ok.. I just dont want to bother the guy with my computer.. so everyone just pray that he becomes inspired to fix it and return it this weekend! K?
.. I'm decorating the house.. wishing I could post pictures.. and it stinks in my sons room! PU!
see yas later!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
up in robs room again!
SHHH!!!! I've snuck back up to Roberts disaster.. everyone else is downstairs digesting turkey dinner.. 'cept rob.. hes gone to eat another dinner at a friends house.. dont think he'll be able to eat much more though.
Hoping everyone had a great dinner today. I'm stuffed. I ate.. though probably not as much as what I would have normally ate and to make it all better, My girls and my friend Becky and her girls all went for a two mile walk this afternoon.. umm.. I'm thinking I should go again.. before attacking the pies.. I found two recipes for an apple tart and a lowfat pumpkin pie.. (not like the last one!) each with half the calories and points of the regular pies. I hope they taste good... NO splenda this time.
I cut my finger cutting up potatos.. did a nice job.. daughter thought it might need a stitch.. but I think I'll be just fine. ha!! good way to get out of doing all those dishes!.. but it does hurt a little bit.. you know that throbbing...!
lets see... I feel so out of touch!! whats new here... I lost another 2 pounds! If I weighed myself right now.. It would probably not show though!
My elves are done for my elf swap.. my christoween doll is done for that swap, my 12 days of christmas ornaments are done for that swap.. I think I only have my altered christmas doll left to do, which I might work on tonight. Well, probably not tonight, I forgot for a minute that we are going to friends house for dessert! We get together every thanksgiving for pies. and then Christmas eve here. Jennifer and I bought all these reindeer antlers and noses to take pics with tonight.. if I ever get my computer back, I'll post all kinds of pics!
I had wanted to post a list of all that I am thankful for but, I think I'll jus tpost the link from last years list, and go blog hopping for a while instead! http://vivs-whimsy.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html YOu'll have to scroll down a post to get to the thanksgiving post. I'm still thankful for all the same things.. what could I add to the list?? figgy and frannie... and theres no snow!
hey! is anyone going out crazy shopping for black friday in the morning? I will probably go out sometime tomorrow.. but not that early!
Ok.. I'm wasting time here.. I want to come visiting!! sorry no pics.. and so boring.. but things will get back to normal soon.. I just cant make myself call the guy and ask about my computer, the funeral was only a couple days ago.
Ok.. see you at your places soon!
miss yas!!
Hoping everyone had a great dinner today. I'm stuffed. I ate.. though probably not as much as what I would have normally ate and to make it all better, My girls and my friend Becky and her girls all went for a two mile walk this afternoon.. umm.. I'm thinking I should go again.. before attacking the pies.. I found two recipes for an apple tart and a lowfat pumpkin pie.. (not like the last one!) each with half the calories and points of the regular pies. I hope they taste good... NO splenda this time.
I cut my finger cutting up potatos.. did a nice job.. daughter thought it might need a stitch.. but I think I'll be just fine. ha!! good way to get out of doing all those dishes!.. but it does hurt a little bit.. you know that throbbing...!
lets see... I feel so out of touch!! whats new here... I lost another 2 pounds! If I weighed myself right now.. It would probably not show though!
My elves are done for my elf swap.. my christoween doll is done for that swap, my 12 days of christmas ornaments are done for that swap.. I think I only have my altered christmas doll left to do, which I might work on tonight. Well, probably not tonight, I forgot for a minute that we are going to friends house for dessert! We get together every thanksgiving for pies. and then Christmas eve here. Jennifer and I bought all these reindeer antlers and noses to take pics with tonight.. if I ever get my computer back, I'll post all kinds of pics!
I had wanted to post a list of all that I am thankful for but, I think I'll jus tpost the link from last years list, and go blog hopping for a while instead! http://vivs-whimsy.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html YOu'll have to scroll down a post to get to the thanksgiving post. I'm still thankful for all the same things.. what could I add to the list?? figgy and frannie... and theres no snow!
hey! is anyone going out crazy shopping for black friday in the morning? I will probably go out sometime tomorrow.. but not that early!
