My visit with Kelly this past weekend was just perfect. It was so nice to see her. She has a gorgeous home! Really.. Like, I wouldnt even want her to see my little dump!
SEe her puppies above? they are so sweet, keenan and reagan.. they were my buds while I was there! and Reagan stole my hotdog and chips off my plate while I wasnt looking durning ghouls night! Kelly had them all dressed for halloween in jail clothes that said "bad dog". But really, I thought they were sweet as can be. I didnt get a picture of him, but Kellys husband was also quite sweet. He took us to dinner and went out in the morning and brought us "snoogles". What are snoogles you ask? well duh! why didnt I take a picture of them? snoogles are a wonderful pastry made by an area bakery that was voted no# 1 in the country! and they were delicious!
Kellys decorations and collections are to die for! I seriously was in halloween heaven while there!
She hosted Ghouls night while I was there. I helped her prepare some things and carved her pumpkins, but most of it she had prepared in advance. Let me tell you.. Kelly is seriously the hostess with the mostess.. everything was perfect. and all of her friends brought goodies too..
I got to meet a bunch of Kellys ghoulfriends and her mom and her moms friend. Everyone was so friendly and one of the girls even brought me a little present! I had a great time sitting around chatting with everyone. All of them are artists who work for American Greetings designing greeting cards! what a great job! I'm jealous! why on earth did I become a social worker? eiy yie yie!
I did entertain them with some social work stories.. but I would change jobs with them anytime!
Check out the awesome cake Kelly made me! Its a birthday cake! There was so much food it didnt get touched there, but I brought it home and it was delicious! isnt it adorable!?
Kelly had party favors, the cutest little halloween buckets and "crackers" full of candy and halloweenie stuffs! As well as halloween pez's for everyone. I also brought faux cupcakes for all the girls. and one of her friends brought goodies for everyone too. It was like trick or treating! everyone went home with a bag full of treats.
Mostly it was just really nice to visit with Kelly. we hung out and chatted and watched Bridesmaids.. and laughed our butts off. we went to world market and out to lunch and before I knew it was time to go home! I would have loved to stay another day. but all hell was breaking loose at home and I needed to go.

I was getting phone call after phone call! first Tony called to tell me I was going to have to stay in ohio as his alternator went... then Bethany called to ask if I left my car keys home because something was wrong with her car! Then Robert called to find out if I had a thermometer because Tiffany was sick. They robert called to tell me that she was in the hospital with kidney stones (remember she is 7 months pregnant). Next day, bethany was texting and worried because tiffany is her babysitter and the dr. told her she couldnt babysit anymore. then robert called to tell me the baby had been born and I needed to come home.. (he was LYING!) he always does that to me.. tries to get me going for NO reason. next time I go away, I'm turning my phone off.
most of everyones problems have been solved now.. but Tiffany is still in the hospital. hoping she can come home today. then... they have to move! this week...
I am doing makeup for the musical Annie for lake plains players this weekend and I have to be there the next 4 nights.. remind me next time to say NO!
but anyways, thats all for now folks! but first ..
check out these treasures that I got from Kelly~ ooooooooo!! arent they devine!
have a great day!