This is what is on my craft table right now..
no figgy or frannie though!
hmmm.. I wonder where they are?

This little bunch of pastel wooly pieces arrived today. Arent the colors awesome!?
so pretty! I'm feeling something eastery will come from them!

I have a wonderful little
woolly collection... all waiting for just the right project...
whatever that may be!

I saw these little shamrocks (below) on pinterst and had to make them... soooo simple!
I'm addicted to pinterest...
just what I needed, something else to
keep me on the computer!
There is sooo much cool stuff there though! Have you been there yet?
You should really check it out!

The pink wool above is the color of watermelon! (mmm.. watermelon sounds really good right now!)
It seems quiet out here in blogland lately? anyone else think so?
Okeedokie.. thats all for tonight girls.. Im POOPED out.. its about 11:00 and I'm heading to bed... nighty night.. sweet dreams!
Oh my goodness, Viv...they look delicious! I am oogling over them and cant wait to see what you create!
Those little shamrocks are so cute. And your wool collection is amazing in all those yummy colors.
Such lovely eye candy. Your wool collection is fantastic. I can't wait to see what you come up with this year for Easter creations. Darling shamrocks too.
I love felt and those colors are sooo pretty! Where do you get yours? Can't wait to see what you do with it. I just love Easter and spring crafting, don't you?
Oooooo! Please, ma'am - could I go over to YOUR house & play wooly-making stuff, too? I don't know HOW to felt or anything, but I could watch YOU, and play with the kitties, and ... sigh. SOOOO much fun at your house! LOOOOOVE YOU! And love those pretty woolies!
Looks like fun Viv!
Where do you get that gorgeous wool?
Somewhere over the rainbow, Viv can be spotted sliding down the other side!
A riot of colors,
A rainbow of chaos,
A pot of gold
A sprinkle of shamrocks,
It is the best recipe for life somewhere over a wooly rainbow.
Having fun with you,
your girl with the curl
I just love all the wool! YUM YUM! I am sure you will create something wonderful. I am scared to look at pinterest....
Ooooh, I love the wool. So pretty. I would call that eye candy for the crafter! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Love your new wools.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Those felt pieces are very pretty! I can just see you making some very awesome treasures!!!
Cool lampshade for your craftroom!
Have a fun weekend creating treasures!
Great new banner too!
Deb :)
Viv - I just wanted you to know that on my way to work this morning .. which is when I pray.. you were really on my heart and I prayed for both you and your husband..so just watch for a huge blessing!!
YUMMY Colors, just like being in a Candy Store. Where do you get them? Really YUMMY Colors. Can't wait to see your creations you make.
Viv these are gorgeous. I am already jealous of what you are going to make...smiles...Renee
Yeah I noticed people are blogging less and that tons of them have stopped blogging all together. I can't wait to see what you make!
Sandy xox
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