Baby jacob is having surgery in the morning. I spoke with the dr tonight and although the procedures themselves are not time consuming or difficult, the risk is in stressing Jacobs fragile little body. He is now off the ecmo machine and using the ventilator at about 70%. I asked the nurse how long he might need it and she said different for every baby, but that she thought it would be a few months. she said that he might still be on it when he has his heart surgery. I asked how long she thought he would be at the hospital ....
she said could be 6 months.....
praying praying praying.....
I am praying right along with you, Viv. Poor little tyke- We don't realize how blessed we are when we have a new healthy baby born- xo Diana
I to am praying right along with you and rest of the family for baby Jacob. Take care and know you have lots of people sending lots of prayers for Jacob.
Luv & Hugs
Will be praying and awaiting news on your Jacob. I pray the good Lord will lift up His fragile little body with His mighty healing hands and bring him through this. Still thinking of you and his parents. Hugs and much love sent your way dear friend, Mica
Praying for your family!
Praying that baby Jacob has the strength to make it through this. Thinking of you all everyday.
Praying hard. I will be anxious for updates. Please know that we are thinking and praying for all of you.
Holding you all in prayer!
I'm continuing prayers and good thoughts for little Jacob. He's on my mind & in my heart constantly. What a strong little human being he is to be fighting all these medical issues. I BELIEVE he'll come through ALL of this and be a strong, healthy, wonderful person! I looooove you, Viv!
Continuing prayers for baby Jacob and your family...
Praying for precious Jacob! HUGS!
So far, so good! Thank you, God!
Still praying, Viv. I've been posting your updates for LJ people to pray about. I haven't mentioned any names, just Baby J.
Sounds like improvement! Praying! Go have fun with your friends, Viv!
I am praying hard for little Jacob. Last night, I talked to MacKenzie, the niece of my best friend from growing up in South Dakota. She is now getting her MSW in the same program Kat did...doing so well. I remember the worry and the surgery and that was twenty-five years ago. I pray that Jacob will do as well.
Praying for all of you Viv. xoxo
Keep us posted. I am holding my breath for him. Smiles..Renee
Prayers will continue. God Bless that sweet little guy. Sounds like another step in the right direction. He is going to be amazing when he is all healed up. Will have you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. (((((HUGS))))
Will continue keeping you all in my prayers. Hang in there, this must be so difficult. I cannot imagine.
Dear viv, This is Nataleas mom.I dont know what the hell i,m doing so i hope you get this!i've wrote it about five times now! oh Lord!
I heard you were on your way back. wanted to let you know i,m praying for Gods mercy on Jacob and for strength for you and your family durind this hard time.
God Bless, LuDonna
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