How freaken cute are these?? please let me intoduce francesca and figerow
(I honestly dont know how to spell either of those names.. ) but I will be calling them franny and figgy.. Oh my goodness I can hardly stand their cuteness..
franny pants is the first one, she is a siamese himalayan, born march 23rd and her little friend, figgy pudd'n pie is a sealpoint, a boy, born march 31st.
Jennifer and I went last night to look at them and found that they needed us to rescue them. The woman who was selling them lived in a nasty little dump! and had quite a few cats, though we only saw a few of them.. YOu definitely knew they were there. these kittens were a bit afraid of us and were not really wanting to come out of the room she was keeping them in. They really needed us to rescue them. But, I didnt bring them home yet.
We will pick them up sunday afternoon.. OMG I cant wait! but on the other hand.. I can because I'm going to have to put marmalade down this week. I cant stand the thought of that.
He is struggling to eat last night rob tried to get him to eat some chicken and he couldnt. I gave him some wet food this morning and he just licked at it. then I gave him a jar of baby food and though he ate two jars of it last night, he only ate about half a jar this morning. Other then his damn mouth, he really seems to be ok. He wants to sit on one of us all the time, and he's been sleeping on top of me every night. and PURRS all the time. but, he is not well and we know it. the drooling is gross and there is pink in it. so his mouth is raw and bleeding. Though he will not let me look. I've considered taking him to the vet so he can look, to see if there is anything we can do, but I know what the vet will tell me. Ive actually already called the vets office to see if he would come to the house to put him down as it will be so TRAUMATIC to take him out and I hate to think of the last minutes of his life to be filled with fear. anyways, I have to call them back this morning. Vicky the girl at the office, told me she thought they could work it out. the vets very busy, but he really is only about 8 minutes from here. I dont know.. then I wonder how much he will charge me to come here. I'm about broke after buying those two sweet peas!
well.. just wanted to share this picture ... now Ive got to get ready for work.
Work! Eiy yie yie! There are things going on there that I just dont want to deal with! really.... not good things... really... not good at all....
But, have a great day girls!! I'll just escape reality by thinking about little franny pants and figgy pudd'n pie all day!

VIv so sorry about your kitty you have given him a wonderful life of love -- and the little kitties so cute and what great names -- Kathy - ga
Ahhhh God bless Marmalade~ It is a very difficult thing to do to have a beloved pet put to sleep... but what an amazing unselfish thing to do to relieve the suffering. Such an oxymoron to relieve the pain-- we must take the pain in our hearts. *sigh*
On the flip side (there is always a flip side) I am delighted in your little rescues. What an adorable pair you've picked out. Years and years of kissing those little cherubs ahead!
Congrats on the new babies, and my heart goes out to sweet marmalade. May his little kitty soul rest sweetly in heaven.
Those babies are precious!!! I am glad they will be coming to live with you. Just darling and gorgeous eyes and coloring.
I am so sad about Marmalade. I hope the vet will come to your house. That would be so much better for the little one. You are doing the right thing, my friend.
About the job stuff, I really hope that whatever it is improves. It's really tough to deal with ongoing issues at work day after day.
You are such a strong and wonderful woman, Vivian. I really admire you.
Lots of love,
Franny & Figgy DAMN CUTE! You must be so looking forward for this coming weekend! Sad to hear you pity Marmalade...
Nite here!
Awwe Viv, sorry to hear about Marmalade. This just hasnt been a very happy season with your kitties but I can tell that Franny and Figgy will give you lots of love!
oh my.. deep breath... they are adorable!
but i'm so sorry about marmalade, dear. that would be great if the vet would come out to your house.. so much better for the poor kitty, and her poor mama♥
I am so sorry you are losing your beloved Marmalade. I hope your new furry babies will help to ease your pain.
I am so sorry. I know how hard this is for you. The little babies are so sweet.Hugs...m..
Viv, so sorry about Marmalade. Your new little kitties are adorable. I'll be thinking of you.
I'm sorry about Marmalade. It's so hard to lose a furry friend.
What adorable kitties! I want one! Or two!
It's Figaro.
