its all quite WONDER FILLED!
We went to see Alice in Wonderland last night at the IMAX ! it was soo awesome! I feel bad for anyone who goes to see this and fails to realize the amazing talent and creativity that went into making it. It was really so good, that I need to go back to see it again. the 3 d effects were soo very cool, and johnny depp was so very johnny depp! I just loved it. YOu NEED to go out and see it and if you can, see it an an imax theatre, its like being right there!
Jenny, (be cheery) and her sister Missy met us there. We got there a little over an hour before it started. We got our tickets on line which was a good thing, because the shows were all sold out. And.. we were first in line! perfect, when they let us in, Jenny and I ran to the theatre so we could be sure to get the center of the back row! Jenny got there first.. that girl can move.. I lost her and didnt know where I was going.. the others took the elevator! some guy ran by me and I followed him.. cause I really didnt know where I was going! And.. we got the exact seats we wanted.. Thanks to Jenny!
there were 7 if us, my daughters, jen and beth and my sons girlfriend, Vanessa and another friend of ours Katie all went out to dinner first at Applebees, then we met jenny and Missy at the theater.
Hi Viv,
It's been a while since I commented, as I've been busy crafting, but I just had to say you have one of the most beautiful smiles I've seen in quite some time. Your daughters are beautiful, too, and they have the same smile.
That wool you, what gorgeous colors! I wish there were more fabric stores like their used to be in the old days. Now all we have is JoAnne's, Hobby Lobby and some of the Walmarts, but selections are nowhere near what they used to be. Thanks for sharing your adventure, and I'll have to see if my husband will take me to see Alice in Wonderland.
VIV __ what fun -- and GIRL __ YOU are looking AMAZING!!! so cute you are -- wowee!!
Looks like wonderful creating going on -- Need to get in gear and finish up some things myself -
Have a great day !!- KAthy - ga♥
As a lurker person, I hope this isn't rude. You look just GREAT!!!
For sure I need to go see this movie! You're the third person I've heard giving it rave reviews! Thanks for sharing. And I love your new wool colors! Wow!
I want to see that movie!
I can tell you are losing weight in your face. Darling, you look mahvelous! Very chic, chickie.
And those kitties are too, too cute.
backmiddle row -- yikes! That's my worst nightmare seat :) I can't see that far. I have to be near the front -- not front row, maybe row 5? But the movie was simply frabjous!(a blend of fair, fabulous and joyous!)
i made the mistake of showing those kitties to my oldest son...he wants me to drive to new york and get us one...LOL...they sure are sweet...and i would be tempted if i hadn't spent hours today, trying to get cat hair off of my upholstery...
Sounds like you had a good time at the movies! And crafting! And with kitties. I have envy as I've done none of those three things---YET! :)
Wasn't Alice the best thing since cream cheese? I went with my daughter inlaw. I want to go back just to see all the props now that I've seen the movie. Will be going with my girlfriend.The movie to see this year.We so have the same taste,Girlfriend! Hugs, Terri
Guess I will have to plan an Alice In Wonderland Girls Night Out too! How fun!
The kitties are too cute!
One thing I really love about you Viv is that you seem to work hard and love to play. I'm the same way. I can hardly wait for my weekend which is Sun and Mon. By Saturday morning I'm already celebrating the fun of a weekend. Somehow I manage to shut out work and just play. Just got back from the Palmer Wirf antique show in fun. Now...I have to make my bunny project, yes, indeed!
You look absolutely beautiful!!!! I am so glad you had a good time...m..
That looks like a fun night. You looks great!
I want to see that movie too!
I love to see your colorful working place. You are so creative.
The kitties are cute!
I've only heard good things about the movie, cant wait to see it. Also, cant wait to see what goodies your going to create.
Happy to hear the kitties are doing good, they are the cutest!
Have a wonderful week.
Hi Viv,
Thank you for your sweet comments on the loss of my diamond. It's wonderful to have friends who understand.
xo Cathy
Looks like a good time! You are looking really great! :) Come say hi.
I think it's great that you hang out with your son's girl! I guess Nat couldn't get a sitter for Scarlet? Looked like lots of fun!
Sandy xox
Super Cute photos of you girls Vivian! Im SO glad the movie is good! Im going to see it this weekend!!! Johnny Depp....yum!!! tee! hee!
I cant get over how big the kitties are getting! Can never see enough photos of those precious cuties! ;) XO,Jenn
They are soooooo cute, and the wool colors are gorgeous! I would want to play right away also:)
xo Lydia
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