So happy to be home!! I have today off because we're going to see the transiberian orchestra. We thought we had tickets for the 3:00 show, however while we were out to dinner last night my daughter was looking at the tickets and realized that we had tickets to the 8:00 show. I had already taken the day off and for a minute considered going in, but then I thought, WHY??? so I am puttering around playing and enjoying being at home!
Jen and I have been hitting up some of our favorite spots looking for after christmas left over bargains, and have been disappointed. I think all the stores around here bought less and had more before holiday sales so they have less left over things! Which is actually smart of them.. but sucks for us!
I did find these sweets at crafts and creations in lockport. Love those bethany lowe garlands and bought all that they had left! also found the little tin tree candle holder clippy mobobs.. 15 cents a piece. I bought 20 of them, but thinking I should go back and get the rest! I have so many ideas for them!

Frannie and Figgy are happy to have me home this morning.. They are never far from my side and sometimes figgy is tucked right into my shirt! Frannie doesnt do that much anymore, but figgy loves it. Gives me a back ache though!
Well all.. I have mice and valentine tags to work on.. and a couple emails to send. But first.. I need to make a pot of tea!

ohhhh..... by the way... I ...... gained....... half a pound....... over christmas weekend. I guess in the scheme of things and seeing as I pretty much ate whatever I felt like eating.. that is not too awful bad! However.. I'm totally back on track and will lose 38 if not 40 pounds by jUNE!! With that said.. I think I'll turn the stereo on and dance around the house while I clean up here!
see yas later!