Oh lookie what I recieved from sweet Sherrie of sympletymes. I've been having fun getting to know her the last few months. she is a sweetie! I also recieved the same award from the wonderful Sarah of gypsy mermaids life. Thank you girls! So now I need to pick 7 blogs to give thsi award to... that will be hard because I love so many blogs out there! I'm saving the rules and people nominated for the end of this post! so read on...
Look at these sweet little creations! These are pictures that didnt get posted yet from the miniature doll and bear swap! this wonderfully adorable tiny puppy was made by Nancy Dontigney and it went to the also very talented lori V. And Lori made this sweet and precious little bee bear for Nancy. Arent they the cutest darn things! I love them both!
I have been busy working on my pinkeeps.. ONe is finished! here is a sneak peek of one of the ones for the swap.. but its a secret! I cant show the whole thing yet. 
I hope everyone is having fun working on their pinkeeps! Im hoping to finish up another one of mine this weekend. but I'm on call and I have a party to go to .. so we'll see. I do hope on call is quiet! its going to be too hot to be out working! Ive joined a couple other swaps.. a vintage apron swap at Mica's and this is terrible, but I joined a "wand swap", but I cant remember where!!!!! I do hope the person contacts me! I also signed up for the sweet and sinister halloween swap at artsy mamas . And girls, I have in the works a halloween doll swap! Just think of the possibilities!! pumkinhead dolls, witches, black cats.... I cant wait.. but that will have to wait till the pinkeeps are done! HEy, if you think you might be interested in the halloween doll swap, let me know, Id like to see how much interest there is.. I think it has the potential to be a big swap.
so, on with the award info!
The rules for receiving this award are:
1)Put the logo on your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on yours
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
So I need to pass this award on! I can do that. there are sooo many out there. everyone who I visit deserves it!
Carol at sassafrass and lulu Tania at farmchicks kitchen Ruth at whispering oaks cottage Ok, so I chose 7 wonderful blogs. I easily could have choosen everyone on my list and then another 20 that I havent gotten around to adding to my list yet!
see yas later girls!