Im pooped! I was up at about 4:50 this morning. I needed to clean house and bake for my little teaparty because I didnt end up getting it done yesterday. I went shopping after I got out of work and then to see sweeney Todd. I didnt think I was going to like it, but I loved it! I didnt get home until about 11:00 last night, so needless to say, I didnt do anything productive then. which meant that I needed to get up early today to clean and bake.

I finished right at the last second.. 10:00 am.. everything done, then Figgy and I waited for our guests to arrive.

we had way too much food. this is what we started out with that I made, but they all brought stuff too and the table was loaded! I tried to have a bit of everything! pumpkin bars, donuts, applecrisp, cinnamon rolls, cookies, eclairs, pumkin roll, cantalope, breakfast casserole and ... that might be it. needless to say, I was full for the rest of the day!

anyways, it was a nice way to spend a few hours. these girls all live in my town. some of them are the girls I go to ocean city MD with.... speaking of ocean city, I wonder how it will hold up in this frankenstorm that is coming our way? Everyone is a little worried about the possibility of major storm damage. I'm crossing my fingers that we are far enough inland to avoid too much trouble. It wouldnt take much to blow my old house down!

Torry Pie came and graced us all with his presence at the teaparty today. Everyone thought he was adorable. Of course, cause he is! He's here again tonight as I'm babysitting. I am typing about 5 words at a time while I chase him around and keep him out of trouble. I made him some popcorn and he promptly dumped it out all over the place, on purpose. not once, but twice.. so we are done with the popcorn now.

I have no plans for tomorrow, other then to make soup. Its been raining here since last night, pretty much non stop and its supposed to rain for the next 6 days. rainy days make me want to cook.. i bet my husband appreciates it, because most of the time I would rather eat toast then fix a meal! lol!

OK.. Torry is really making it difficult not to give him my undivided attention.. so Im going to play with blocks now. Its 10:40 and his mother wont be back for at least a couple hours or more. I'm going to cross my fingers that maybe he'll go to sleep for me.

toodles for now friends.. have a great sunday!