Awww... Heres my little Marmalade. I think he just had a birthday... according to Jennifer.. I cant remember which day she thinks is his birtday. In any case she thought he is 16 but he is not, he is 15. either way, hes getting up there in age. He really isnt doing to well, that tumor on his tongue is growing again and he is in a constant state of drool! and he is always wet as a result. The poor baby. Still eating well though and very affectionate and sweet. Unfortunetely I know we will lose him , I assume over the summer.
I have my eyes open looking for siamese kittens, I am going to want to get two of them. So far there are none around here, which is just as well, I dont want to get them yet. Just need to know they exist!

So, I was tagged by ZOE of http://zoebabie.blogspot.com/ If you have not met her, you should stop by her blog. she lives (I believe) in singapore, and she is adorable and funny. So here goes:
8 things I am looking forward too:
1) niagara sisters art retreat!! only a few weeks away!
2) getting all my flowers planted!
3) going to see the sound of music in toronto
4) making my 1st quilt (starting to cut it out tomorrow!)
5) many summer days at the beach!
6) starting up my etsy (dont know when~)
7) working 4 day weeks and getting out at 4:00 all summer
8) seeing Jennifers musical
8 things I did yesterday:
1) bought the first four of my hanging flower baskets!
2) had dinner with a bunch of girl friends!
3) play catch phrase
4) worked
5) prayed for people that I'm worried about!
6) called a friend to get her to talk me out of going shopping after work! (forgot about girls night, glad I didnt go shopping!
7) played on the computer, reading blogs and looking at flickr
8) worked on a swap project for the sweet tweet swap
8 things I wish I could do:
1) hire a gardener, maid and construction team!
2) (should be number #1) win the lottery!
3) work 4 day work weeks all year long!
4) pay for my family to come visit me, so I dont have to go visit them!!
5) wiggle my nose to pop in and out of far away places!
6) pay all my kids bills!
7) buy a cottage on the lake and hire someone to take care of it for me!
8) go back in time and change a few things!
8 shows I watch:
this one is more difficult to answer, because I really am not a huge tv watcher..
1) AMerican Idol
2) funny home videos
3) CSI
4) criminal minds
5) with out a trace
Really on the first two things are shows I will really want to watch.. the others if I'm in the living room working on a project, i will pay some attention too them.
I cant think of any others. I'll list some I liked when I was a kid...
6) brady bunch
7) bewitched
8) mary tyler moore
now I'm supposed to tag 8 people.. but I'm not going to.. If any one wants to play along, let me know your posting this, so I can see your answers!!
I have banana nut bread in the oven.. cant wait for it to be done! I'm hungry!
I've got lots of projects to work on today.. so off I go to get busy!
had to come back and pop in these pictures of the banana bread!