Ive been like brain dead this week.. nothing positive has come to mind to blog about, and I try to be positive here.. didnt want to whine.. you know! been falling asleep on the couch at like 10:00 the past few nights and sleeping til 6:00... very unusual.. usually I'm going to be at 11:00/11:30 and getting up at 5:00. my old body must need the rest huh?!

but if I'm to be honest, Ive been in a bit of a funk this week. Just stuff, you know.. we all get there sometimes.. worrying about kids, irritated with people, annoyed that i'm not rich....
you know, those kinds of things...

Just stuff. Everyonce in a while I realize how old I am.. and I think REALLY??? this is it??? then I get a little depressed.. but I work my way back out of it... counting my blessings ... of which I have SOOOO MANY! But, there just are things that need to be done, that I cant do, or cant afford to do that get to me a little and sometimes.. alot!

one thing that is weighing heavy on my mind and heart these days, that I guess I havent talked about much here is my son and his girlfriend who are expecting in June. I did tell you that the dr. recommended terminating the pregnancy because the baby has a herniated diaphram and also a severely defective heart. The dr. told them that the baby wouldnt live 24 hours after he is born. But the kids have decided to carry the baby to the end. Im glad thats what they've decided to do. but the fact remains that they will give birth and the baby will not live. So very sad. but at least they're not giving up on the baby and miracles happen.. so my bloggy pals, Im asking you all to pray for them and put them on your prayer chains at your churches.. etc...
OK?? I know I can count on you all.

so anyways.. thats were my mind has been this week.. in a bit of a funk.. but it is friday.. and I have the weekend to play. and.. I've lost 8 pounds!!! woo hoo! Had a bit of a fight with myself this morning as I just wanted to pig out on something.. but I didnt do it.. I was a good girl and Im thankful now that I didnt do it!

I have a bunch of swappy things to show you, but I cant until everything has been sent and received! so stay tuned! this weekend I'm finishing up the penquin wedding cake topper and then... Im making a something thats been in my head for weeks for valentines day! (I almost wrote halloween! heehee)

