hello everyone.. I took these pics the other day and have been meaning to upload them here. I couldnt decide which ones to share, so I hope you dont mind.. I put them all here! I hope they dont take ten years for your computers to open.. :(

This little shelf sits on my craft table and is full of the sweetest little things. Alot of it from some very sweet friends in blog and flickr lands.

I have other areas in my house that look similar with other sweet little things displayed too.. and lots more sweet pieces made by my bloggy buds! I love every piece I recieve and I need to be able to look at it all often! do you think I'll become a hoarder?? Uhh.. I do have a very small house! and a lot of stuff.... my poor hubby!

I have to admit something to you all.. I am tired....

I LOVe the wonderful worlds I've found on line, and I ADORE everyone of you.

But, I am finding it so difficult at times to keep up here. and I cant bare to miss a day, so I dont know if taking a break is possible. but I find I cant even get comfortable at the computer lately!!

well that sucks! makes me want to run out and buy a new computer desk and big comfy chair! I'm finding that I might almost rather crawl up on the couch with my afghan and kitties and watch tv.. but hubby always has on stupid stuff that I dont like to watch, which would make me fall asleep and thats the last thing I want to do.. even though im tired! lol!!

truthfully I dont really like to watch much tv at all. but I havent gotten myself in the right frame of mind to start on easter crafting .. so I'm sort of in limbo.. a little tired of the computer.. not liking tv and not ready to start creating for easter.. so what shall I do with myself!?

Maybe after I put all my valentines stuff away, I can focus on easter better. but I cant put valentines away yet.. not yet.. its all just sooo cute!! maybe this weekend.. who knows. it always happens when the mood strikes me. All of a sudden I will just be ready and I'll jump in and get it done!

Easter is late this year, april 24th I think. so really I dont want to decorate for easter until mid march probably.. what do you think? I have a ton of the cutest easter stuff... maybe the end of feb would be better! lol!

Im thinking I need to have some ice cream now.. dont worry, its sugar free, only 1 point for 1/2 a cup. I have 3 points saved for tonight.. oh yeah.. looking forward to my icecream!

frannies in heat.... but figgys fixed..... oh broken hearted me.. no more sweet little siamese kittens..... I really wish I could have more!!

3 litters, 18 kittens total was enough for Frannie dont you think? argh!! I would love to let her have more. I just dont think its just not good for her precious little body to be pregnant so many times!

