Home from work and directly into my jammies! coming down with yet another cold! eiy yie yie! Its quiet here tonight. hubby went somewhere and rob, tif and my little baby pie went to tifs mothers for dinner. I love being home alone!!!!

getting ready to go play with valentinesy things soon as im off the computer. Gotta start my hearts for my heart swap! so many ideas in my head! too many.. I dont know what to do first!

UH OH.. Where'd the baby go!?
they could get in big trouble for this.. I got them right out after I took the picture. some people would not be impressed with this. well, really, Im not either. but they are such sweet little naughties... who could possible be mad at them. you know me.. this is how I yell at them..
in a little bit of a stern voice I say.. "Naughty babies!! naughty naughty!" then in a sweet little talk'n to my kitties voice I say.. "Oh I love you my little fluffy little pumpkin pies.. now you be good little kittens. " And then my husband shakes his head and tells me they run the house. well they do. and thats ok with me!
OK.. off I go. I have to work on some valentineys!
"God Bless You!!!"
Hope your cold goes away fast. And I can't wait to see your Valentine goodies!!!
I can't wait to see your Valentine goodies! Lots of crafting supplies for your special swap are spread out all over my craft room.
Get better soon. Hugs to your kitties.
Crazy mommy! You little looney tooney silly goosey punkin bum! Jeez mom. :-p
Oh those sweet kitties would get my soft naughty voice too...bless you friend...I hope you feel better soon. It has been a terrible cold season. Even my husband who never gets sick got sick. Oh well more time to craft...smiles...Renee
Hope you feel better soon! That's how I am with my fur babies!!
-Kim :)
Feel BETTER, Little Vivvy! Mean, mean cold! But you look so adorable in your jammies with your sweet lil' smile! As for the kitties ... NAUGHTY? NOOOOO! Precious!!!! I think THEY want a bed like that! Now! Go play, rest, drink lots of stuff (No, not the Bailey's, BWAHAHAHA!) and know how much all of us in Bloggyland LOVE YOU!!
Feel better my friend.... drink some nice hot tea and get to bed! xoso Sandy
Those bad kitties... good thing there was no baby.... ok grandma you must be much stricter with those little naughty ones! Hope you get over your cold quicker then I did. Cannot wait to see your creations! Hugs, Diane
I just got over a cold, so I sympathize. It gets very boring being sick, with so much we want to do! Can't wait to see what you come up with for your Valentines. I just put in an order for some stuff and can't wait for it to get here!
kitten babies are just keeping the blanket warm until pumpkin pie returns -- well, at least that's my take ---------donna
oh -get well quick -- love your valentiney goodness lol -- i chose the same K&company pretties to play with - so yummy --Kathy - ga ♥
Feel better soon! These colds seem to last for months instead of weeks anymore! I agree, that is too cute of the furkitties!! Shh, I want tell if you don't!!
Can't wait to see what you make!
Hey pretty lady, whaddaya doin' sick again? Here's hopin' you get over it quick, as somebody as special as you doesn't need to be sick.
Okay, now that I've sweetened you up.....how much is that elephant you just made? I collect elephants and circus related goodies, and he would be perfect in my collection.
Let me know, cause he'd really like coming home to me!
Love ya'
Hope you feel better! Can't wait to see your latest creations though!!
Feel better and I hope you had fun working on that stash you laid out! xox Corrine
Here in Germany we say: "Gesundheit" (bless you)
Hehehe, love the comfy place which your sweet kitties found. Our cats love to sleep in the kids bed too. Lunas favorite place was the stroller of the youngest. Unfortunately (for Luna)he needs it no longer...
Its the same here, I have so much ideas for the hearts and don´t know what to start first.
Hope you feel better soon!
Awwwww such a cute post! Those pumpkin pie kitties just make me smile ear to ear. They are so wonderful. I hope you'll be feeling better soon. I'm so excited about Valentine's projects too. Was very busy over the weekend playing!
Take care,
I'm not sure if I should say...boo hoo, you have a cold or yahoo you get to stay home!
My favorite saying is "some rules need to be broken" so I vote for the cats in the baby bed since baby left it warm for them.
Have a happy midweek hump day and I do hope you feel better.
Hope you are feeling better. I just emailed you and now your email addy is in my address book. Don't know where it went before. CyberSpace. LOL
Franny & Figgy are the cutest cats. SHhhhhhh! I can't let my cat "Kat" here me say that. LOL!! He might bite me. NO he's a sweetheart with long fangs and still 34 1/2 lbs and still on Iams diet food. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm! really doesn't say much about Iams Diet food for cats. He's been on it for most of his life and he is 12years old now.
eeek..... cats in a babies bed? Not good! Your needing to invest in a squirt bottle....
Now... about the valentine swap. Could you give me an idea of what this should look like when its done? Any examples?..... I'm clueless... okokok, and medicated, but thats besides the point lol
so sad...some people say that everything happens for the best..but I always have trouble believing that..get well..
Linda :o)
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