The girls at work think I could sell these. Maybe I'll make a couple more and put them away for when I start my etsy. I have 4 things ready to go on now. but I really dont want to start it until I have at least 10 things to post.

I finished my circus cart for Lisa Kettells circus cart swap! I wish I could show you. but I cant until my partner recieves it. I think I like how it turned out. But I havent had a chance to compare it to anyone elses yet.. It was fun to make.. different for me. Thats one of the things I like about blogging and swaps, You're always being challanged to try something different!

I also finished my Sweet Tweet swap items, and those are going into todays mail. so in a couple days I can post those pictures. That was a fun swap too. I had actually made something different for my partner and then found out that she like black toile and red gingham together, got an idea and made her something else!

I started cutting out my quilt pieces sunday at a friends house. 5 of us got to gether to work on quilting projects. the quilt is going to be so pretty when it ever gets done! I have to cut the rest of the pieces out tonight. Then hopefully this weekend I'll go back over to my friend Bambi and she can show me how to put it together. she is making the same quilt! (Hi Bambi!! ... she reads my blog!) shes way ahead of me now though!
Its american idol night .. we're down to the wire. I like both the final choices, though I think that Adam should be the winner. He is so awesome.. I have a feeling though, that he is probably pretty full of himself and I dont think that sweet Chris is. Well it doesnt matter who wins at this point.. Adam will make albums and so will Chris!
Im hoping to go look at siamese kittens tonight too.. right after work if Jennifers available to go.
Marmalades really not doing so well. His mouth is a mess. poor baby. I'm going to have to make a decision soon I think. so sad......
well off to work I go.
I'll try to get caught up with all your blogs later tonight after american idol!
have a great day!
LOVE YOUR GARDEN!!! poor marmalade...sending you a heap of hugz...and love...
hard to believe we are almost ready to put another season of idol to rest...
Wow Viv -- this is the type of gardening I could play in .
So beautiful -you get so much done -
Yep = am pulling for Adam !!!
Have a great day - Kathy -ga
Sweet Vivian,
My heart goes out to you and to Marmalade. I'm so sorry you both are having to go through that.
I LOVE your beautiful bracelet! And, I can't wait for your shop to open on etsy.
I agree with Kathy. Your creative output is so incredible. Go Vivian!
Oh, also, I can't wait to see your Circus Cart. I know it's got to be phenomenal.
Lots of love and hugs,
Your bracelet is gorgeous!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
OMG, Viv! That charm bracelet is totally delicious!! LOVE it!
Years ago (from childhood into adulthood) I had 2 cats, Pushok and Punkin Puss. When Punkin Puss suddenly passed away (Bad vet who didn't have us give no food or drinks for 12 hrs prior to putting him under to BATHE HIM-arghhh!!!!, and I was young in my twenties at that point),
well, Pushok lost his best buddy, although we didn't think that they were. Pushok went downhill from there. It was so hard to watch him go for 10 months, and then my dogs fought over the grave. Hard lessons at an early age.
Same kind of happened with my two dogs.
Their physical problems can be amplified when a fellow beloved pet is gone.Grieving is tough for us all. Good luck. Prayers for little Marmalade.xo
PS- LOve the bracelets:D
i adore this bracelet! too cute!
Poor Marmalade, but you don't want him to suffer any more. Your jewelry is beautiful.
Hey girl, Got the mula in the mail, thanks! Did you needle felt some of the flowers on your sweet bracelettes? I can't wait to see your cart. You are a swap Queen! I feel bad that Marmalade is suffering so much and that you have such a tough decision to make!
Viv! Vivaroni? How did I not know you were one in the same! When I clicked on your sweet comment, I gasped to see the charm bracelet I had just been admiring! I am just so happy to know you have a blog! Sorry, got to go and take a peek! Happy, happy! Elizabeth
Viv, I'm keeping you and Marmalade in my thoughts and prayers. I like the bracelets and the little felted pieces are beautiful. I'm pulling for Chris, but you are right, they both will do well in the future. Good luck with your Etsy. Take care, Susan.
Absolutely gorgeous! It's one thing to get busy buying trinket components and another entirely to make such a beautiful garden. I'm sure you'll do super well on Etsy. Suzy *smile*
So delightful! You must fast open Etsy store!
oh oh oh oh!! That looks like trinkets that a faerie would find among her flight! Shiny baubles, whimsicals and cutesy!! Those are DARLING Viv!!! I so want one *winks*
I'm so sorry about Marmalade... he probably knows his time is almost up- which explains the constant snuggles! He loves you and knows you love him too. I know it's hard. *sighs* Hugs to you all!!
I am totally green for your bracelet. Envy does not become me! So happy to be back. Can't believe you found me already! Im so happy to be back.
aka "LiBBy"
Oh No Viv! I am so very sorry. The second pet youve lost in a year. Keeping you in my prayers that your heart will heal and your mood will be lifted. What a blessing to have Fran n Figaro !!!
aka "LiBBy"
With the price of ornaments and crystal today, I believe it really cost a bundle for those bracelets. WOW!
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