well ive rambled on here long enough.. (are you even still with me???) lol!
Off I gooooo..... I think I'm going to look through craft supplies and see if any thing strikes my fancy to play with!
huggles all!
I just love all of these photos!!!!
I can't get over how sweet everything is! I would say she has had enough kittens, I think it is harder on them than we know....I would have her spayed, make it easier on her too! You had so much fun with those kittens, but was it always fun???? I would think it was an enormous amount of work too! You asked...just my 2 cents worth! :) My friend just got a year old boxcer pup from a rescue and she had had a litter ( one at least) before they got her! She was only a puppy herself! They couldn't believe how young they can reproduce....they are pretty sure she came from someone who had a "puppy mill"....Bella is a lucky dog to have come thru that...don't you think????
Thanks for sharing all your cute little sweeties!!! I love the little pink kitty!!! hugs
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful treasures. The photos made me smile; I can only imagine how many smiles they must bring to you in real life.
I too understand about being tired, it's been a cold, long winter here in New York. I will say though, the sun has been out a couple of days now and I find myself perking up a bit...But I know what you mean about the couch and a nice blanket...mine is a fleecy one, just love it! I'm not much of a TV person either but I do love to throw in a good movie and curl up.
Thank you again for the peek into your wonderful world. ~mary helen
All of your swap treasures are so cute on your shelf...love the pennant banners too!
Rest and ice cream are the best cures for most anything! :)
Eye-Candy! Eye-Candy! We Want Eye-Candy!!!
Vivian, you are my role model girl... I am in awe of your awesomely awesome holiday decorating skilz. My poor barren house has barely a heart to show that Valentine's Day has come and gone (I do however have leftover heart-shaped fudge and muffins with heart-y papers and heart sprinkles, so maybe that counts for something, eh?)
Have a wonderful day, hon♥
I know just how you feel.
I think we are all suffering from the winter doldrums!! I'm bored and just can't get motivated. It's a bit too early to put out the spring stuff and I'm sick to death of the snowmen and winter stuff!!
I went through this post SIX TIMES, drooling over all those darling things! SOOOOOO CUTE! And, Viv, I really GET you about being a bit burned out & unable to keep up with the computer or get motivated. Sometimes the ONLY way I can allow myself to walk away from Blogland and the computer for a few days (just long enough to revitalize myself) is to go to my friend, MaryBear's house where NO computer 'lives'! I TRY to stay off it HERE, but temptation calls me. Sigh. I think you will get your 'mojo' back soon! In the meantime, I believe I speak for everyone in saying WE LOVE YOU!!!!
I love looking at all your neat stuff. No wonder you are not ready to put it away yet. But it sounds like you do need to rest, and then when you are ready...create and redecorate!
Sweetness over load!!!!
Oh Viv I wanna come and play at your house!
Soooooo many treasures to oh and awww over! :-)
I am feeling the same way....stuck!
The winter blues have taken over and I don't feel like doing anything!
Valentines day came and went and I didn't even get excited {Its my favorite holiday}.
I think we all need a vacation...some place sunny and sandy. on a beach with cute cabanna boys and fruity drinks with pretty straws in them!
Hugs, Dolly
I am loving all your pretties!!
Where did you find sugar free ice cream? I have been looking for some and can't find a thing!!
oh how CUTE!!! JUST OOOOZES SWEETNESS!!!! I just linked you to my today's post...you must let me know what you think of little bears new home!
big hugz!
Fabulous vignette! You have some awesome stuff I want...pink kitty with blue eyes...grey kitty in blue outfit...pink piggy...heres my address....
haha. Lucky Girl!!
Hi Viv. Is it in the air? I'm so un-crafty right now. And I know just how you feel about being tired all the time. I'm getting no-where fast and I certainly can't keep up with blogging. And once I get on line I don't want to stop and it's exhausting and though it's inspiring I go into overload. Actually the computer wears me out and then I have nothing left. And as far as TV goes y'all sound just like us. Neil keeps it on sci-fi which I care nothing about.
Your shelf full of lovelies is, well, just lovely! So sweet. Aren't you glad we get a 2nd childhood?
love ya, Tracy :)
What an incredible collection! I can't stop from going back and looking and looking.
I hope you will take a break if you need it. I would miss you and your darling things so much but I know you would be back. I just don't like the thought of you hurting at the computer and really wearing out!
Just my two cent...
Big hugs,
I'm tellin' ya! I can never get enough of your happy little space! I love how it's all packed into the shelves...it makes it more inspiring that way. have a good day viv!
xo nat
Dearest Mommy,
First of all, all of your little stuffs are of course adorable.
Second of all, lets pimp Frannie out to the himalayan dude. If we don't tell Figgy, everything will be fine. We'll just tell him that the babies are his (and then he'll start singing "Billy Jean" :-p). I was looking at pictures of Jasper yesterday...can you imagine little Jasper repeats all over the place??? Of course you would HAVE to keep one. That would be the issue more than having another litter. ;o)
I think that cute Tony T. and I are coming over on Sunday. He wants to watch the race w/dad and learn about Nascar...hahaha (I didn't tell dad that yet)!!!!! See...he's trying! He said you'd better have hors d'oeuvres ready for him! ;o) I'll speak with you later about menu options.
Have a loverly day, mama! Talk to you later! <3
Adorable collection Viv!!!! My v-day flowers somehow got lost in the shuffel... not sure what happened to them.. but was thrilled with the ones I received the next day. I even love the red vase!!
What a menagerie of lovely cuteness! You are blessed to receive these from such talented people! I still love that piggie! I also love love love your felted mouse on the kandeland blog! Have a great day Viv!
You need to make a blog header/banner out of that top shelf photo! Whimsy and beyond!
The creative spirit seems to ebb and flow, don't you think? I wear myself out when I'm on a creative "high", so I guess it's a good thing I don't have it going full bore all the time!
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