The PArkleigh sells a lot of Vera Bradley, which I have to say I'm not a huge fan of. But they have some new bags out. When I saw this purse, It didnt matter how much it cost, I had to have it and the wallet that went with it. They are called ChaCha bags! (used to have a black cat named chacha!) Isnt it the sweetest purse ever? Jen bought one a few weeks ago, the same one, only in black and red. they didnt have this one then, or she would have bought this one! I'm so happy with my pretty little chacha bag!

I bought this adorable tote bag there too! I couldnt pass it up. Just too freaken cute! I could spend a few thousand dollars there in a heart beat, I think!!

So, from the parkleigh in rochester to the holiday inn in batavia for my of my favorite things ever.. A doll and bear show! I always look for beat up tiny baby dolls.
I just love them. I found these little sweethearts yesterday!

Arent they adorable? I think this one below is my favorite of the day. There were lots of old and new dolls. I prefer the old. but I do like to look at all of them!
I should have taken pictures, I dont know why I didnt!
Just didnt think of it I guess.

After the doll show, Jen and I went to eat at Applebees. They have some really good weight watcher meals there. I had a grilled chicken island salad.. oh sooo good Pineapple, apple, mandarin oranges. cabbage, lettuce, grilled chicken and I cant remember what else. A huge plate all for only 6 weight watcher points!
On the way home I stopped at the grocery store,
where I found these tiny little african violets for .50 a piece..
arent they sweet??

