For all of you that left me comments on my last post, thank you SOOOO MUCH! It really means a lot to me. I miss marmalade terribly and losing him made me miss Jasper all the more too. Friday night and saturday morning were pretty rough, but I called the lady who had my kittens on sat, and we went and picked them up .. so its been quite literally a whirlwind of activity here since then. Ok.. Ive not had kittens for 15 years! wow! they are crazy little fur balls! Its hard to get some good pictures of them, because they really dont hold still much. They are sweet though and they have made it a little easier to deal with losing marmalade. The boy, Figgy, (thinking of changing his name to frankie.. my son hates his name and refuses to call him by his name... ) is a sweet heart. He loves to be petted, and purrs up a storm, but then likes to get down and go play or sleep under the couch. But he likes to check in often. Frannie, is adorable and sweet, but really would rather not be handled! She looks at me and I swear she is saying.. "oh please do not look at me or pick me up!!" shes coming around though and has made quite a bit of progress in the past 4 days. Shes timid but I think she'll be fine. They are quite a pair and both of them are cute as heck! I keep saying "oh my gosh, they're so freaken cute!" I think I might be annoying my husband!

So what else is new? not much really, I spent a fortune on flowers and worked outside sunday and monday planting them and pulling weeds. I made a raggedy ann doll for Aunt PittyPats raggedy ann swap, but cant show pics til after she is recieved. She did turn out cute though. Other then that, I've not been very creative the last few days. I'm trying to decide what kind of little momento I can make in memory of marmalade. I'll probably make a little needle felted orange tiger kitty sometime soon.

Ive made 5 charm braclets to put in my etsy.. if I ever get it started! I have a couple other things for it too and I want to make a couple miniature bears also. If I ever get it up and running, I'll let you know!

Well, I am way behind on your blogs now, thanks to one of my friendly neighborhood farmers! but I'm going to find some thing to eat and then start blog hopping!
have a good night and see you at your blogS soon!!
And they really are so freaking cute!!!
Oh yes, I missed you and I'm very happy you are back with new projects.
Doris :)
Viv! My goodness, I miss a few days of blogging, and so much happens! I am so sorry to hear about Marmalade and of course Jasper, but very happy for you and your new kitties. They will keep you so occupied! Larry and Lester are 4 and still act like crazy kittens. And I just love your charm bracelets- so sweet. I just have one on etsy right now, b if you want to swap anytime, let me know. xo
Hello Viv! Welcome back perhaps i think these kitties may make you busy again with playing with them whenever you wish *hehe*
Have some healthy food! And you will probable feel good for boost your creative activity again;P
stay happy with your adorable kitties! Btw i love the name of Figgy:)
cute...cute....cute new babies!!! :)
Yay for blog hopping.. and wiggly kittens!! Just adorable! I'm trying to play the catch up game, too!
Those precious little kittens will keep you busy and fill your heart with joy I'm sure. They are so soft and cuddly I would want to hold them all day.
Have fun making your bear! No go, shoosh, get back to work my friend.
xo Cathy
Oh the Kitties -- so so cute --
wanta see some beautiful flower
pics soon !! I am not up to diggin in the dirt -- but so love flowers -- guess that is why I have so many plates ,cups and collectibles with flowers on them - kathy - ga
OMG They are too cute!! We lost a kitty 1 1/2 years ago and got 2 sister kittens about a year ago. They do help heal your broken heart don't they?
I am sorry I deleted, but I did nor reread it and had too many spelling errors. Your new kitties are very cute, love the dark nose.
Hi Viv- Missed ya, but you needed time! They are flippin' CUTE. They'll keep you plenty busy getting mischievous and being... well kittens. LOL Do they have to be so darn adorable at it too hahaha! I've been thinking of you and know you're doing okay- just taking time to heal- is all you can do!
{ H U G S } I'd love to see a needle felted Marmalade. He'd sit nicely with Jasper! :O)
Happy Creating with your bracelets or whatever you do create~ everything you touch is awesome!
Hugs my friend- and I can't wait to see your Annie too!!
yes yes..they are FREAKING CUTE!! love a great quiet nite home alone...when i GET CONTROL of the remote...lol...
raggedy ann swap???...oh missed that one! dang!
oh well...have a great day!!
Oh, my goodness, I want one. Two!
oooh, they are so cute! (almost as cute as the kittens at my house;))
and i just put up my give away, if you wanna come by and check it out- you know, make sure i did everything right, since it is my first give away and all;)
Good Lord...you have as much whirling around you as I do right now. I knew about Jasper ..but not Marmalade. I am so sorry. How ironic that you just adopted 2 new kitties though. they are there to soothe your heart!
Viv, these little dolls are so cute! They will help with your grieving process. Love your new banner!!
Your new kittens are so cute! And such exciting news about your etsy shop!! - can't wait to see what you are filling it with!
They are the sweetest babies. I know how lucky they are to have you for their Mommy. I have put out some hanging baskets also. Hope your week is wonderful..m.
You are right, so freakin' cute!
Ahhhhhhhh what precious little loves you have! Lucky duck!
I am so sorry about your sweet Marmalade, but so happy for you and your two freakin cute kitties!(~.~) They are so darling. We lost our orange kitty last summer and after seeing these pictures I am thinking it's about time for a new kitten. Can't wait to see your new projects! Have a wonderful day!
Hey girl, Your new babies are sooo cute!! Oh and Angels and Demons wasn't scary!! Have a great weekend!
Sandy xox
awww sha they are cuties!!! I am sooo sorry I didnt see your post on loosing your baby. I am so sorry hun.... I know it is hard. Enjoy the kittens I almost got one the other day but it had fleas to bad. Big mermaid hugs
awe, they look so adorable! I love cats, but the dear husband is allergic
Those kittens are really cute, but what are they doing to the flag !
So glad you are up and running with your computor, the battery fell off my laptop and the text has gone tiny
best wishes Ginny
Could I win one of these?
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