except.. please girls if you havent sent me pics of your miniature pieces from the swap.. please do! I'm just dying to see them all!! have a good week all!
LOOK what came in the mail yesterday from Jenn! I am in awe! You guys are all so darn talented I can hardly stand it! I just want to swap with everyone so I have a little piece of each of you!!! This is my new favorite thing in the world! My husband laughed when I opened it.. I just kept saying "OH. MY. GoD... This is so freaken cute!" Amazing.. This is amazing.. Jenn is amazing.. YOu are all amazing!! You all make me day.. every comment that gets left makes me happy! (you know people that dont have blogs really just dont understand this!!!) sometimes when Im talking to my friends and I mention blogging they roll their eyes!! and I have to say, I love flickr as much as blogging! they dont get that either. oh well..
OK.. Its the weekend.. finally..... I live for the weekend! I am going to eat some toast and tea, throw on some clothes, brush my teeth and go garage sale-ing and FLOWER shopping! PLus my little neighbor girl is getting married today! thats not till 4:00, so I definitely have time to play first! I bought a new dress.. ... I am very unphotogenic.. I should say extrememly unphotogenic.. but if by chance there ends up being a half way decent picture, maybe I'll post it. hmmm, I never did buy shoes.. I better go search my closet and make sure I have a pair to where! Or I will have to add shoe shopping to my list for today! OOPS.. and I didnt buy a gift yet either.. but I think I'll just put money in a card. oh and.. I bet my family would like me to buy some groceries too.. but that isnt happening today!
so off I go, out to play.. I'll take pictures and probably be back tomorrow!!
huggies to you all!
IN other news.. well, its not news.. I dont know why I said that.. but anyways, Ive decided to go ahead and post the pictures that I've recieved so far of our miniature swap pieces. PLEASE please.. send me pictures to post!!
This first one was made by Sammy Stafney and was sent to Mystele. I understand that this was sammys first try at needle felting! she did an awesome job! look how adorable this little bear is!
This next piece was done by Debb George and was sent to Donna Robinson. Debb made this bear out of a little gourd and some spare bear parts. she also crafted the little playpen to go with it! I think she turned out really cute! Very creative DEbb!
Donna made this sweet fairy in a jar for Debb! Adorable! I believe she is created out of polymer clay? correct me if I'm wrong donna! She is sweet! I know Debb loves her!
This next piece was created by my buddy Barb Burkard ( i just love her!) Barbs sweet little bunny was sent to her partner Kecia Deveney .
And the talented artist Kecia, sent Barb this wonderful little kitty doll! this doll is a sister doll to the one Kecia made me for the last doll swap. she is adorable!
Next is a sweet little girl made by the very kindhearted and sweet Cindy Owens. Cindy volunteered to take a second partner when I realized I had somehow skipped someone in the swap! thank you sooo much Cindy.. and how lucky for your partner! Cindy sent this sweet girl to Becky Jorgenson
Cindy sent this beautiful miniature doll to her first partner Susan Van Horn she made a whole wardrobe (not pictured) for this little doll! Cindy I want to swap with you sometime! Actually I want to swap with everyone!!! anyways, this doll is awesome!
This beautiful miniature baby doll was sent to ME!!! She traveled all the way from Denmark and is from Maija Pape. I adore this doll.. she is so sweet! Thank you sweet maija!
these miniature bears went to Maija Pape in Denmark, Mariella in Italy and Jenn Docherty.
Well, Im hoping that everyone else will email me pictures to post! I'll be waiting! This has been a great swap so far.. I love all the sweet little creations! I love playing with you all! You make blogging and swapping so much fun!
Are you ready for another swap? PINKEEPS I wont start it yet. but be thinking of the possibilities! I have soooo many ideas!
talk to me girls.. its been too quiet here lately! was beginning to think my blog was invisable! remember in horton hears a who... we are here.. we are here.. we are here.. well this is me.. I am here, I am here, I am here!!
I bought the stuff to make this bear about 2 months ago.. I've been waiting for the right time to make her.. this weekend worked! i also planned and put together what I'm going to make for the Faerie Zine circus book swap! I had fun doing this.. but have to make 28 copies of this! I have til july and its not as much work as it sounds like, because the base will be copies and then I will embellish them to finish them. I signed up for 3 of these book collaborations.. the circus one, a dollhouse one and also a Halloween opera book! FUn Fun fun!
Well, I think I've mentioned to you that I think my cat is starting to get a little senile, look where I found him this afternoon! He thought he was in trouble.. He is a trip.. hes also a bit of a pain in the neck... he wants constant attention!
Ok., the dream:
so, I dreamed I was at this Amish house, and I was sitting at the kitchen table, which was a picnic table. The amish lady didnt like me for some reason, but the little girl was sweet and she was sewing this tiny little amish doll, it was only a couple inches big and it was like filled with sand, cause it was floppy. It was so darn cute and I loved it, so the little girl gave it to me. It had tiny black x's for eyes and no mouth of nose, but it was adorable (Im thinking of trying to make it!) anyways, You know the Amish dont have tons of nic nacs and little stuff around their houses, but this one did. she had tons of the cutest little stuff! I was in awe... I wanted to see it all.. BUt when I got up to look around, there on my lap were all the cutest little tiny sewed dolls that that little girl made. I dont know how they got on my lap, but I thought the Amish lady thought I was trying to steal them. (I did want them all though). So I was looking around and she had this shelf that went across the length of her kitchen, but it was like a cat walk.. and it was up high. I wanted to see what was up there, so she like magically jumped up there and was sitting there handing me the cutest little tiny teasets and toys to look at. It was all amazing. Then! someone knocked at the door and it was my mother, my grandmother and my three aunts and they were all dressed up in these pretty dresses with sequins and high heels and they looked all fancy, they had come to get me, they were going to one of their highschool reunions. ... then, I woke up. thats it.. my dream! strange huh? I had another dream after that one, but I cant remember it for the life of me!
Ok.. thats all for now folks.. have a great week! And.. those of you working on miniatures for the miniature swap... we have about 5 or 6 days til they should be mailed out. please email me pictures to post! some of you I havent heard from yet.. I hope every things going well.. let me know!
Huggles girls! good night!
A little edit here.. everyone be sure to hop over to my friend Sabii Wabii http://sabiiwabii.blogspot.com/ You have got to see the most amazing hat she made for the kentucky derby.. it is so AWESOME!!! go see.. go go.. right now.. go look!