thats all girls..
I am fine.. so dont go worrying about me.. Im already snapping out of my funk... ITS THE WEEKEND! I can play.. and I've been so good with my weight watchers this week, I can splurge a little this weekend! lasagna.. here I come! lol!
huggles to you all!
Eight pounds...fantastic. Your dollies look so beautiful. Fun to come here and look at the gorgeous set ups. It makes me smile. Best to you and your family. Lots and lots of prayers. Smiles...Renee
We will pray for the kids and their baby, miracles do happen.
I hope you have a great weekend and get to do some things that make you happy, you deserve it! I know what you mean about the worrying, I do it so much about my kids and now a new job. Sheesh!
Lots of good thoughts and prayers heading your way. Wow. Eight pounds is just amazing, Viv. I always enjoy your holiday vignettes Your sweet collection...especially the dolls...are are just lovely. Happy Friday!
Vivvy, I always tend to joke around with you (mostly because we are two SILLY creatures) but I will be serious for a change. First, you are NOT old. Really! Second, I am going to keep your family & the baby so close to my heart I'll be able to feel them every minute. As for your feeling a bit 'off' recently, guess what? You're allowed! You ALWAYS keep all of us smiling! Let US be YOUR cheerer-uppers sometimes! WE LOVE YOU. I'm so proud of you for the weight loss! I admire you for your determination! I NEED some of that! My butt has gotten so big if I bend to dust, and my housemate is watching tv, he says it blocks the entire tv screen from his view. Sigh. I'd tell him to KISS my big booty, except that it's true. LOL! So FEEL GOOD about your success! I will stop chattering away adding only that your Valentineys are gorgeous & happy looking! Here's a HUGEEEEEE hug I'm passing through my computer to yours! (Did you get it?)
sending you loving hugs my friend -- tons of prayers and all the positive and loving thoughts i can send...
Sweet VIV - know that I am praying for the sweet baby and family and of course you dear friend -- Yes GOd has a plan we do not always understand They will have done all they can -- the rest is up to GOD --I like the phrase --" He never wastes a hurt_" -- as we seek him - there are others who can use a comforting word or deed and we understand their hurt -- KAthy - ga ♥
Hi Viv,
I read a few blogs were us "girls" are in a little "slump/fog/down" I think it's just the winter blues.
WOW you are doing great with your WW!!!
I will PRAY for a miracle for your son's baby!!!
Have a good weekend! You make the best treasures!! One of these days maybe I'll be your swap partner.
We are always mamas and we have to be strong. Sometimes it's just hard.
My thoughts and prayers are with the baby, kids, you and rest of the family. Miracles happen all the time. I'm saying lots of prayers.
CONGRATS on the 8 lbs weight lost. WW and I aren't doing so well lately. LOL! My fault not WW. I'll get back on track. It's hard sometimes and I really haven't put my heart and soul into it like I should. Starting today my whole heart and soul is going into loosing this weight. I should have already had at least 20 or more pounds off of this body. I can't keep my hands off the SWEETS! No Will Power!!! Well, as of today I will find my Will Power again.
I'm having fun with the Valentine Swap. Almost ready to mail. Have to get her address first. Will go email her now, while I'm thinking about her.
Dear Viv,
I most certainly will pray. That I know I can do for you. Continue to keep your thoughts positive, and let Him do the work. I think that an 8 lb loss sounds pretty inspiring to me. Wow, I should stop eating that fudge-cycle every night. The pictures of all your pretties are just that.
Sweet V! Happy Valentine's Day wishes to you and your loved ones! E
I will pray for that precious child. It is heartbreaking news but you are right that miracles happen!
Can't wait to see what you made for the swap. Thank you for putting this together. I'm going to finish up my swap items so I can get them in the mail on Monday. I can't wait to see what everyone made!
I have been praying for that little peanut. Glad that they are going to caarry him to term. You here stories all the time about miracles after they said the baby wouldn't make it. Right now he is alive. God has a plan for him. if it is a sad one they will be glad they gave him a chance. I am sure that this is at the back of all your worries. God bless all of you.
YOur dolls are so cute.
Can't believe that you are falling asleep in the chair. I am having a battle with insomnia right now. I need alot of sleep to function and I am just not getting it. COuld be worse I guess.
Hi, Viv! Thanks for coming by and giving encouragement! My funk has been a bit harder to shake but at least I know what it is and I know that light is the cure! It was sunny yesterday so I spent several hours out and about town. I can't do that every day or I'd be broke but I came home feeling much better.
I've heard of many miracles where babies surprised everyone! I hope this is the case with your little grand! ♥
Gosh, life has a way of giving us overfilled platters sometimes, doesn't it? It sounds like there some good balance going on with you (eight pounds! Woo hoo!) but sometimes it's that whole carnival of worry, joy, sorrow, blessings and just life that can wear us down.
Take care of yourself.
Remember to breath.
And know that prayers are heading your way.
Gosh, life has a way of giving us overfilled platters sometimes, doesn't it? It sounds like there some good balance going on with you (eight pounds! Woo hoo!) but sometimes it's that whole carnival of worry, joy, sorrow, blessings and just life that can wear us down.
Take care of yourself.
Remember to breath.
And know that prayers are heading your way.
Will say prayers for your babies and theirs. Just finished visting Natalea's site and read your comment -- 7 hours shopping (with babies?) oh my -- you deserve a tiara for that! I envy the beautiful way you've decorated your home -- I'd like to stop by, too! hugs ------d
Oh, I'm so glad I stopped by so I could add your son, his girlfriend and expected baby to my prayers. Such a sad situation. But I'm sure they're making the right choice. This way, it's in Gods hands.
Bless your hearts.
Mary Lou
Sending you all LOVE and PRAYERS! It is not an easy decision to make - takes lots of courage and faith.
Hugs to you all!
So sad to hear that a doctor recommends terminating a life that is so precious. Miracles do happen and I will be praying for God to touch that baby even while he is in the womb and show him great favor! I pray that he will be brought up to know that he has a special purpose in life.
Aww viv i so identify the biggest hugest hugs,I recently lost a friend who didnt understand my depression of the past year,Since my seoeration for the first time i cant see a reason to get up in the mornings no kids to shout at to get off to school,no husband to see off to work,I got my frst grabdbaby for which i am soo grateful and i hope and pray there is a miracle for yours.Lots of people worse off hey but its hard and i giess with me its loneliness and not knowing where my life will head, I hope you are feeling better and you never whinge,Sometimes even ion blogland life isnt all bluebords and climbing roses.
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