Christmas is still up... every bit of it.. allll over the house.. bins and bins of stuff that I just dont feel like dealing with putting away! lol!! soooo much work...

Plus, I love all my christmas stuff! but I am excited about decorating for valentines day too..
are we all insane or what? I have valentine projects brewing in my head... cant wait to play!!!

so really?? I think I'll have hubby bring the bins back this weekend, but I probably wont undecorate until during the week.. I just dont want to spend my precious weekend doing something that I dont want to do! you know what I mean?
so my plans for the weekend are: get groceries, buy a new vacuum, clean house, go to buffalo stamps and play in my craft room!
Im back on weight watchers and joined the biggest loser again at work.. so far sooo good! this is serious business girls.. you know that 55 pounds I lost two years ago??? I found back 54 of it! Does that freaken suck or what?????????
well you just wait... Im losing all that and more this time for GOOD!
OH... and there are 18 of us in the valentine swap at this moment.. when I come home from work today I will match everyone up and send out emails.. so.. if you want in.. this is your last chance!
hope to find your name in my email later! lol!
have a happy day girlfriends!
I found your other pound...hate dieting. Christmas is down at our house except it only moved floors. Now I have to finish packing it and move it into storage...yeah me! I just keep walking past it to do more sewing...no harm no foul. Love your goodies...have fun...Renee
I loved seeing all your Christmas this morning! I'm a little bitty, bitty bit 'down' this week, so seeing all the pretties helped! Also love your weekend plans - except for buying the vacuum part 'cause THAT means you probably will have to actually USE it - UGH! LOL! Wish I COULD do your swappy but I made a promise to myself for 2012: NO SWAPS. NONE! I'm determined to have ALL the birthday gifties for each month FINISHED before the month they're due (so far, so good with both January's & February's) all the CHRISTMAS gifts made by - gasp - SEPTEMBER, and STILL find time to make some just-for-fun things I WANT to make! (Uhhhhh ... we'll see how THAT goes.) As for the weight, I'm trying too, Viv. Not because of my size as much as because I just hate this constant tiredness that comes with extra pounds. And BOY, do I have extra pounds! Enough to offer a giveaway of them for ANY thin person or persons who NEED them. SIGH! LOVE YOU, Sweet Girl!
I'm trying to reduce some too! I lost 22 lbs last spring and 10 of it has found it's way back during the holidays! UGH!! Why is it the best tasting foods are the worst for you? I am going to put up what few Valentine decorations that I have this weekend and make some Valentines for my sister and neices.
Well, I'm also guilty of still having Christmas up. I just dread taking it down and I didn't even put up that much this year. Halloween is my huge decorating season.
Good luck with the weight watchers and Biggest Loser. My sister said the new biggest loser was good this year and I missed the first one. I would be happy at this point to just lose the last five pounds . . . that I have been trying to lose for a year!
And, by all means, get some crafting done this weekend. The Christmas stuff will wait for you, I promise!
Happy new year,
I'm on weight watchers. I know I put on a few pounds during the Holidays. I skipped 2 meetings. I have to go next week. I'll get back on track. It's hard sometimes when you have all that good food around. Especially when company and family come over. I get on the treadmill sometimes BUT am going to get on it every day now. That helps a lot.
<3 & ()'s
I'm with you on the diet! I need to lose 60 pounds. I have never been able to do it, but I'm determined this is the year. We should keep each other posted on our progress:)
Will you be giving us details about what we should include in our swap? I'm excited to begin!
Vivian, please email me. My auto emails are missing in my email folder. I know I have your email somewhere else but can't find it. I did post in your comment that I want to do the Valentine swap BUT can't send you an email. Email me and I will have your email addy again. Hope I can retrive all my emails. I'll have to write them in a notebook, then I will have them if computer decides not to save them. Hugs, Fran
I think you need a 6 day weekend Viv, and one day of work??? The you might have time to really play. xox Corrine,
I loath putting away decorations. I'm totally feeling your pain and annoyance about giving up your precious weekend for chores. That pesky job does get in the way of creativity doesn't it!! I'm hoping to increase my workout routine this year. I was soooo good and then this last year...not so much. Have a lovely weekend. I can't wait to start Valentine crafting. I've got dragon crafts to finish first for Josie's Chinese New Year celebrations.
I'm always up for a good party!
I understand putting away the Christmas bins!! I am part way through...
I would love to join the swap!!
Thanks chris
Hi Viv!
I'm trying to "change" my eating habbits this year. I'm letting go of the sweets for the most part and eating more veggies and fruits! WW works!
You are always so busy! Very sweet photos of your Grands!
I think I should put up my Valentine goodies this weekend. Time just flys!
Your swap sounds fun. I'm already doing 1 swap. I'm limiting myself and that is REALLY hard as there are so many Great Swap partners out there!
I haven't taken down anything either, and I have massive amounts of Christmas stuff. Massive.
I'm so sorry you regained your weight. :( Stupid fat.
I love your photos. They always make me smile.
ha ha, my Christmas stuff is still up and I have no plans for putting it away any time soon
Your Christmas decorations are so fabulous, Viv, I wouldn't want to take them down, either! So far, I've just dismantled everything, and it's all piled up very happily in two rooms of my house...kind of like a Christmas explosion--I kind of like it! Bins will come down this weekend...I think!
Love your New Year's creation, too--it's adorable!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Thanks for the kinds words...and for coming and visiting with me... hope to see you again real soon. xoso Sandy
Ok-Sign me up, Viv! Get me back in art this year:)
And, it's ok to leave up decorations, considering yesterday was Epiphany, and for me, today, 7 January, is Russian Christmas!
you are one of my resolutions! I have been checking in on you for about a year now without ever letting you know. I look forward to seeing what you're up to and you've become important to me -- so thank you! This will begin a year of gratitude -- get ready -- hugs -----donna
I also had put the weight I loss back on. Sometimes I wish I could just go in a booth and wish how much to take off and "puff". It's gone forever. Also joined WW here. Here is to losing the most in 2012.
Happy New Year, I hope all is well.
Hi there, it's Cristina we met at the cash out at Buffalo Stamps this weekend. I am just popping by to say high and to check out your blog! I am now following!
Have a great day
Cheers to women like you that try and try again and never give up.
I like you just the way you are and I bet other's do too so be good to yourself dear one and simply play and enjoy a snack or two.
Back at ya (as Ellen would say)...have a fantastic Monday too! ttyl...xoso Sandy
First of all...your elephant & birdie assemblage made me swoon...no really! I think it's the cutest thing you've ever made!! Love the clock!
Every year I lose weight for the 2 weeks before Christmas because I'm frantically trying to get things done. Then, between Christmas and New Years, the food gifts start rolling in and I can't resist anything homemade!!!
I decorated less this year and my dining room is all white and silver so I'm leaving it up for a while...I love the wintery look of it.
Your babies are so sweet. Cleaning can wait...kidlets can't!
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