Well the big storm caught up with us last night and today, though I dont think it was as bad as what they made it sound like we would get. I stayed home and called it a snow day for myself. I HATE driving in the snow and the roads sucked! Then it snowed alllll day long, so they didnt improve any and the ride home would have been just as bad as the ride in.. so staying home was the smart thing to do!! So I puttered, cooked, created and played! This afternoon my snow man friend wanted to go out and check out the snow! so out we went.. just long enough to snap a couple pics and get the mail!! BRRRR! it was cold. but it was pretty.

This morning when my husband went out to snowblow and then to get his coffee, he brought me back a mcDonalds wildberry smoothie!! sweet man! I love those things.. and guess what.. you wont believe it, he just came home with another one a bit ago! I stuck that one in the freezer for later.. (american idol is on in a while!!) McDonalds is 10 miiles from us.. its not like its just around the corner. hes so silly, i love him!

So I baked and created today! I baked some cranberry ornage pecan bread.. mmmmm!!!! but, uh, I ate half the loaf I think!! GOSH!!!!! sometimes Im so out of control! I cooked a roast with potatos, carrots and brussel sprouts.. mmmmm!! so good. I'm really full! Probably mostly from all that bread!!! (OINK OINK!) oh! I think I'm going to make a little valentine pig! tonight, while I watch american idol!!
And, I played in my craft room! I made these two little mousie girls. they are all dressed up for valentines day! I thought they were cute. I also finished a couple other things that I've been working on. yesterday I mailed out my valentines cards, and my swappies to Kelly and Rella! I'll be looking forward to my mail ladys visits!!

Speaking of my mail ladies visits, she brought a package the other day of sweet valentine ornaments from another ornie swap I was in. Look at how cute these all are! the one above was made by the fabulous kathy Lowry!

This sweet doll with the shadow box skirt was made my dear friend Natalea Kandefer!

this awesome Queen of hearts! made by tammy Lucik!

This sweet quilted heart was made by my dear friend brenda Radzinski!

Speaking of my mail ladies visits, she brought a package the other day of sweet valentine ornaments from another ornie swap I was in. Look at how cute these all are! the one above was made by the fabulous kathy Lowry!

This sweet doll with the shadow box skirt was made my dear friend Natalea Kandefer!

this awesome Queen of hearts! made by tammy Lucik!

This sweet quilted heart was made by my dear friend brenda Radzinski!
Lastly, I made this little heart and i made little valentine garlands to go with them.
so much fun! I love doing small ornament swaps. they are always fun to do and you always get the neatest little pieces of art!
OK girls, just one more thing, thank you to those of you who responded to the post below and sent sweet prayers and wishes to my sister. It really means alot to me.. and I'm sure to her too!
you all rock!! ♥♥♥ I'm off to watch american idol.. gotta watch his rockstarness... steven tyler! I just find him kind of fun to watch!
Oh... my... gosh! Those little mice are so darn cute! LOVE them!
That snowman is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. All of your decorations are wonderful. Thanks so much for the visit and the gracious comments. I really do appreciate it. Hugs, Marty
This is full of lovely things but I just adore the mousey with the pink pearl nose. He is so cute I can hardly stand it!
I am with you on driving in the snow. We have been in Palo Alto for almost a month now for Jud's treatment and I love the weather here. On the other hand, I am incredibly homesick. We will return Saturday and I can't wait but I have mixed feelings about leaving this balmy weather!
Hope you have many snow days!
I LOVE your little mouse girls!!!
Gosh, you really got dumped on with the snow. Believe it or not, the storminess pretty much bypassed our area. We were supposed to get quite a bit of ice accumulation but they were wrong. Again. I was really glad they were wrong this time!!
All my love,
The mouse girls are so cute.I love the quilted heart also.
Stay warm!!
Hugs Cindy the snow queen...lol
those mice are ADORABLE!!
I'm LOVING Steven on Idol!!
I love those little mice you made. And the snowman. Everything was closed down here in Indiana for the last two days, even Purdue! That hardly ever happens.
Viv I do wish we lived closer to each other. I'm getting rid of so much stuff. Your little valentines are beautiful! Keep warm and safe. Hugs, Terri
I'm not sure which made me smile more, the snowman outside, or the little mice!!!!! You are sooo clever!! And isn't Steven Tyler so sweet on American Idol??
xox Rella
p.s. I hope your package arrives tomorrow......all the snow may be delaying our mail system.
I love those mice...and that layered heart. What a happy, creative post!
Do you sell those mice anywhere?
Oh Viv! I am swooning over your sweet little Valentine mice...sooo adorable! It sounds like you are making the best of being snowed in. I wish we had some more snow here in Seattle. It just seems to make things slow down a bit, and I always feel quite crafty when it snows.:) Aren't you just loving American Idol so far!?! I am really enjoying the gorgeous JLo and the wonderfully crazy Steven Tyler. As always thank you for visiting my little blog, I appreciate it so much. Have a wonderful day!
Hey Vicki, I love the mice!! very sweet!!
I love the little mousie girls!!! DARLING!
The mice are adorable!
Now THOSE are the kind of lil' mousies that people WANT in their houses! And that snowman is as cute as he can be with the birdies hanging out around him! Viv, you are THE most precious person! You just make us all smile with your playful spirit! I'm GLAD hubby brought you some McDonald's goodies! Your DINNER sounded so good I could almost smell it. It made me want to RUN into my kitchen and see if any of it had floated over HERE! LOL! Reading your post made my day!
Viv, I just love all of your Valentine things. So sweet!! Oh, and love that little snowman!
Hello Vivian, this post it all about lovely things. The mouse girls are so cute, your husband brings you the Mc Donald goodies and all those precious gifts from your friends.
And I love that snowman.
Greetings and I hope you have a great weekend.
I ador, simply adore the snowman. You know my friend you have my prayers for your Sister and her husband. Have a great week-end...m...
Hello Vivian,
the mice!! oh I love this little mice!! And the snowman is adorable!!!
have a wonderful weekend
Viv, you'll never quit surprising me. I adore your Valentine Girls. And that of course everything else you do.
Just went by your Valerie's blog. Wow, I here I was complaining and whining and just look at all your family is going through. My heart cries for them. You know I'll be praying that you and the family feel the presence of God and have all the strength to get through such a horrendous time.
Love you...Tracy
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