Its been another busy weekend. I have been out it seems like every night for the past week! Or at least running around like a lunitic! Tuesday was a beach day.. cant remember if i was home tuesday night or if we went somewhere, Wednesday we went to Toronto to see the Sound OF Music and didnt get home til late. The show was really good. Except the guy that played the captian was sooo stiff. I actually started to laugh (quite inappropriately !) in one part of the show when the Captain opened his mouth and started to sing, and it just struck me soo funny that I started to laugh hysterically. Well, you cant laugh out loud in a theatre like that.. so I put my hand over my mouth, sunk way down in my seat and proceded to have silent convulsions of laughter while tears rolled down my face and people around me were probably irritated! My friend Brenda said she couldnt even look at me or she would have lost it too. and my daughter Jennifer said, she knew as soon as he opened his mouth that I was going to lose it. It was good though. The kids that played the vantrop kids were soo cute and so good!
On thursday it was back to work and then that evening, to quilt guild meeting. we made little bunny purses.. cute, but I didnt finish mine. I'll show you if I ever do finish it.
Friday night I went to another musical with my daughter. We went to see Gettysburgh which was written by a very talented man from our area. It was really good.. no fits of laughter this time. (thank goodness... though it is so much fun to lose yourself in laughter!!) Yesterday, I puttered around here in the morning, went to the grocery store and then to two graduation parties, got home around 10 last night.
Which brings us to this morning.. now I'm sitting here talking to yous.. with little frannie snuggled up inside my robe like figgy was the other day. Im headed out to a friends shortly to teach her to blog!! I'll introduce her after shes up and running! After that, we're going to see Oklahoma again (my daughter is in it) as today is the last day. They are doing a 2:00 matinee and a 7:30 show. we're going to the matinee.
Luckily I have tomorrow off, and plan on staying home and doing some house cleaning and garden work. orrrr.. I could go shopping!

And cant wait to see what I get in return!

Woah, hes pretty ugly!
Well, I need to go get dressed, I'm going to a barn sale! hoping to find some little treasures! I bought this the other night and I need stuff to put on it! Got any good ideas?? Have a sweet sunday girls!

Anyone interested in a special halloween swap if I can think up a good one?
LOVE that bee!!!!!!!!
Very cute bee! I'm interested in a Halloween swap....I think.
OH to be a fly!!! I probably would have laughed out loud !!!How have you been Bib, I just wanted to come on over and visit for a bit, the kitty is so adorable!!!Hope all is well!!
What an adorable bumble bee! I had to laugh at your story about losing it at The Sound Of Music. I did something similar when we went to see Joseph in Chicago years ago. Donny Osmond was playing the lead and at the end I couldn't control myself and shouted out, "DONNY" to my childhood crush and much to my daughter's embarrassment!
Viv, your bee is SOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!
The bee is adorable!
First off Viv, I would have loved to have been at that play with you. I need a good belly laugh. Second, your bee is adorable...I want to learn to needle felt. And third, a Halloween swap sounds fun, count me in. Have a wonderful day off. xxoo Valarie
OMGoodness.....the BEE is adorable !
I just love the bee!
Little Figgy is just darling! I loved the picture in your previous post of the sweet fur baby cuddled down in your clothes...that was just too precious!
I LOVE the bees!! They are adorable.
Love & Hugs
Sweetest bee Viv! Oh don't clean tomorrow - go shopping :)
hoganfe handmade
handbag originals
I think he is adorable too !!!! what a sweet bee !!Mica
Very buzzy!!!! week you have had. I love the story of the sound of music. I can see it for me.
Love that bee!!!
Hi mamma...wanna go to Webster tomorrow to Hobby Lobby so we can look for your cloche? And, maybe hit up some antique shops (like the one on Culver in Rochester?)...and THE GLU FACTORY???
It's almost 3am. I just got home from my cast party. Please don't call me before 9.
yes...beeeee-u-tee fulll bee...!!!
...AND i wanna go to hobby lobby too....anytime is fine!
VIV - shame on you !!_THat is the cutest little bee face I have ever seen - you will hurt his feelings -- HOw adorable -- Oh so cute what a great job on him --Glad you are having fun - so busy here -hardly anytime to blog- Love you tier basket -- How funny I found one at the thrift shop for 2 dollars -It is only two tiers -- I want it for fave ribbons or taag groups on my long work table in craft room -
When i finally settle down after bible school and vacation - got to get my room in order --and use several new things --must be slowing down here !!-Blessings Kathy - ga ♥
OOPs -- FOrgot -- would love a swap -- Kathy -ga ♥
I'd like to join in on a Halloween swap... even it its a "bad" one :-P
Hi Viv! i like the bee and think your swap partner will love everything you send... you lucky girl that got to go see sound of music! (even if it was funny)... I would love to join your Halloween swap!
:) Missy
Yup, Viv, I knew that about you.. you're that lady who snorts in theaters!! LOL. (I actually have a local friend who goes to the movies w me - we sit way up high, and watch the whole crowd turn around to look up. LOL) So sad we don't live closer: We two Brenda's could take you two snorters out for an evening!! (sorry, just smack me!!)
You are too busy to do art. I don't have a bathrobe, but hop over to Amos's blog and see what I made for him. Have a great week. Susan
Darling little bee. You are one talented lady. And...one very busy one too. Your "inapproprieate laughter" story cracked me up. Why is it that when it's inappropriate...that makes it all the harder to control? Hee-hee!
I love your needle felted bee! Beeee-utiful! You know I'm always game for a Halloween swap! Double Bonus if your hosting!Maybe a Secret Swap title : Masquerade Mash or Bash. Something with a mask. Oh the possibilities! What to do with the iron tier thingy.... you could do fruit, sweets, your felted creations, paint or stamp supplies _ it'll look like one of those old fashioned carousel organizer for stamps and pads. Or your spools of thread next to your sewing machine! Hmmm!
THAT BEE IS TERRIFIC!!!! I love it! And your swap package is going to be darling! Oh, I DO want to be in your Halloween swap if you decide to do one! Your swaps are so much fun, Viv! You are a busy, busy girl! And thank GOODNESS I wasn't with you when you started laughing during THE SOUND OF MUSIC because someone laughing ALWAYS gets ME started. We would have been tossed out on our ears! LOL!
The bee is FABULOUS!!!! He's so cute. I had a play like that once where something struck me as hysterical and I was laughing...the actor came and talked to me afterwards. It was community theater so it wasn't so bad, but boy was i embarrased. LOL!
That bee is so darn sweet...m..
Oh, the bee is so adorable!!! She's going to love your swap-who wouldn't!
I have a 3 tier black metal rack almost identical to yours, only the top is different. It has an oval wired top that holds my business card or whatever.
I use it to display my pins or other stuff at shows. It also looks great with tarts and cupcakes on it:)
Enjoy the barn sale!
When would the Halloween swap date be-approximately? xo la
aww what a cute little bee!!!! I am hosting a halloween swap! You know I am always up for a Halloween swap! hehe big hgs
Hi Viv,
I LOVE YOUR BEE...are you making any to sell?! Very sweet gifts for your partner...I'd LOVE THEM!!
I'm IN for a Halloween swap!!!
Vintage is always fun...
Deb :)
Your bee is totally adorable!!! I think that layered tray would look beautiful with cupcakes on it!!!
The bee's cute!
That bee is adorable!!
I have never done a swap, but they sound like fun. I would love to join along. =D
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