Ok.. I'm wasting time here.. I want to come visiting!! sorry no pics.. and so boring.. but things will get back to normal soon.. I just cant make myself call the guy and ask about my computer, the funeral was only a couple days ago.
Ok.. see you at your places soon!
miss yas!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
missing all my sweet creative buddies!
I'm here... Just for a quick second. I'm having serious computer withdrawal!! i think I ve got the shakes and a fever! LOL! My son and his girlfriend just left to go somewhere, so I put my life in danger and entered the upstairs.. and into Roberts domain... eiy yie yie! I hope I can find my way out when I turn the lights out to leave! and now I know why there are hardly any glasses downstairs... I can see 5 of them up here! good grief!
I MISS YOU ALL Soo MUCH!!! I dont know how I will ever catch up with all of your bloggies! I hope everyone is having a fun and making sweet christmasy things and getting ready to pig out for thanksgiving.. (those of you in the US anyways) I m so hoping that I'm back up and running sometime this week. We tried hooking my other sons computer up.. but something wasnt right. I have pictures to upload and post.. and things to say and talk about.. My elves are done, I just need to find boxes big enough to send them in now. Hey elf swappers dont forget to send me pics!
Ive lost a total of 22 pounds! 48 to go!! and I plan on continueing to lose through the holidays.. inspite of all the great food! "I can do this.. yes I can.. I can... I can... I can... my self talk goes like that and this.. "eat like a bird" and thanks to Maija.. "nothing tastes as good as thin feels.." and of course.. "I can do all things through christ who strengthens me! Speaking of food.. Im making boiled ham, cabbage, potatos and carrots right now.
I wish I had time to blog hop right now.. but I left dinner cooking downstairs and I need to find my way back there.. pray I dont fall and break something ..
Hugs and Love to you all!
OH I do so miss you all!
I MISS YOU ALL Soo MUCH!!! I dont know how I will ever catch up with all of your bloggies! I hope everyone is having a fun and making sweet christmasy things and getting ready to pig out for thanksgiving.. (those of you in the US anyways) I m so hoping that I'm back up and running sometime this week. We tried hooking my other sons computer up.. but something wasnt right. I have pictures to upload and post.. and things to say and talk about.. My elves are done, I just need to find boxes big enough to send them in now. Hey elf swappers dont forget to send me pics!
Ive lost a total of 22 pounds! 48 to go!! and I plan on continueing to lose through the holidays.. inspite of all the great food! "I can do this.. yes I can.. I can... I can... I can... my self talk goes like that and this.. "eat like a bird" and thanks to Maija.. "nothing tastes as good as thin feels.." and of course.. "I can do all things through christ who strengthens me! Speaking of food.. Im making boiled ham, cabbage, potatos and carrots right now.
I wish I had time to blog hop right now.. but I left dinner cooking downstairs and I need to find my way back there.. pray I dont fall and break something ..
Hugs and Love to you all!
OH I do so miss you all!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Here I am....
Here I am, did anyone notice that I was/am missing? We had a friend come look at my computer cause it was giving me trouble.. (remember last post?) anyways, He took it home to work on and was going to bring me a loaner the next day, but a horrible thing happen and his son was killed in a hunting accident that night. I dont want him to be worried about my computer right now. but I am really missing it. I can get my emails at work, and right now I'm at my daughters on her computer. I"m hoping that I can get my son to hook his computer up for me until I can get mine back . So til then, know that I'm missing you all!!!! I'm sure I'll be hooked back up tomorrow or sunday. I'll never ge caught up on all your blogs though!
soo happy weekend girls... I'll be back soon!!
Here I am, did anyone notice that I was/am missing? We had a friend come look at my computer cause it was giving me trouble.. (remember last post?) anyways, He took it home to work on and was going to bring me a loaner the next day, but a horrible thing happen and his son was killed in a hunting accident that night. I dont want him to be worried about my computer right now. but I am really missing it. I can get my emails at work, and right now I'm at my daughters on her computer. I"m hoping that I can get my son to hook his computer up for me until I can get mine back . So til then, know that I'm missing you all!!!! I'm sure I'll be hooked back up tomorrow or sunday. I'll never ge caught up on all your blogs though!
soo happy weekend girls... I'll be back soon!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
I iz.. grumpy!

