Good morning all you sunny shineys! (?) I dont know. I just say things like that.. ask my kids. They have quite a few impersonations they do of me that make me sound very silly! I should video tape them sometime.. I know youd get a good laugh out of it.. I always do.

Anyways, I did finally get around to making a little st pattys garland this weekend. It turned out soooo cute and as you can see it was oh so simple! I think everyone should make one! I'm going to make another one to send to my friend Kelly for our saint pattys day swap. oh, btw you know how I was just talking about saying weird things, I often mix words up too (NOt on purpose!) and I recently called st pattys day.. "thanks pattys day!" I dont know why, things just get twisted up in my brain and then dont come out of my mouth right!

I did manage to get all my easter stuff put out.. It is a big job, but so worth it in the end! My sons girlfriend came in the house the other day and immediately noticed and she giggled and said (in her cute little voice) "OH vivvy, what have you been doing! youre so cute!". I love getting that kind of reaction and thats part of what makes all the decorating so much fun. I know, though they would never admit it that even the guys appreciate it! but I do have to admit that one time when I was asking little tony to put all of his toys away He asked me, "mommy why do we have to put our toys away and you get to keep yours out?" I didnt have a good answer for that!

I said something along the lines of, but my things are for all of us to enjoy and then he said, "well you can play with my toys if you want too!" speechless I say.

So anyways.. all the easter stuff is out and Ive found that I will need to have some more eggs to fill a little fenton milk glass basket. I cant help it, the basket has been sitting empty on a shelf in the living room for years and I just heard it calling to me while I was decorating.. "hey! fill me up with pretty eggs and move a little so I will be noticed!" I"m telling you, it did say that to me! I know, I wasnt going to buy any other easter stuff this year, because I didnt think I needed any.. but I think I need some new eggs! though, now that I think about it, I do have a big bag full of those litte plastic eggs that you fill with candy and goodies for the kids for easter, I could decopage a bunch of them.. uh.. yeah, or I could just buy some already decorated ones and dump them in the bowl!

I need to go shopping!
have a great day.. off to work I go!
I love that you have a hard time putting away your toys. More fun for us! Love your silly sayings! I work with an individual who will say things like, "Lickety Split" or "Butterfingers". Always makes me smile! Have a smiley day Vivian! E
I LOVE your St. Patty's banner, Viv! Absolutely adorable, my friend!
Hope your day is wonderful...
Gorgeous __I say !!!!!! loving it -- having trouble posting comments with blogger -- Hope this one works -- HIPPITY _ HOP !!! - kathy - ga ♥
I love looking at your decorations. There is always something I miss and have to go over your pics several times to take it all in. And I love that you make me laugh. That is a priority in my mind. Anyone who can make me laugh is a keeper. I guess that is why I have been married to the same guy for 30 years!
I'm a broken record because I always say this: YOU ARE THE CUTEST LIL' THING EVER! And the thing IS, you ARE, Viv! The banner is darling! But I love, love, love your Easter things! Frankly, I hope you NEVER put your toys away! Sending you a mazillion hugs! (I know mazillion isn't officially a number, but I make up words like you do sayings! LOL!)
I love your garland and all the other toys!!
I LOVE all your stuff!!! I made a st. patty's swag almost exactly like your using vintage postcards and plaid paper. i LOVe the crepe paper at the bottom and now may have to borrow that idea and add it to mine!!
Can't help but love someone that thinks like I do......keep on bein' silly girl......we could all use more humor in our lives. I love "thanks patty's day" it's perfect and should be the newly adopted title. Have fun Viv!
oh, viv,
i just adore you! i am good for impersonations around here, too. takes a silly to know a silly! loved looking at your easter decs. i am so anxious to make some...but first...the postcard swap. nat had a great idea.
your banner, wonderful!!!!!!!!
big hugs,
Hey Viv! Just had you on my mind and wanted to pop over and say goodnite before heading off to bed. (Good Morning I should say). I'm glad I did. I'm crazy about your banner. I've been trying to come up with something before it's to late for MIL's room and I love this one. Where did you get all those adorable images. Anyway, I love it and you for sharing!
Hugs...Tracy :)
Viv I love all your sweet little Easter things you have out and that banner. I wish I had seen it earlier I could have made one to send to my m-i-l who loves to get my stuff like this.
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