didnt! but I got these!
Perfect beach reading for tomorrow!
I have to remember to go get some Good sunscreen in the morning..

I'm a little obsessed at the moment making these little guys.. I'm gonna have to make a trip to hobby lobby this weekend to get more supplies!
yes girls.. my etsy is getting closer and closer... someday soon!

I know a lot of you are on face book, I didnt want to be, but my daughter Bethany signed me up and now I go on there for a quick peek most every day.. but I do have to say that I found my sweet precious childhood friend on there!! what a treat! she lives in CO now. We have a phone date for tomorrow morning.. (before the beach!) so excieted to catch up with her.. Its been a lot of years! so face book has earned big points in my book.. just for that reason.
this is such a hodge podge post.. bits and pieces of nothing important! sometimes I wonder why anyone stops by to read this crazy thing! Oh and guess what.. this is my 300th post! I should probably do a give away.. but I dont know what to give . I have to think about it. I'm sure I'll post a giveaway of some sort with in the next few days! But I do want to thank you all for coming to visit me here.. I certainly wouldnt be posting here for the 300th time if no one was reading them! You guys rock.. I love love love all my blogland friendS!!
ok.. should get off of here.. but first.. DId you see where I found Figgy and Franny tonight?? I couldnt find them.. didnt think of looking on the counter.. wher they know they dont belong! and there they were, the two naughties! Eating peas left over from dinner!! eiy yie yie!
have a sweet and creative weekend girls!