Broke the piece that holds the headlights and smashed the headlights and the piece underneath it on the passenger side.. that darn deer all of a sudden just appeared! ticks me right off I tell ya! I couldnt find the deer, but hes got to have one messed up leg or hip! there was a nice bunch of deer fur stuck to my car, but no blood.. I hope the poor thing survives. but I'm so not happy about my car!!!!!! DARN DARN DARN!!

So anyways.. these santa stars are made of a womens husbands flannel lined jeans. She bought memory bears last year after her husband died and wanted a little something to put on her families christmas trees for this year, so this is what we came up with. I havent heard how they went over. I hope her family liked them.
I learned something about myself this past weekend.. and that is that , if need be, I can make 9 bears from start to finish in two days and evenings! I do have to say I busted my butt, but I did manage to have them done by 10:45 sunday night and ready to deliver on monday morning!
The woman who these bears represent died this summer.. her brother ordered the bears. He told me today that there wasnt a dry eye in the house when he gave out the bears last night. And, his sister in law called me at work this morning to thank me and to ask me to make 3 more. Im glad that the bears help to make people feel close to who ever it is that they lost. sometimes its just so sad seeing the pain that people are faced with when they have lost someone they love so much. But somehow, i usually feel a little closer to the people afterwords. When I make the bears I try to imagine what the person was like and I think about how much the people who will recieve the bears loved them. I dont know why, but its just something I do. Ok.. enough about the bears..

I am tired.. and a bit upset about the stupid deer! so I'm going to make a cup of tea and sort out magazines and look for some valentine inspiration!
have a sweet night!