A little after work treat!
I went in the store to get some steaks and saw these little pecan tarts.. and they saw me too! then they said "we want to go to her house!!" and they jumped right into my cart! now me, being a nice person and all.. how could i let those nice little tartlets down? so I gave in and let them come home with me. Then, once we got here.. we had a little tea party.. just the little tartlets and I... we had such a lovely time!

Oh well.. yay! its friday.. but .. I am on call this weekend through next friday. so everyone pray and keep your fingers crossed for a very managable weekend. After all its mothers day weekend. Not only that, but theres a doll show in rochester tomorrow. I've been telling myself all week that I was going to skip it, but now I'm thinking I need to go. I want to find a cute little vintage doll dress for a sock monkey to wear. Im feeling the need to make another one!
Other then that I really have no plans.. I try not to plan anything for when I'm on call.

We're cooking steaks and these veggies on the grill tonight. I ordered a veggie grilling basket from pampered chef and just got it.. so we're going to try it out , the problem is , I cut up at least twice as much as what is going to fit in the basket! Doesnt it look good.. mushroom caps, grape tomatos, zuchinni, yellow squash, onions, and orange and red peppers. Here they are soaking in red pepper italian dressing! yummy!

I'll be finishing up a project tonight and will be sure to show you pictures tomorrow! You saw the start of the first part last post.. that part is finished.. but now theres a little surprise that goes with it. in fact I cant wait to get it done!

I'll be blog hopping in the morning.. see you all then!
Hi Girlie! -Long time no chat!! - things are moving double time here! - the countdown has begun - and so much to do... Hubby is working on a playroom/studio for me and the babes so I have been busy buying things for that - and trying to stockpile work so I have something to list when the babe comes. Your blog looks so yummy - it was nice to read and catch up
- Hugs (wishing you a NO-CALL weekend)
- B
Have you tried putting it in his wet food? Seems to work for my kitties now. Although not sure if Kiska would do it. Tuna or salmon is great.
Cut pics- can't wait to see the fun!
Great minds think alike.... We're having the same dinner.
I'm not sure whats for dessert yet. Pecan tartlets ala mode sounds delish.
I'm so sorry to hear about kitty.
I hope he's okay. I know how worrisome it can be when our little ones are sick.
Sweet wishes,
P.S. I mixed the meds in yogurt. My kitty is wise to the sneak it into the wet food trick.
Good luck,
Hello Viv!
Good Morning here and now my time is 9:34am i beg it its night time there.
Hope you get nice doll dress to your lovely sock monkey hehehehe!!!
Sock monkey image just pop out in my mind so funny can't forget the previous post of yours i guess.
poor kitty! and delicious food again!
Yum yum
Hey girl! Glad your headache is gone. The pressure from the rain always does that to me! Awww, I feel so bad for your cat too! I can't wait to see the final product of what you're stitching! I hope your kids spoil you for Mother's Day!
Sandy xxo
Those veggies look so tasty! Hope your week-end goes very smooth. Poor kitty.
your poor drooling cat... awww...
honestly viv, i can't remember anything else you wrote about after seeing that poor drippy kitty!
oh yeah, pecan tartlets.. i wish they'd jump into *my* cart;)
Have you tried crumbling up the prednisone and putting it in a tiny amount of his favorite wet food?
I want to come to dinner. Those vegs. look so good. I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day...m..
Lucky girl you won Danita's give away ..Congrats. julie
You are too funny! Love how the veggies look...I bet they tasted even better...oh and your poor kitty--I feel bad for him too!
happy MOTHER'S DAY!!!
...did you soak the veggies in the dressing? they looooook so yummy...
Poor kitty. It's so sad when our furry babies are sick.
Those veggies look great, and they will counteract the calories in those tasty tarts.
Enjoy the weekend. Susan
Happy Mothers DAY !!!
Oh let me know about the veggie grillin thing --I missed going to a party 2 weeks ago --saw it in catalogue and was thinking about getting one for my son and wife -- they do lots of grillin and vegggie stuff also - Oh by the way saw in the back of Somerset magazine -- There is a call for Dolls - made in the primitive style - hmmm think til November --Check it out- you have the talent _Kathy - ga
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