grammie pie had her yearly mamogrammie yesterday.. and what to their wondering eyes should appear but a spot on my right breast so round and so clear! So more pictures were taken and it disappeared. then they did an ultrasound.. but found nothing! the whole thing was kind of surreal. I really didnt get nervous or afraid. The thoughts that I had kind of surprised me. The absolute first thought I had was to pray, even as she was speaking to me about it, my mind was busy praying, "dear god, dont let this be anything.. please.. thankyou and amen"
Then I thought, "I wouldnt want to be one of those people who say.. why me? and I thought the opposite, why not me? Its gonna be somebody.. why not me? " Then I thought, (this is the truth girls) omg.. Now I really have to lose weight, because Im not dying fat!" But I was never really scared and really not that worried.. how strange is that? Anyways.. It must have been nothing. But I do have to go back in 6 months for a recheck.
After words.. I went to tim hortons and got a freaken donut! I deserved it! eiy yie yie! Then I picked up Torry pie and brought him home for the evening. OMG.. I just love him to pieces! 

And.. this morning I woke up with another cold! what the heck is that about? I just had one a few weeks ago. oh well, Id rather have a cold then that flu bug thats going around.

3 cups of water
1-1/2 cups of old fashioned oats
2 cups of chopped apples
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 cup of sliced almonds.
OH.. and I added 1/4 cup of raisins too
thats all!
but! I would use a little less apples next time and I would use chopped walnuts instead of the almonds.
also, I sprinkled brown sugar splenda on it when I served it.
it was so good.. gonna make more tonight!
Ok.. I'm off to the store, need birdseed, vicks kleenex and some excedrin!
have a good weekend!
Oh Viv---thank God it turned out ok!!!
Lil Mr. Torry is just as cute as can be. I want to reach thru the screeen and pinch those sweet cheeks!!
It can be so scary can't it?! So glad it's nothing and GOOD FOR YOU for going to get a mammo.
Happy Days are Here Again
The sky above is clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy Days are here agaiiinnnnn!!
Can Torry Come And Live At My House? What An Angel! So Happy All Came Out To Be Better Than You Thought Following The Momentary Scare. Whew..God Is Good Sister! Have A Wonderful Weekend..Filled With Laughter, Love And Sunshine, Terri
Hey girlie, I'm glad to hear that your "boob-job" went good lol Your lucky you got another xray done so fast. The past 2 years I've had to go back, three days later! Now, try sweating it for 3 days thinking all kinds of bad thoughts! Yikes. Next year, keep in mind you'll probably have the same thing-- so don't get soooo worried when it happens again.
Your g-baby is growing so fast, such a darling baby! You know, I get my WORST colds from my 2 grand-babies. I'm talking KILLER colds when they just have a stuffy nose. I personally think baby germs were meant to kill off the older population, I'm just sayin'... lol
Enjoy your g-baby, just be warned! ;-P
Hi Sweetness!
I am so sorry you are sick and hope you feel better quick!
Shew! I am so glad your mammie turned out ok. I had a mastectomy and chemo so I am always getting on my girlie friends to go get their mammies grammied!! Good for you that you went!
I just want to pinch Torry...OMG he's adorable!!!
Get better!!
Hi Viv,
I'm so glad your test came out ok.
Funny the things that go through a person's head at a time like that.
I've had similar experience.
That oatmeal recipe sounds yummy. Would make any cold feel better I think!
Will keep you in my prayers.
Take Care,
Glad it turned out okay - scary to think about. Hard to resist the doughnut after going through all that - boy, can I relate to that thinking :)
Sometimes little scares help put things in prospective. You are so lucky to have your sweety little Torry to let you know everything is alright. Been there done that!
Have a great weekend my friend! Hugs, Terri
So glad it turned out to be nothing! Your grandbaby is adorable! I just can't wait til mine comes, can I borrow him till then? LOL!
Whew.....that was scary reading for a minute! I have got to try this oatmeal...I love it, the gummier the better! I have to go in for a mammo soon, hate them, but they are necessary. :)
So glad everything turned out O.K. with the mamogram...scary!
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Your little Torry is a doll!!!
So glad Viv to hear that it disappear & it was nothing...have a honey of a night ~ sweet dreams! Marlene PS.. Torry is a cutie pie...
I had that scare several years ago with a mammogram. I had a lump, and we decided to remove it rather than just biopsy it. It was benign. Surely was worrisome at the time. I was so concerned that I wouldn't be around to watch our children grow up. I wouldn't have wanted them to not have a mother during their teen years.
I'm so glad it turned out okay with you!
Please ma'am, I want to BORROW Torry so I can hug & cuddle his cute lil' self! I PROMISE to give him back to you, Viv! (Sometime.) (Maybe.) He is just adorable cuddliness all in one lil' package! Sigh! And YOU had a rough old day, sweet girl! But - being the champion you ARE, you just took it in stride & everything turned out fine! As for that crockpot oatmeal ... YUM-O! I LOVE oatmeal - one of my staples - so I will make that! Thanks, Viv! Big hugs to you today!
Thank God it disappeared-what a scare! I couldn't help but laugh though, when you said that it encouraged you to lose more weight because you don't want to die over-weight-HA!!!! How are you liking the bizarre weather? One day it's Spring,the next it's blistering cold...argh!!
Oh' girl, what a scare. I remember having those same scared feeling when I went to get a mammogram and they surprisingly said we need to do a ultrasound/sonogram (whatever it's called) and then had someone else come in to look at it. Lucky after watching those spots for a couple of years, it looks like they're only cysts. I know too, much caffeine. Very scary stuff!
I'm so glad it turned out to be nothing for you! That little Torry is a honey pie. He would get so tired of me kissing him all the time.
Love ya...Tracy :)
Oh Vivian! This little grand-baby just makes me want to smooch his little cheeks! Wow! has he grown! Good news to share with all of us. E
Glad your test came out ok. Must have been something wrong with the film. It's still good to pray. I know I do and have. I go every 6 months to the breast doctor. Have for 2 years now. So far everything is ok. I keep praying.
Your crock pot oatmeal looks yummy.
I'm off to Texas again tomorrow.
Take care of yourself and will get on a computer while in Texas.
Your grand baby is a CUTIE PIE!
Hi Viv, just popped in before heading off to bed, well almost.
Hope it's a great day for you tomorrow!
OX's...T :)
Rest in the Lord (no worries) is having FAITH!!!
Torry is adorable!!
I am so glad to hear that everything turned out to be okay.
Little Torry is just about the smoochiest little guy I have ever seen. What a little doll baby.
Love the crock-pot recipe. I love oatmeal and I love anything that I can prepare in my crock-pot even more.:)
Did you intend for the first part of your post to be a sing-song rhyme, b/c it totally was!
In any case, I am SO relieved you are okay! And, thanks for the oatmeal tip, I'm going to make it right now.
so glad it turned out okay! YOu gotta take care of that cute guy's grandma!
Tory is getting so alert and growing fast. Kiss them pudgy cheeks for me.
Love the Little green man. You are really turning out some awesome critters and folkies lately. Im super impressed!
P.S...Im soooo relieved your boobs are A ok !
Oh thank heavens. Those scares can age ya, I tell ya! I'm glad you had the sweetness after...baby and baked goods!
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