from wednesday morning 5:00 am till midnight last night... I was going nonstop!! I was almost glad to go to work this morning, just to relax! lol! I had a great holiday week though.. and the topping on the cake was seeing sandy and natalea this weekend. We had a nice time. I got there sat about lunch time. natalea and sandy had gone out dancing the night before and they were pretty tired and in need of food.. so we decided to go to lunch instead of dinner.. so we went to paneras and then to michaels then back to nats to craft and hang out.

I taught the girls how to make elves. didnt they all turn out cute? Nat had yummy snacks for us to much on while we created and she bought Baileys Irish Creme.. just thinking of me! (OMG I love that stuff!) like once upon a time.. back in the day... like.. wayyyyyyyy back.. like at about age 19 or 20... my friend and I played hooky.. we left work early, went to the liqour store bought the biggest bottle of Baileys, went home and wrapped presents and drank the whole bottle! and boy did we have a blast! christmas just wouldnt be Christmas with out some baileys! in fact.. I better buy a bottle for here soon! (thanks nat! though I have to say, after the girls wild night of dancing and partying, neither of them had any baileys with me!!!) silly girls!

we swapped ornies and gifties! I made the girls these snowbears. I dont have a good picture of one. (thats the elf that nat made in this pic too.)

Sandy made these freaken awesome ornies!

Natalea made these adorable little holiday pillows! mine is soo cute with little Christmas kittens on it! and she gave us these amaryllis plants.. I planted mine this morning and took it to work to brighten up my office. (I decorated my office for Christmas today too! heehee)

I think I need a new camera, mine isnt taking the best pictures these days. unless its the camera operator... (which is very likely!)
these are the adorable ornaments that natalea made. I love them!

This cry baby is from Sandy and this picture doesnt do it justice, first of all its big and pink and all glittery! and it says, baby its cold outside. Ithank you girls for such fun gifts!

these are some other cuties that Sandy gave us! can you see sandy through the cellophane? hehee!

I took a bunch of pics of nataleas adorable decorations.. but didnt think I should make my post that long! so hop over to my flickr and see them. They are all posted there. heres one little teaser....! or bop over to sandys blog at see her pics.. she is a much better photographer then I!

In other news! I did a swap with Kim from Kims musings. I LOVE kim.. she and I just love the same things and we have become pretty good friends. she sent me this box full of vintagey awesomeness! I love it all! I did not get good pics of everything but i plan on taking a few minutes tomorrow maybe and snapping up some pics of where i put everything!
Kim is very thoughtful. She even included the sweetest little vintage christmas apron. which you can get just a glimpse of in the top pic.
thank you so much Kim! Shes so on the ball with mailing early! I will send out your gifties soon!
OK.. with all that said.. I need to get a bowl of ice cream and then come back and do some blog hopping myself!
night girlies!