My back aches... my computer is slow.... I am stumped for an idea for ornaments for a swap i'm in...

Dont feel like putting laundry away.. I guess I could just go to bed.. it is 10:38.. Im usually up another hour.. but yeah.. going to bed is probably a good idea. Or.. maybe I should walk on the treadmill.. nah...
maybe I'll make some popcorn.. but I already had my treat for the night. Eating now, would only be feeding an emotion.. (grumpyness) We shouldnt feed our emotions. bed.. yes.. bed is the best idea here.
Ok.. I shall spare you all of any more of my misery..
goodnight all you crafty girlfriends.. see yas tomorrow.. I promise to be cheerful.. and back to my normal self! ohh.. weight watchers is tomorrow.. keep your fingers crossed that I lost more weight!
night all!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
sunday morning ramblings

Morn'n girls! Finally I'm getting here to do a quick post! Ive been busy for the last few days. I've done a bit of christmas shopping, some creating some cleaning and finally got groceries last night.. been putting that off for days. So here it is sunday. I have a ton of laundry to do, and more creating to work on. I think we're going to cook burgers on the grill tonight, so I'll probably make a salad of some sort.
I've got Christmas on the brain now and need to get the swaps done and out, so I can concentrate on making something special that is dancing around in my brain! I also have a few memory bear orders and an order for 5 memory elves! These I want to have done by thanksgiving !! (good luck with that!)
I would love to start decorating now, but I have so much cute thanksgiving stuff that I have to wait at least til thanksgiving night or the day after! I'm thinking about hosting (at home) a christmas tea for the sunday after thanksgiving.. kind of a little season kick off! (and of course that will make me get my decorating done quickly!) I probably wouldnt have my tree up by then because we get live ones and thats a little early for one.
I lost another pound and a half last week! hopefully more this week. I'll keep you posted. I was at about 18/19 pounds last tuesday! Thats about the weight of the turkey I bought last night.. And he was pretty heavy! Still along way to go.. but I'm doing it.. Once I totally set my mind on something.. I become obsessed.. and theres no turning back! I can wear a couple pairs that I had stopped wearing a while back!

I have two recipes I wanted to share with you. This pork loin was soooo good, I made it the other night and then bought two more pork loins last night so I could make it again and again!! the recipe comes from the weight watchers in 20 minutes cookbook .
Pork tenderloin with Cranberry pan sauce:
served with butternut squash.. about 5 points per serving!
1 & 1/4 lb pork tenderloin trimmed and sliced into 8 slices
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 cup reduced sodium vegetable broth (but I use low fat chicken broth)
1/4 cup whole berry cranberry sauce
1 tbsp orange zest
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1) Spray non stick pan with nonstick cooking spray and set over med-high heat. Sprinkle the pork with the 1/2 tsp of the salt and the pepper. Add to the skillet and cook until browned about 2 minutes on each side. Transfer to a plate.
2) Add the broth to the skillet scraping up any browned bits from the botton of the pan. Add the cranberry sauce , orange zest , thyme, and pork along with any accumulated juices; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered until pork is done. About 8 minutes.

weight watchers crustless pumpkin pie! oh my.. so good!
4 servings.. 2 points each
1 can 15 oz pumpkin
1 can evaporated milk, fat free
3/4 cup egg beaters
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 splenda (or sugar)
400 degrees for the frist 15 minutes, then 300 for 45 minutes
the whole pie is only 8 points!!
EDIT~~ when I had that pie.. it was made with sugar. I just made it today with splenda.. and I hate it! el yukkko!!! dont do it! use sugar and you will love it.

