Im a little fat pig..
hear me oink...
oink oink oink oink
oink oink oink!
I ate sooo much junk tonight at a foster parent meet and greet... I think I must have thought it was an EAT, MEET AND GREET!
chips and salsa, chips and chickenwing dip, crackers and shrimp dip, COOKIES!! (not just one or two!) fruit pizzas, veggies and dip.... bread and dip... diip dip dipdipdipdipdipdipdipdipdipdip, veggie pizza... then I came home and made a pizza for my husband and ate PIZZA again.
OK.. now I dont feel so great!
I dont know what happen to me... I totally went off the deep end!
tomorrow is a new day!
oink oink oink~
a little edit here:
still sick from eating all that junk last night, wont be doing that again anytime soon! woke up with a belly ache and a back ache in the night!! But, I did ride my bike 2 miles at 6:30 this morning. What a gorgeous ride! What a beautiful morning! Its so nice out, but supposed to be a scourcher of a day. I saw two big beautidul deer in the field down the road, they were watching me, watching them! They probably wouldnt have run away if I hadnt yelled "good morning little deer friends" at them! and there was a white duck walking through someones yard quacking up a storm.. I think he was saying "goodmorning sunshine! goodmorning! goodmorning!" well, really, he was probably saying.. "oh! look at that beautiful princess on that pepto bismo pink bicycle!! I wish she had a basket so I could hop in and go for a ride with her!!" Yup.. I'm pretty sure that was what that cute duck was saying!
OK.. out of my lala land.. and off to the shower and to work. We have a boring training all day on autism. I have so many notes to write, the last thing I want to do is sit and listen all day. Oh well.. I'll be doodling up a storm, cause thats what I do at these things.
sees yas later!
Vivian!!!!! I saw the most interesting interview about compulsive eaters who always binge on high calorie foods in very specific combinations. Sweet, salty, a little more sweet.... My new mantra is Stop the Binge!! It's like being an alien! Gardening? Too funny! I'm a weed eater! Edging my lawn takes all of my energies. I'm a just what I need flower planter, too! Sweet dreams, tomorrow IS a new day! E
Gotta fall off the wagon occasionally. Now, get back on it!
I am with ya girl!!! I do that sometimes...more to burn...Hugs,Mica
aw, Viv...you have been so good...one little pig out isn't going to set you back too much...
you crack me up!! xo
VIV gurl < too too cute !!!!
In Kathy's fairytale -- we have bunnies and deer and a coyote oh my - you amaze my exercise that time of morning -- consists of turning over or letting the dog out rofl . OH BTY -- got some neat
jewelry from a new line at MIchaels -- charms with dice , glass vials oh so mnay altered gaME PIECES -- CHECK IT OUT - KATHY - GA ♥
"I saw two big beautidul deer in the field down the road, they were watching me, watching them! They probably wouldnt have run away if I hadnt yelled "good morning little deer friends" at them! and there was a white duck walking through someones yard quacking up a storm.. I think he was saying "goodmorning sunshine! goodmorning! goodmorning!" well, really, he was probably saying.. "oh! look at that beautiful princess on that pepto bismo pink bicycle!! I wish she had a basket so I could hop in and go for a ride with her!!"
Have I mentioned recently what an absolutely adorable piece of humanity you are? Because you are. Just stinkin' adorable♥
LOL! You had a bad spell...put it behind you an look ahead! I enjoyed your bike ride and was LOLing loud enough to scare my kitty!
Smiles, Karen
Nice to see you on my blog too. I love this last post with edit post! Hahahahaha... I still have my belly ache too. I wish I could have seen your deer. The morning ride sounded to die for. It is already so hot here that it is too late for me to follow suit but maybe tomorrow I can or tonight go for a long walk with the doggies. Of course I now have to plan a day to try your sinless Cannolis... at least they are a little bit better than my homemade full cream ice cream. Hope your meeting is not too boring! Have a wonderful day!
You ARE a princess! A PRECIOUS one! And you slipped a bit but as long as it's a once-in-awhile thing, you'll be fine! I BELIEVE IN YOU! I ALSO JUST LOVE YOU TO PIECES! By the way, some people say if I use upper case letters it represents screaming. In MY case, it definitely doesn't. It's just my way of stressing a word or thought. Naturally, I do not do it professionally - only in emails or notes to friends, but I've been criticized for it and so has my best friend so I wanted to tell you in case you think I'm 'hollering'. LOL!
lovin ya sweets!!! just popped over to say...hey...there how ya doin?
you are you, all wonderful loveliness of YOU!!!
You're so funny Vivian! You can do this! A day of crazy eating once in a while is okay...we need to stay sane, right?! Just have a very good day the next day...and look at you--off on your pretty pink bike at 6:30 in the morning! You're on it, girl!
Have fun today! (if you can! I usually doodle when I'm supposed to be taking notes, too...I think it means we're creative or something...!)
All things in moderation. Easy to say, hard to do.
Sounds like an almost perfect morning. Hugs....m....
I am sure your binge won't matter...you seem to have stuck to this so well. And you were back on the bike thenext day...very good job!!!
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