good morning bloggy pals! Its sunday and I have soooo much I want to do today.. I need to unbury (is that a word???) myself in my craft room which has become the christmas storage room as well as the fact that I have crafting supplies out all over the place!

(day 1 from Barb burkard)
pictures for the first ornie swap borrowed from terri lightfoot
I've had to do christmas a little differently this year. as my family has gone from 6 to 13 and very soon to be 14 before the end of dec...( and 15 by next summer!) Yes.. all very exciting.. and I love every single one of my new family members.. but doing serious shopping for that many people is overwhelming.

(day 2 from Mary Zimany)
Not so hard once you know what to get them.. but getting it all figured out and organized is the tough part. but I do have it all under control now. and most of the shopping done. I have a few things left to get and a ton of gift cards to get.

(day 3 from Elizabeth Woodford)
So for now.. Im going to concentrate on getting my craft room back in shape.. wrapping gifts and working on some secret projects and making 5 more christmas stockings. where will I hang 13 stockings?! lol!

(day 4 from leslie brier)
and also on my list of things to do this week is BAKING!! woohoo! all though.. after last night i'm not so sure i'm in a hurry to be pigging out of cookies. ( I ate a lot of cookies last night! and I woke up with a cookie hangover! SERIOUSLY!)

(day 5 from Patti Gramza)
I wanted to share these pictures with you of an ornament exchange that I am in. We did the 13 days of christmas. I did not know most of these women but was invited in by my friend BArb Burkard... All I can say is Im so glad I joined. the ornaments these women made are so beautiful.

(day 6 from Martha Brown and day 7, my ornies)
Today is day 7 and they get to open my ornie. I'm not sure mine begins to compare with theirs. I hope they all like it! And Im so excited that there are 6 more days to open!!
I was in another ornament swap too, with nat, sandy,
heather and tammy. and again! wow.. how lucky I am to be part of these awesome swaps!!

(sandy camarda, heather speckled egg, tammy lucik and natalea kandefor)
I didnt get a picture of my ornie and to be honest I dont feel like taking a picture right now to post! lol! sorry..
Isnt the first picture of figgy adorable? hes so freaken funny. but they are not always so funny. I took this pic below this morning after I had to move a ton of stuff of the craft table, because they were insisting on sitting on everything and knocking stuff over. I kept scolding them and annoying the crap out of my husband! teehee! I guess I do have a tendency to be a bit annoying when it comes to talking to the cats, the bird and the BABY! haha!
Ok.. I really need to go get some groceries.. I just remembered that I told my kids I would make lasagna today.. you know they all come for dinner on sundays.. I love it.. but eiy yie yie! i have so many others things to do too. plus still on call and I have to do a homevisit this morning too..

I hope everyone has a delightful day! see yas later!
Viv, Just take a breath and you will get it all done. You are amazing with all you accomplish and all the living you squeeze out of every day.
The girls in the ornament swap are going to LOVE your ornament! You make the cutest things. :)
Have a great week!
You are a busy little bee!
I am trying to catch up on my Blog visits this morning. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the ornies and I especially love the pic of the kitties!!!
Put those kitties to work, hah.
SO many new blessings in one year. You are so blessed.
A big growing family is alot of work but oh so much fun.
You got some beautiful things in your swap! It is so fun having all the family over, but also work. I know, I'm cooking for mine today too. Have a great day!
I always enjoy getting a peek of your kitties and your studio. Such beautiful ornaments. Best wishes getting through your list. We're eating lasagna tonight too. I'll be thinking of you. HUGS!!
I love reading your blog everyday. You always have a great new adventure. Looks like your ready to decorate a beautiful tree with all the great ornaments you have. All you have to do and work too. You go super girlfriend!
Oh wow so much to see in this post! Taking all the wonderful-ness IN! Just love the kitty pictures. They are so beautiful. And all your swaps and treats! Vintage lovelies are all so darling! Happy Sunday!
It looks like Santa's workshop in your house! I STILL WANT TO LIVE THERE! Your kitty-people are adorable! That first photo is SO CUTE! Viv, you just don't realize it, but you really ARE a SUPER WOMAN! I think you may be fooling us. Are you a TWIN & your sis is doing half these things! RIGHT? I honestly don't know how one lil' person DOES so much! As for the increased family - I'm with you on that! Mine went from 5 to 10 PRONTO! I love it, tho'! LOVE YOU, TOOOOOO!
Beautiful - just beautiful creations! You will get it all done. I know you will.
yes, your craft room is looking like Santa's workshop! keep having fun...only 2 more weeks! xo
Hi Viv,
All of those ornaments look so wonderful! Love the reindeer from your last post. He is way cute. HOpe you are doing great.
Viv...where have I been and why have I not been here? Good grief excuse my ignorance. This is darling...I am so glad I get to go back and read....smiles...Renee
Love those sweet kitties...
WOW! Looks like Christmas has arrived. Love Love Love!! the picture of Figgy or Franny sitting looking out the window through the wreath. It's pricless!!
I'm so glad I can post to your blog and some others. I got to get rid of that gmail addy. Blogspot had me do it one time. Don't like it. BUT seems to be working now.
Love all your Christmas Decorations, etc.
Luv & Hugs
Hi Viv,
First of all "lay off the cookies"!!! With me it's been those darn Lindt chocolate Santas from the Grocery store!!!
Second, I have plenty of room on my mantel for any stockings that won't fit on yours. Wow wow wow your family is growing in leaps and bounds. You must be filled with joy and so thankful!
I copy your kitty photos and sent them to my girlfriend who is "cat-obsessed". I knew they would make her day.
Have a wonderful holiday Viv and stay clear of the sweets.
xo Cathy
If your kitties had thumbs, you would be in serious trouble!
oh wow,
Those ornaments you received are amazing. A very talented bunch of ladies. You ornaments measure up fine and I am sure they are thrilled to have them. thanks for sharing with us! Again, please take some time to relax and time for yourself too during this busy season.
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