Have a lovely sunday! Its supposed to be nice out today.. so I'm planning on at least an hour walk for this afternoon!
OOOHHHH!! one more thing! Frannie and Figgy are growing up and trying to make babies !! Shes been in heat.. and I think he has finally figured out what to do about it. (I saw them!!!) anyways, I really didnt want them to have kittens yet. Was hoping in the spring. so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that what ever they have been doing.. hasnt worked!!!!! Of course.. I would love to have little frannie and figgy kittens, but Jennifer wants two of them, and will have to move to have them and she wont be ready to move until nicer weather. I dont think that it would be hard to find them homes.. but that wasnt the plan. not yet! remember.. they are not related girls.. some of you may think they are brother and sister, but they are from two different litters. I purposely did it that way, so that I could let them have kittens if I decided to. So anyways.. it may be sooner then planned! Frannie is just so little and so young still. IF she got pregnant.. they would be due about januray 17th. I guess then the kittens would be ready to go mid march.. maybe that would be late enough for Jennifer.. ..
well I'm rambling on..
have a lovely day all you lovelies!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
roberts 21st birthday

There was a party at the bar in town last night for Robby.
I cant believe my Baby turned 21 Where does the time go?
robs girlfriend and I made a cake and
stopped in just to drop it off. Shes under 21 and not really allowed in the bar.. but I dragged her up there anyways, and no one said anything. OF course she did not drink there though.
I was surprised to find my husband and a couple of his buddies
there so we ended up staying a little while and I had a couple of baileys on the rocks, (at 2 points a piece!!!) and playing pool with a few of Robs buds. (I didnt make a single shot though! Im such a bad player.. but everyone wanted me for their partner anyways! haha!)
Check out my face in this picture.. just as the picture was being taken, the guy in gray smooshed cake in robs face!! I was a bit surprised and laughed my butt off! Then I cleaned it off of his face.. as he probably would have left it there all night! ha! (well probably not..but he sure wasnt feeling much I tell ya!)

When I left the bar at 11:30, my son had quite a buzz.. he was having a good time and some friends who were much more in control, One being the bartender, who was not drinking promised to bring him home.
So.. at around one I heard the door open and someone said .. happy birthday rob .. go to bed.
Well lets just say.. mama took care of robert for a while.. He was out of it. eiy yie yie! but he had a good time.. not one that I especially approved of.. I just dont get the whole getting wasted like that thing.. (but I suppose if I'm honest I can say... I remember those days.. but thats a secret! )heehee!
Anyways! Happy Birthday to my baby.. who just so happens to have a wee bit of a hangover today! And, I very well deserved one I may add!
And now you know why I worry so much and what I pray about! !
I really do wonder where all the time has gone!
well now I'm off to go paint that turkey!
was going to do it today but I went christmas shopping instead!
see yas later!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Me to daughter:
I think I'll make a turkey tomorrow.
daughter to me:
but you made a turkey breast last weekend
and you'll be making a whole one
for thanksgiving in 2 weeks!
It never occured to me that she wouldnt know
what I meant!
but of course she didnt!
just makes me giggle!
soups on !