Vivian, So sorry about Marmalade's health. You know, kitties purr when content, and when in pain.
You can give him some Rescue Remedy before the vet, to calm him down. They can't do kitty surgery? You probably wrote about that. Poor baby. There is Protocel for pets with cancer. But, it sounds like it's worse since Jasper.
Prayers to you and little Marmalade.xo Lydia
Viv, so sorry to hear about poor Marmalade. So sad. Have fun with you 2 new kitties.. They are adorable. I used to have a Siamese and he was gorgeous!! He did have a very strange meow that sounded like he was saying mom. Creeped alot of my friends out, ha ha!! Take lots of pictures of your new babies!!
How adorable ..but Viv the kitty on the right is seriously sending out vives that say "i can't believe she named me that!" ha ha... I know they will be well loved and will nurse your sore heart for doing what is right for your other kitty.
Ahh Viv, I so feel for you honey, but it will be the best thing, for old marmalade eh...but it is such a horrible thing as our pets are our life arent they! I am thinking of you chick...Ill be sending that little pressie over to you soon, to cheer you up...sorry things aren't good with your work, if things get too tough, tell them i'll be over to sort them out!!
Love and best wishes...thinking of you xx
Love Happy xx
My thoughts are with you. I know this is a hard decision to make and that you have had to do this not so long ago. I hope the vet can come to your house. I wish I had thought to have that done with Baby Milo. Hang in there, friend.
Thinking of you all... {hugs you & Marmalade). Bless you for knowing it's almost time- it's hard, but he had a great life with you Viv and hubby! He'll fly and keep Jasper company *winks*
Those kitties are adorable! They remind me of a kitty version of Jasper- those blue eyes! Glad you're rescuing them. Love the names- love the faces! Bless you all- {HUGS}
hugs, sorry about marmalade.
Your new kitties are adorable.
What sweet kittens for you to love. I am so sad to here about your Marmalade passing. We recently lost our 17 year old Dixie (Yorkie) It was the first time I ever saw my husband cry. On another note, If you have not read my blog since the beginning, you would not know that I have had a most incredible cast of characters come through my life due to my larger than life parents. Every single word is true but told in a story telling style. I'm Irish, I guess it can't be helped! Enjoy your kittens! Elizabeth
I'm so sorry to hear about little Marmalade! Your new babies are just adorable! What sweet faces they have!
Awww--honey, I'm so sorry about Marmalade, the poor dear. Hugs to you. I think it's really sweet that you are trying to get the vet to come to you,and I hope they don't overcharge for such a difficult thing.
Figgy and Frannie are absolutely adorable! OMG is right!!
Smiles, Karen
my prayers are with you all...for comfort in these times...
and big hugz to the new babies!!!
love those eyes!!! (my brother has a rottweiler/huskie with blue eyes..and is the gentlest soul ever...)
love and hugz
Viv~I came by to check on you and to thank you for stopping by. I sincerely look forward to your visits.
My kids are here for the weekend and we're enjoying the sunshine...finally it's starting to look like summer.
I was showing my son Marmalade's pictures. I shared a little of your kitties story with him. I told him how I was hoping your kitty would get better...I'm so sorry he's not doing well. I too look towards the future as my kitty (of the same age) gets older and shows the signs of her age. It is so wonderful to have our fur babies unconditional love. At times for me it's the only way I can get through a day having some kitty lovein'. You and Marmalade will be in my thoughts with hopes of comfort and peace for you both. The new additions to your family are so precious and are sure to bring you joy!
Sweet wishes,
Oh... I am so sorry about your kitty. I hope he did have to go through a tramatic vet trip. Those two kitties are adorable and the names just make me laugh :D Hope your having a wonderful holiday. Smiles, Jackie
It's so hard when our beloved pets are no longer there. They are such a part of the family and their antics bring such mirth. What joyous memories you must have of Marmalade. And those two little kittens.....adorable!
Franny Pants and Figgy Pudd n Pie are adorable. What cuties they are. Franny has the right name. hehehehe. I'm sure her and Figgy will have lots of fun and will love you. What a wonderful home they have.
Sorry about Marmalade. My heart goes out to you.
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