was on flickr this morning and on the side bar there was the caption.. "whats in your bag?" Of course you know me.. I'll take a picture of anything and I thought it was a good reason to clean out my purse... so girls join in... clean out your purses and take a picture! Whats in your bag?
do you notice my adorable check book cover? I bought that from my oh soooo very sweet friend Mica from garboodles soup. I love it! and I always have a little bear or little friend of some sort in my purse... ALWAYS! In the very center of the picture is my pink tweezers and my 10X magnifying mirror.. I go absolutely no where with out those... !!!!!
anyways.. this whole thing was just a time waster.. but at least my purse is cleaned out.

heres my little baby doll! she is soooo freaken precious! omg... I just love her to pieces! Tiffany and Robert are doing such a good job with her.

I was trying to get her to smile for this picture... she has just recently started smiling.. heehee.. its so exciting when she does! ♥♥♥

in other news....!
TGIF!!!! and its a three day weekend! I think monday is presidents day or something! I dont care what day it is.. all I know is the county is closed that day! woohoo! Tonight were having a girls night with a bunch of the girls from work. MUCH needed. we all get so bogged down in our casework .. and its very often a stressful job.. the people we work with can be pretty messed up. we all just really need a break.. so tonight is girls night.. hanging out, playing games, eating yummies and maybe a pina colada or two! I'm so very much looking forward to this.
I'm making chicken wing dip and fruit pizza!
thanks for all the sweet encouraging comments on my little self pity party the other morning. I'm fine... rolling with the punches and making the best of my life.. a few changes in the works.. and some things on the burner.. will talk more about them later!
for now...
My handbag is VERY Boring...i promise! No sweet teddies, no cute purse...just borong old stuuf. The only thing of interest is my grandpa's keychain that I have carried with me since I was 18. I am glad you are feeling more upbeat and I do hope that your future holds an ETSY shop or something of the sort...I would be thrilled to own a bit of your magic!
It sounds like you a have fabulous evening planned. Well deserved my friend. Enjoy all those yummies. My purse is filled with a couple of unusual items right now. I "borrowed" a couple of things from work for Emma's science video project. In addition to the usual stuff, it currently holds a flip camera and a microphone. I had five eight graders spending the night and we're putting the final touches on their volcano video this morning. I see lots of coffee in my future.
Sounds like life is hoppin', Viv! I'm afraid to dump out my purse...scary thought!
What a sweet little pumpkin you have! She's so adorable!!! Love your grandbaby pictures...
Hope you have a fun girls' night--I think I need one of those...!
I am going to dump my purse and take a picture this afternoon and post.....but you have to promise not to laugh at me Viv. Love that sweet Teddy in your purse. Can't believe that sweet baby is getting so big. She is going to rival her cousin soon on cuteness. Have a great weekend and well deserved rest. Smiles...Renee
The only thing missing is what's in that baby dolls little purse? She is going to grow up just like granny with all the little goodies stuffed in her purse for good measure, for good fun and all that she needs to stay happy!
Happy long weekend! That must feel so good! I'll be working my fanny off at the thrift store but doing new displays feels like playing in a dollhouse so I can't complain!
Thinking of you dear heart,
Play on! Cheers!
Your granddaughter is just so cute! Don't you just love those precious first smiles?
Have a good time tonight.
I love to see what people have in their purses. Weird, huh. We have a local magazine that comes out and they feature someone's purse each issue....I love it.
Mine is full of receipts......a mess.
Sounds like so much fun.....have a great time.
I like that you carry a little bear with you.
If I were to empty my purse, I'm not sure I'd EVER get things back in! LOL! It's a wonder I don't have severe shoulder pain. But I'm an anal Virgo & I carry a bit of everything. I mean, you never can TELL when there won't be any toilet paper in a public bathroom (thus the baby wipes) or someone will NEED pen & paper (thus the s***load of pens & 3 sticky note tablets) hand sanitizer, super glue, needle & thread (6 colors) a notebook to jot names I may use in stories, lip gloss, a hand mirror, Truvia packets (because I don't use sugar) Benadryl in case I decide to lose my mind and DARE eat a piece of anything sugar free and chocolate (I'm allergic to chocolate) my wallet/change purse, a few photos, lists & MORE lists of things to do, things to buy, things to remember to tell this or that person, and a lil' tablet for writing people's birthdays in. Pathetic mess, huh? I'm SO GLAD you have a good weekend lined up! YOU DESERVE IT! I ALSO have a good one planned! As for Marlaine ... that lil' sideways smile is a HEART MELTER! So darned beautiful! Just like her grandma! Love you! And, so you will know, I think you do one of THE single most special & important jobs on earth. As a child, I'd have given the world to have a Viv come and rescue ME from the hell hole I grew up in! I appreciate what you do SO MUCH!
Your little sweetie is adorable Viv! Your girl's night out sounds like a blast...have fun!
I can't carry a big purse anymore...too heavy and too frustrating when I can't find anything cause it's all at the bottom!!!
I can't believe how big your sweetheart is already...and what a cute smile...kind of demure!
Hope your gir;'s night out was fun. Enjoy your long weekend!
Hi Viv! I missed your pity party, but I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and I hope you have a fabulous, relaxing weekend! I'm cracking up about you carrying a little bear in your purse...and the tweezers you can't live without! ha! My purse barely has anything in it! always a ton of crumpled-up receipts. Ok, call me sometime soon...enjoy the weekend!! xoxo
That grand baby should keep you on the up and up. she is beautiful!Hope the GNO was fun.
How fun dumping out what is in your purse and taking a pic of it all. LOVE IT!
Your grandaughter is ADORABLE! She's "CUTE AS A BUTTON"!! Remember that saying? When I was a kid people would say that all the time.
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