so whats in here?
large box of college inn 95% fat free chicken broth.. (plus 1 can of fat free chicken broth.. needed more broth!)
15 oz can of diced tomatos
1/2 large onion chopped,
celery stalk chopped
3 small carrots chopped
1/2 large red pepper chopped
about 1 cup chopped fresh cabbage
3/4 cup of frozen peas
3/4 cup of frozen spinich
3/4 cup of frozen green beans
1/2 cup of frozen corn
1 left over cooked chicken breast
1/2 cup rice
fresh chopped parsley
poultry seasoning
I think thats everything! I just chop up and throw in what ever I have in the house. Its better after a couple days, But I start eating it right away.
A perfect low points lunch for me is a big bowl of this, about a cup of sugar free jello and fat free coolwhip beat together. a ww cheese stick, a bag of jolly time 1 pt microwave popcorn and a 1 pt weight watchers cookie! 4 points for a big lunch! And, I always have unsweetended icetea. or sometimes a diet pepsi.
This will probably be my lunch everyday this week!
Beautiful outside today.. going for a long walk later!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I'm so full!!
OH MY GOSH!! I'm so FULL!!! wow.. even on weight watchers I feel like I eat non stop! I'm allowed to have 25 points a day.. with an extra 35 points that I can eat at any time during the week.. broken up a few a day, or all at once.. doesnt matter. I hardly ever use them all in a week. but they are there if I need them.
this is what I ate today!
carnation instant breakfast 4pts
weightwatchers english muffin with tbsp cherry jam 2pts
apple 1pt
went to a luncheon where I was served beef on wic and frys and cake..
I ate the beef with horseradish..(no roll) 5 pts
3 large frenchfries 3 pts
gave the cake away!
back at the office.. I had:
a banana 2 pts
popcorn 1 pt
and a weightwatchers apple bar 2pts
95 % fat free 4 oz burger 4pts
laughing cow swiss 1pt
ww english muffin 1pt
with roasted red peppers, picidilly relish, and hot mustard.. 0 pts!
salad.. with real ital dressing (not fat free) 2 pts
oops.. I'm 3 points over.. but I walked on the tread mill for an hour when I got home.. so that covers those 3 points.. and even if it didnt, I still have 35 extra points for the week!
yes! I'm very full!
Now back to crafting!
see yas later!
this is what I ate today!
carnation instant breakfast 4pts
weightwatchers english muffin with tbsp cherry jam 2pts
apple 1pt
went to a luncheon where I was served beef on wic and frys and cake..
I ate the beef with horseradish..(no roll) 5 pts
3 large frenchfries 3 pts
gave the cake away!
back at the office.. I had:
a banana 2 pts
popcorn 1 pt
and a weightwatchers apple bar 2pts
95 % fat free 4 oz burger 4pts
laughing cow swiss 1pt
ww english muffin 1pt
with roasted red peppers, picidilly relish, and hot mustard.. 0 pts!
salad.. with real ital dressing (not fat free) 2 pts
oops.. I'm 3 points over.. but I walked on the tread mill for an hour when I got home.. so that covers those 3 points.. and even if it didnt, I still have 35 extra points for the week!
yes! I'm very full!
Now back to crafting!
see yas later!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Just playing around...

One of the benefits of working for the county..
election day off!
sO I spent it putting away halloween. It was so sad.
I hate putting all my sweet little ghouls, goblins,
black cats and pumpkin heads away.
But it has to be done.
I have a little bit of stuff that I leave out for thanksgiving
and I ran out and bought a few pieces
that are just for thanksgiving, lori mitchell pieces..
YOu should see them!
two pilgrims riding on turkeys and two little indians.
they are so cute! I'll take pics of them tomorrow.
I snapped these two pics tonight,
and thought id try to use the one of my mantel for a banner..
and it worked!
except that it doesnt say "Viv on a whim"!
I think I might be able to figure out how to add that on tomorrow though.
I'm just impressed that it uploaded and fit there!
And.. HEres an odd picture of the naughties.
Dont they look so grown up now?? Its just this picture..
They really still look like kittens.

Went to weight watchers tonight,
lost another 1.6 pounds! amazing!
Im just so impressed with myself! heehee!
Just wait til next summer..
I'll be a beach beauty instead of a beached whale! haha!
(just kidding.. girls... I know it upsets some of you if you think i'm insulting myself.. but Im not.. I'm just playing!)
Well, its back to work tomorrow.. so i suppose I should put myself to bed!
Well, its back to work tomorrow.. so i suppose I should put myself to bed!
good night all!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
cookies and candy!

which was a labor of love yesterday for my Family....
I spent 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning..
and will probably do another 45 minutes later on!
I'm thinking those cookies are about 5 points a piece.
Thats ok, I want to be able to eat things like that on occasion,
I just have to make adjustments when I do!
I do have to announce that I did not eat any candy...
other then a few pieces of candy corn when I was frosting the cookies!
So, 45 minutes on the treadmill,
a bowl of oatmeal and unsweetened icetea for breakfast,
and its back to behaving today!
I'm in first place at work for the biggest loser!
Really thats not important to me though..
but moving along at a steady clip to take this weight off is.

working on tags for Elizabeths tag swap and looking at my new where woman create and cloth paper scissors mags.

Look at the cover of CPS!
its the fabulous Flora of (bone head studios) snowfolk!
this is one of my most favorite of her creations!
well girls.. its 10:12 am..
and I will spend the next 45 minutes crusing through blog land..
probalby wont leave any comments..
but do know I was there..
hugs and happy sunday to all of you!
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