And this mirror.. We got for a buck at a yard sale on the way to rochester!
Im going to paint it a creamy white. pretty for a buck huh?
I am not a good garage saler.. Im not that patient. Gonna start stopping more often though.
The girls out here in blogland find the neatest stuff at yard and estate sales!
OK.. so I played yesterday, today I've got lots of yard work to do. Its supposed to be 70 ish this afternoon.
Ive already made dinner this morning, so I wont have to worry about that later...
stuffed peppers.. yum yum yummy!
have a great sunday everyone!
off to my yard work I go!
anyone care to join me???
You stinker! Inviting us to join you in YARD WORK????? Eeeeeeew! (I sooooo don't 'do' outside! Trust me - you wouldn't either if you lived in Houston! At this time of year all you get is HEAT, HUMIDITY, and attacks from our state bird, the MOSQUITO. Sigh.) But I WOULD have gone shopping with you yesterday in a heartbeat! Ooooooh! What awesome treasures you got! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THAT PURSE & WALLET! And the dolls & mirror & violets - everything! Wherever did you buy that adorable kitty you're holding in the mirror picture? I'll take one of those, please! LOL! Glad you played, Viv! We NEED playtime! LOVE YOU!
Hi Viv,
I wish I could help you with your yardwork, but I don't even do my own......LOL. Your bounty from yesterday is great, I especially love the old dolls, too. Have a great "work" day.
Fab finds...your ruffled bag is adorable and will really brighten up any outfit or day for that matter!! Happy gardening!! xOxO
Man, but you find the coolest stuff. Gorgeousness!!
Viv...good for you!! I would blow off yard and house work in a heartbeat if I had any friends that would go "junkin" with me. Love the goodies you found!! Oh, and you look great!! How much are you down?? I was down 30 before Nick went to the hospital....but I am a stress eater, so I'm afraid to get on the scale. Have fun in the sun today!!
xxoo Valarie
What a wonderful day you had, Vivian! LOVE your chacha bag--I want one now! Your "new" little baby dolls and that fabulous mirror--good job, my friend!
LOVE your self-portrait--you're just beautiful!
Hope you have a wonderful day in your garden!
78, 79, 80...Here Jacqueline comes, ready or not! I'm playing blog hop-scotch this morning on an effort to catch up.
You Groovy Girl Viv, you just about give me a heart attack over here with you cute chacha ways. I looked back..and back at what I missed and I can't stand it!
My favorite thing of all is that shelf you have that is painted...oh my goodness...can I please copy the idea, pretty please in my home...????? Big question of the day...I gotta do that!
You might like my post coming up tomorrow on my bare naked cabinet I turned into a fairyland shadow box.
I like little stuff too, especially if they are wearing gnome hats.
Love to you my WAY FUN friend!
I love the purse, I love the tote. I never will get used to the broken dolls, especially the creepy ones. I wonder if I could get used to the Weight Watcher meals...the weight is creeping up and up!
you deserve to play! that bag is just amazing! I love it! and the tote is too cute. Hope you have a great day out in the yard My back still isn't up for that so my yard is a mess I haven't even gotten any spring flowers in the ground yet and it's almost summer! oh well maybe soon.
luvs and glitter
p.s. love that bike!
that sounds like a great day Viv...i love your purse and bag...they are both adorable!!!
Glad you got to have fun! love the tote bag...you'll have to take me to that store someday-k?
I worked in my garden today too!
now back to the work week...
talk soon, oxo nat
Oh I love Vera! I have tons I have not seen this one! I am a fan of the pattern so I will look for it! ENJOY!!! I am glad you had a great day yesterday. I hope you got your yard work done;)
Hugs, Lisa
You did some great shopping Viv!!!!
Love your bags!!
Vivian, WOW! That green shade is your color! You look amazing! Adore the bags and the dolls are worn, sweet and precious. Glad you had a super fun girl day! XOXO,Jenn
Cute handbag!
I don't even glance at garage sales as I go by. My house is too stuffed as is. When my son was home this weekend, I tried to talk him into taking some of his stuff back to his house, but he said he wanted to go through it first. HE WILL NEVER GO THROUGH IT. I told my husband we'll give him a few more times coming home and if he doesn't start going through things, I'm going to pack it up and we'll take a trailer if necessary and drive it to him!
Where is there empty nest syndrome people talk about? He left home, but lots of his stuff didn't!
Hi Viv,
You look amazing!!! I'm loving the ChaCha bag. You go girl.
We only live once, we definitely need to be carrying a bag we absolutely adore, no matter what the cost. Right??
xo Cathy
Hey Viv!! just wanted to say hello.
I need to come over there the nect time they do a doll show! I love the oriental bag! I have a lot of their stuff too. They look like the Miso Pretty bath products. Have a great week!
Sandy xox
Viv, Your MoJo is peeking through! I knew all that was needed was a new purse! If you look in Vera Bradley's winter catalog online my little neighbor, Ralphie's girl, is the sweet little blond ice skating. She got to choose any item from the catalog she wanted, she chose a Heaven knows how much money lunch bag and a the biggest bag they make. She's a styling little girl - Too cute! Love your bicycle! Elizabeth
Oh my goodness, Vivian...that purse is to die for!!! Not to mention the adorable wallet that went with!!!
I love your "new" little dollies. Sounds like you had a delightful weekend. And I can't wait to see the mirror makeover.
Mary Lou
love the bags...love the mirror and your lookin' HOT Mamacita!!! Hugs your way...Mica/The Child's Paper
i have a cha cha bag too but another print. I love mine too and I had gotten a bit tired of Vera..
You did well in your shopping!
I was visiting for Alphabe Thursday, but couldn't find your R is ready for ice cream post. However, I enjoyed my visit to your blog. I would have loved the doll show! I like the vintage Vogue Ginny dolls.
I am planting flowers tomorrow if it does not rain....hugs...m...
The mirror is WONDERFUL!! Lucky you!
And I really liked the photo of the violets a great deal!!
What a great day - right down to the chicken salad - perfect! Let's see that mirror when it's done.
lovely bags...
wow..I adore bags...
mine is here
wanna try my meme, Weekend Funnies ?
Happy Thursday!
love that cha cha bag but the googly eye dolls have always scared me a little LOL :D
Love the new bag! And that tote is soooo cute!
Love your "finds"!
Sounds like you had a great day!! The mirror will look so nice painted white!
That was a good post love your dolls
Ouuuuu I loooooooove that wonderful new bag!
A girl must have a fun new tote for summer!
I think I am having tote envy :-)
Hugz, Dolly
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