Look at this baby pie!!! isnt she just beautiful? I could just eat her up! I still havent quite figured out what I want to call her. baby pie, marla cakes, lainy pie, Lainy cakes, baby cakes... I know.. its silly that I stick the pie or cake on the end.. but its just what I do. torry pie is so stuck with torry pie.. everyone calls him that now. but I think its precious. speaking of torrypie, I got to spend the whole day with him today. He tires me out! but oh my goodness he and I just laughed at each other all day long! I cant wait til sweet little baby cakes can join in the fun!

so I've been working on some valentine projects. Mostly for swaps and I made some really cute things that I just cant show you yet. but I can show you this!

I got a little inspiration thinking of my little grand pies! isnt it cute?

The little blue puppy represents Torry and the pink kitten represents Marlaina. I just love it. I still have some other swappy things to finish up and then I have something thats been hanging around in my head for a couple weeks that Im going to have to get busy on.

So as far as being sick.. still not over it. I was hoping to be 100% for work tomorrow. Oh well, I feel better then I did!
Anyways... Have a great week everyone!
Your granddaughter is just precious. I love the headband. You are too cute with your nicknames. Such fun Valentine crafts. I'm always inspired when I see your latest projects. Best wishes back at work tomorrow!
Your grandbabies are darling!!! And so are your creations!!
Your grandaughter is so cute! And so is your Valentine creation. Have a great week-at least it's a short one!
I love those sweet valentines and that baby...swoon! She looks so big already. What a great Valentine she is...smiles..Renee
Baby Cakes is so precious!!! She is a doll! Hope you get to feelin 100% soon.. I love what you made.. Lookso cute!
as precious as precious can be!!!!! the headband is toooooo cute for words! you have such fabulous projects and just keep them coming!!!!! sending tons of hugs your way! : )
Wow! Your lil' girlypie is a doll!!! (I vote for Lainy Cakes by the way. I know - you didn't GIVE me a vote, but I thought I'd steal one anyhow. LOL!) Your Valentine goodies are darling! SO ARE YOUUUUUU! Have a good day & feel BETTER! Love you, Viv!
cute baby, cute project! cute, cute and cute! xoxox
....glad you're feeling better...almost there!
Marshmallow Pie!
Awww she is so sweet in her little pink outfit!
Just as sweet is the Valentine project!
I always called my daughter "Babycakes." Still do!
I say, go with Marla cakes :) Too bad you're still not able to 'maul' her..lol! I'm sure you'll make up for it when you're better. I like how you put your paper valentines ornis on one tree, and the 3 dimensional ones on the other. I love your 'grand-pies' piece too! I can't wait to see what ornament you made for our swap!!! Oh and we got no snow as well but it sure is starting to get cold!
Sandy xox
AWWW your family is growing what a dear sweet cuppiecake !!!
What a gorgeous baby girl! I envy you. Two wonderful grandbabies to play with.
I miss you. I've been in pretty bad shape of late and have thought of you often.
I love your wonderful valentine's creations.
All my love,
What a little beauty... howza'bout calling her "Cupcake" :-) I was a "cupcake"... and I look back on that fondly :-P
Oh, my LOVE your valentine creation! Those pompom cuties are wonderful. And what a sweet baby, too!
sweet as can be...
you are very lucky...
Linda :o)
Hi Viv!! Oh my gosh, she certainly is a cutie pie! LOL, I'm like you, I always add little words on the end, like cake and pie, maybe it's our sweet tooth talking! ☺ Have a wonderful weekend, Nan
PS, thanks for your well wishes for Charlie! IN case you haven't seen my update, he WAS found. He was hurt and required surgery but he is back home with his foster family!
hope you are feeling better my friend! this post simply makes me smile! i don't know if one could find anything more adorable!!!! sending hugs...
Baby girl is so precious!!! 2 grandbabies to kiss and hug all over, I'm so jealous. Love you're valentine creation. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. That tells you how long it's been since I've been by. Hope you're back up to snuff real soon.
just darling
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