so Enjoy!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
my daughter made me this....
so Enjoy!
Friday, October 30, 2009

This is the strangest picture
I've ever seen of myself!
Kind of SPOOKY!
Fits the occasion!
happy day before halloween friday!!

Look! caught Figgy and frannie getting into trouble this morning!!!
I should dress them up like devils for halloween!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
vintage pictures!! oh my!

Monday, October 26, 2009
came home to a little surprise!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
its a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Good morning blogland friends! It looks like it might be a nice day out today. I already walked 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning, but I'm thinking if it stays sunny out, a walk outside later would be nice too! I do love the fall. Since we took our big maple tree down last year, my enclosed porch gets a lot of sunlight, which heats up the house if I open the door.. which I'm oh so happy to be able to do!
anyways.. Heres some pics of fall at my house this morning... starting with my big breakfast!

And then some breakfast reading material... I'm so obsessed about losing weight. I keep buying cook books!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
angels bears.. angel kittens...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
the Littlest Christmas elf swap

Are you interested? To sign up please email me at . I need your name, your blog address.. (sorry you have to have an active one..) and your mailing address.
YOur elf can be made of any material you choose and should be under 10 inches. I will take sign ups until the Oct. 30th.. and will notify you of your partners on november 1st. Mail out date to your partners will be dec 1st. The main critera for this swap is to make something soooo totally cute that you dont want to part with it.. so you may want to make two.. one for your partner and one for yourself. And as always, before mailing, please forward a picture of your creation to me so I can post a christmas parade of elves!
OK.. let the sign ups begin! HEres a badge to post on your blogs!

mr postman....

I did a special little one to one swap with Kelbug on flickr.. and she sent me this awesome little pumkin guy creation! I love him. I had sent her the pumpkin from a few posts ago.. "pumpkin prom"

Then a total surprise from my sweet friend Barb Burkard, 123lavenderlane... dont ya just love those siamese kittys? Thank you so much Barb!! When this headache goes away, I will find the Purrfect spot for it.

And.. look at these little kittens! they are sooo tiny. These are actually part of my birthday present from Cindy. she ordered them from someone in england.. I love them so much... I have to find somewhere special to keep them!

I know that I recieved a few other things too, that I havent posted.. Please forgive me.. I promise for now on to post my pics.. before too much time goes by and I forget!! I am soooo forgetful
I want to apologize for not leaving too many comments lately on your blogs.. believe me I've been to them.. all.... but I'm struggling with time management right now... I will be by again before the weeks done.. and will try to leave comments! I'm promise!
I lost another 1.4 pounds this week.. but I came home tonight and pigged out a bit... Not totally out of control. but i ate more then I should have.. Oh well There will be those days sometimes!
toodles for now!