Well they did it! they're married. my baby is not jennifer neroni anymore but is now Jennifer trupo. there ceremony was quite short and a tiny bit awkward.. but sweet just the same. I'm already looking forward to when they renew their vows with a minister this summer! I cant believe that I only had a days notice about this hole wedding thing and that they were almost not even going to tell us!!
they are cute together.. and I think they will be happy.
We all went to the ceremony, luckily everyone could get out of work for the morning.. a few of them work afternoons anyways so it worked out for everyone. And Tony T's sisters and father came. I really like all of them. I had met his sisters before, but not his dad. I can see where he gets his sense of humor from!
(heehee!! look at my little Torry pie!! omg I love that baby!)
dont mind the weirdo in the back ground.. I dont know who that is! haha!
Jens new family! I'm making them all part of my family now too. I really like the girls and I'm glad that jen will have such great sisters in law.. father in law too!
I dont know how I did it, but I managed to get my house cleaned, shop and put together a brunch. I made a breakfast casserole, cut up fruits and veggies and dip, and bagels, donuts and cream cheese. plus I made a cake!
and I made the cake topper last night too! I thought for the last minute everything came together pretty well.
lol! just dont notice the sloppy job on the cake.. Im not a cake maker! but I did make homemade frosting and it is really good! the cake is two mixes. Everyone loved it though.

the smooshed the cake in each others faces!! it was pretty funny. I'm glad they did it!

they had fun I think. I really would have liked to do ten thousand times more for them, but this is what they wanted!

cake kisses!
My husband held them captive in the kitchen for a while so that they would notice that all jens siblings and their significants had gone outside to decorate their car! I think Bethany might have been the master mind. Look at her.. with her fathers boots on! what a goof she is!

Jen and tony t were surprised when they saw what everyone had been up to!

I'm so glad that my kids love and support each other so much. They really are all good friends as well as siblings. They do a lot for each other.

Including messing up cars!

So, one down... three to go!
I survived!